Selco: The “Camping Trip” Is Ending and the REAL SHTF Is About to Start

Lately, I found myself less and less on social networks, forums…places where people sharing their thoughts and ideas about survival and the situation where we are now.

There are few reasons for that but the two main reasons are:

  1. I have a real life, and it is basically pretty rough because I already lived in a non-functional society before this Corona mayhem. When pandemic started it simply finished and functionality in it. So it is an everyday struggle with real life. Not too much time to sit and write something – sorry.
  2. It is frustrating, very frustrating, to see that most of the things are going in the direction that I’ve described, written, explained years ago, and for years, and I can not do anything other than to write an article here and there.


The “camping trip” stage ends there, and the new stage of SHTF starts.

In that new stage of SHTF, the rules are different, because “Jim the neighbor” will conclude too that he probably has only a few days left of food for his kids, so he need to look for other solution of acquiring goods.

The camping trip stage ends when your neighborhood finally understands that this is not a temporary event.  It is not ending in a week or two. Nobody is coming to help. They are on their own to look for resources. And in that game of “looking for resources” new rules usually apply, or more precisely – no rules.

Now, as I said every SHTF has a camping trip stage. Sometimes it is so short that you are not noticing it, and sometimes it can last for months. I think we in many regions in the world, or perhaps worldwide, are very close to the end of the “camping trip” stage. Since it is a worldwide event, and it has been and is increasingly complicated and influenced with many many other factors like political or racial tensions, or very hard immigrant issues, we cannot really predict how far will go that “I’ll look only out for myself” both on a national level and on your local community level. We don’t know how interaction between those two levels will work and what exactly will come from all of that, but we can clearly establish that we are moving to a new phase, beyond the ‘we’ll get through this together‘ stage.

Read the entire article here…

Think he’s probably right. And be careful, VERY CAREFUL, of who you trust. Think you can trust your half-back neighbors? How about those “guys” you trained with, but didn’t really know? How about your liberal brother-in-law?

My advice, and it’s worth exactly what you paid for it, is to trust no one. It’s simply my own philosophy. I wrote previously that eventually you’ll have to trust someone. You might. But not right now. When TSHTF, the only ones you MIGHT be able to trust are those that don’t need anything from you. And STFU about your guns, your preps, your bug-out location. As contrary as it seems, and as difficult as it may be, it probably is time to start becoming just a bit grey.

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3 years ago

I am still surprised at how easy it is for people to explain what supplies, ammunition, firearms and communications they have at their disposal. When I point out that they should not be telling me this, they say that they know I can be trusted. Even in cases where they have personally known me less than 1/2 hour.
I would never put a target on someone by relaying their information. It is not a question of trust but of need to know. Operational security should be your number one concern now that the camping trip is over.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Selco is the real deal. If anyone here hasn’t looked at his website or read some of his stories, you should. It is sobering as hell.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob


3 years ago

Maybe they are telling you in the hope that you will in turn tell them what you have and thay can join up with you when the time comes. Just a thought.
Also, I live in Michigan and many people I know (whether they are currently working or are presently unemployed) are still in this mindset of expecting things to return to normal some time in the near future.
Although strangely enough, many people who never had a gun before because they didn’t want to own a gun or have a gun in their house have now bought one -- or two, and in some cases even got the training required for, and are waiting the 3 -- 6 months for, their concealed carry permit.
People’s attitudes have shifted to where they have accepted the possibility of having to defend themselves or their family from violence, but not to where they see the total collapse and multi-ethnic Bosnia x Rwanda SHTF civil war stretching out for years possibility.
It won’t be real for most people until they can’t buy food and needed items or gas for their vehicles with their credit cards, their cell phones don’t work due to having their service shut off, and being evicted from their homes and out on the street.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wendy

Here is a real example. I have been giving speeches and presentations since 2008. In the past, I would ask people to raise their hands if they were prepping. Usually, half would raise their hand and I would explain operational security to them. At one presentation about ten years ago, there were about 60 people in the room. I changed tactics and said that I was going to ask a question but DO NOT RAISE YOUR HAND. People still raised their hand but not as many as usual.
“Be ready for the camping trip to end and the real trouble to begin.”

