Setting Up the Battlefield

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8 months ago

This is stupid on steroids.

tom finley
tom finley
8 months ago

90,000 dead men walking, about to get a bad understanding in life.

Roth Harbard
8 months ago

WWI and WWII were not enough? I grieve for the Fatherland of my ancestors.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
8 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Indeed. With at least half my family ancestry being German, it is shameful and disgusting to me to witness what has become of the German people. Admittedly, they’ve been ruined under a century (to include the Weimar era) of wall to wall panopticon psyop intended to demoralize and break them (and with great success, clearly) but even still, it is baffling and rage inducing to see it.

Apparently Germany isn’t done being an abuse bitch for the FUSA, which is goading them directly into their destruction. How it is that the entirety of all western leadership has become a hive mind of stupidly dangerous ideas is something I still struggle to grasp, even though I have an understanding of how that state of affairs was accomplished.

kal kal
kal kal
8 months ago
Reply to  Big Ruckus D

all of OTAN are the FUSA’s little bitches. With Germany though, it is the US’s way to maintain homogeny and USD dominance. The only real industrial base of the EU, deprive them of Germany and cripple the EU once more as we first did by destroying cheap energy to the EU.

Roth Harbard
8 months ago
Reply to  kal kal

FUSA plan for Europe since WWII? Keep the USA in, the Germans down and the Russians out.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
8 months ago
Reply to  kal kal

That’s all certainly true. With Germany, I just find it particularly offensive since it is my ancestral homeland. Well, just over 50% anyway, the rest of the family lineage being Irish, and don’t even get me started on how screwed up Ireland is.

Of course the Irish never had the reputation for industriousness, high intelligence and technical precision that the Germans once enjoyed, which makes the current state of Germany that much more pathetic by comparison.

8 months ago

Will they be able to have enough car wrecks, suicides, chopper and plane crashes, etc. etc. to cover up for the troops KIA ?

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
8 months ago

Once again both France and the UK are going to draw the USA into yet one more European war--like they did twice in the 20th Century. This is where it is heading FYI. And I believe it is going to come to a head towards the end of this summer--right before the elections. The globalists will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to prevent Trump from regaining the White House again and derailing their agenda--especially derail a potential president that this time will specifically go to war against them and their plans.

In fact, I think the goal is to be involved in a hot-war with Russia somewhere around this time--with both conventional and nuclear strikes on the USA. And the chaos and consternation will be their excuse to cancel the elections--and then subsequently open a window for the DC communists to start pulling the tyranny levers here in the USA.

France and the UK seem to be working under directions from the DC power-that-be, in that these countries need to be out in front (literally with troops) on this issue and not the USA. And when they provoke a greater conflict (either through false-flags/or direct engagement with the Russians) then Article 5 can be invoked (with the cheerleading of the usual MSM suspects here--like Hannity, Senator Boy-Butter-Graham, Mitt-the-twit-Romney and so on). And it will be too bad that a lot of conservatives here will fall for the ruse (yet once more) and march themselves and children off to fight in Europe again--when in fact the real enemies reside in the District of Columbia.