Tag Archives: Burr

GOP Senator Burr (NC): I’d Vote For Bernie Sanders Over Ted Cruz

Republican senators are confronting an unsettling possibility: Sen. Ted Cruz, their least favorite colleague, stands within reach of becoming the party’s presidential nominee and standard-bearer. Worse than that, many GOP lawmakers and aides fear the Texas senator could ruin Republicans’ … Continue reading

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Sen. Burr on Defunding Obamacare

There seems to be a schism within the Republican Party in the U.S. Senate. Lawmakers are taking sides as Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) leads the effort to defund “Obamacare.” In fact, fellow GOP Sen. Richard Burr on Thursday called Lee’s … Continue reading

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Hoeven-Corker Border Security Amendment

U.S. Senator Burr’s Legislative Assistant for immigration policies just told NC LISTEN that Sen Burr is voting against Corker-Hoeven amendment AND the Gang of Eight S.744 legislation.   WONDERFUL ! TAKE ACTION:  Let’s continue to press U.S. Senator Kay Hagan to … Continue reading

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GOA drops 11 Senators grades

While the news media has been focusing on several Obama Administration scandals in recent weeks — and rightfully so — don’t for a minute think that efforts to pass gun control in the Senate have died down. The following Senators … Continue reading

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Republicans Bitten by the Hand that Fed Them

See additional comments on Tea Party Nation. The Senate Republicans who ate dinner with Obama are now complaining that nothing has been accomplished since they met. Maybe they should have been supporting Rand Paul who was filibustering against drones on … Continue reading

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Toomey-Manchin Amendment Fails the Senate

Richard Burr voted against this measure. Kay Hagan voted for this measure. The measure did not pass the Senate. McCain voted for this measure. David DeGerolamo

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GRNC Alert 4-15-13: Hagan Says Your Vote Doesn’t Matter

Hagan Says Your Vote Doesn’t Matter Sen. Kay Hagan vows support for universal gun registration! US Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC, GRNC-1) plans to vote for the Toomey-Manchin “compromise” amendment to S. 649 which will come up for a vote possibly … Continue reading

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GRNC Alert 4-14-13: Stop Toomey-Manchin Sellout NOW!

Stop Toomey-Manchin Sellout NOW! – Make calls to sellouts who voted for ‘universal gun registration’ – Show up at Sen. Burr’s district office to voice your displeasure DEMONSTRATION AT BURR’S OFFICE:  On Tuesday, April 16 at 10:00 AM, GRNC will be holding … Continue reading

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Will Obama’s Gun Control Strategy Be Effective?

Obama has embarked on a mission to pass gun control legislation. Just one month ago, the probability of any legislation was inconceivable. But then the progressive strategy that has been so successful in destroying our country took root in Colorado. … Continue reading

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GRNC Alert 4-12-13: Senators Hagan and Burr Stab NC Gun Owners in Back

Both Sen. Hagan and Burr joined to support the Obama/Biden/Feinstein gun ban Misguided US Senate gun control proposals could have been quickly killed during Thursday’s vote to proceed, if not for 13 “sell-out” Republicans who cut unknown deals with Harry … Continue reading

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Sen. Burr: CIA Has ‘Flatly Refused’ to Give Intel Committee Some Benghazi-Related Documents

Sen. Richard Burr, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said that the CIA has “flatly refused” to give some Benghazi-related documents to the committee, which is conducting an investigation of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on … Continue reading

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North Carolina’s Senators Vote to Send F-16s and Abrams Tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood

U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 113th Congress – 1st Session as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate Vote Summary Question: On the Motion to Table (Motion to Table Paul Amdt. No. 9 … Continue reading

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