Last edited 3 years ago by DRenegade
SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Wendy

The masses are clueless that things are going to get worse.
Friday I was out for pizza, asked the bartender what’s going on next door in the empty store. she said a new young couple in town was opening a boutique clothing store. This tiny town has had a gazzilion stores come and go, nobody does their homework we have a short tourist season and then poverty hits for the next 7 months, nevermind our gov’t just jumped ship.
A friend thinks she’s getting a big home loan to build her log house, while she rents cabins to the tourists. Lack of tourists and income flow is the last thing on her mind. We had more tourists come thru on their way to Yellowstone last year due to the covid, it will be even better this year,(or until the money crashes which is impossible in their minds).
Most folks seem to think we’ll put up with biden for a short while and all is well again. They don’t understand we just had a coup. Goes right over their heads.

3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

WORD. Gruss Gott, mein freund. If anyone is following the ramping up of sportiness in the eastern Ukraine, they should be checking their stocks of potassium iodate, food, water, pet food, hygiene items, etc. The ignorant f@#&^*ing sheeple in this country still have NO BLEEPING CLUE! Right now, the focus here in Winterfell is whether Gonzaga, that Jesuit-Illuminati POS excuse of a “university” will beat Baylor. I hope the flash I see in the west is Bremerton and not Fairchild AFB. If it is Fairchild, I will have just enough time for a shot of good cognac and a Lucky Strike. Bleib ubrig.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago

I was a young Naval Sea Cadet in the late 60’s in Bremerton, we went out to Bangor a few times, Ground Zero for nuke strike.
And yes, the sports distraction has everyone occupied, they’re clueless of what’s going on in the world as long as their “heroes” keep throwing the monkeyball around.
Mass idiocy for fools.

Charley Waite
Charley Waite
3 years ago
Reply to  Wendy

We should be there now except for the eviction moratorium. When the government can’t and won’t bail people out will be the Great Awakening

3 years ago

The idiots on the Gab gun group, posting a pic of every new gun they get. The fbi and soros have big servers that save every post from that group. They can trace every post back to the idiot who posted pic. The mods of that group are likely feds setting everyone up.
Your first rule, don’t trust me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rainman

…one of my favorite movie lines: “I only trust two people, one of ’em is me; the other one isn’t you.”

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago

Some folks like to show off and brag, but most are just seeking validation……that they did the right thing, bought the right stuff.
Teaching them to shut up is another thing.

3 years ago

selco is a piker.
tfA-t is the real deal..
300 million just in the Fusa alone
you have been warned

3 years ago
Reply to  3/187th

Really? Enlighten me as to who tfA-t is?

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Troll from WRSA comment section.

Don’t feed em.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bob


3 years ago

One thing to consider doing is to get your PII off all the data brokers’ databases.
Visit for categories or for one single long list of privacy measures.
Browsers…it’s no longer a good idea to use Firefox. Use Brave or Tor Browser or whatever you think is best.
Use VeraCrypt whole-disk/disk container encryption.
Use Protonmail or Tutanota for e-mail.
Build a secure tablet.
Try Telegram, Wire, or Signal for IM, but never trust any networked electronic application with your life. As CA says, “Meatspace, baby!”
Use a password manager like Keepass or one of the development forks, or some other one.
Use metadata cleaners to remove metadata from image files like exiftool, ExifCleaner, or MAT2.
Try TAILS. Get the ISO and burn it to a USB drive, then boot from it
Check out the EFF list of How-TOs.

Charley Waite
Charley Waite
3 years ago
Reply to  Ultramaroon

Good post. Thank you

3 years ago

Unfortunately, even for those who are reasonably “Prepared”, it won’t be “Real” until the Lights go Out.

FWIW, “Selco” was in an Urban Environment, atypical of the vast majority of the U.S., though his comments on not really being able to ‘Trust Anyone’ are valuable to understand.

Interestingly, a number of people I Know, who know that I am ‘well equipped’ have been questioning Me of my opinion on things… two of them might be ‘useful’ in the Future, but so far, neither of them has been able to ‘disassociate themselves’ from the beast system.