Sen. Burr on Defunding Obamacare

There seems to be a schism within the Republican Party in the U.S. Senate. Lawmakers are taking sides as Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) leads the effort to defund “Obamacare.”

In fact, fellow GOP Sen. Richard Burr on Thursday called Lee’s plan the “dumbest idea I’ve ever heard of.” By Burr’s estimation, “as long as Barack Obama is president, the Affordable Care Act is going to be law.”

Burr lectured “some of these guys” in the Senate who he says “need to understand that if you shut down the federal government, you better have a specific reason to do it that’s achievable.” Listen below:


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NC Girl
NC Girl
11 years ago

I guess the dinner date that Sen. Burr had with Obama, McCain, Graham and other Repubcronies had together should have warned us. While Burr was wining and dining with O and company, Sen. Rand Paul was doing his historic drone filibuster on the Senate floor. Burr must be a cheap date.

11 years ago

“The dumbest idea I ever heard of …” is Burrs’ comment.

He did not receive my vote to pontificate fatalism.

He will not receive another.

11 years ago

Thanks, David, you got me to feel the “Burr under my saddle” once again.

Here’s what I just sent via his website in case anyone wants to copy / paste:

Senator Burr

Regarding your comments about Mike Lees’ plan to defund Obamacare:

I provided my support and my vote to your campaign precisely because I expected you to stop Obamacare BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

“The dumbest idea I ever heard of …” is your comment.

You did not receive my vote to pontificate fatalism.

You will not receive another vote from me unless you take immediate and personal action to block the implementation of Obamacare AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY.

You also said …if you shut down the federal government, you better have a specific reason to do it that’s achievable.

We have a specific reason: FedGov has been operating outside its lawful mandate (Article 1 Section 8) for far too long.

We have an achievable means: cut funding in the House and begin shutting FedGov down.

What part of “limited government” don’t you understand ?

Hans Mentha

STATISM and LIBERTY cannot coexist … one must perish.