Should I Move? Do An Area Study: 11 MAY 22

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Roth Harbard
2 years ago

Should you move? My recommendation, for what it’s worth, is to be West of the Mississippi River and East of the Rocky Mountains and at least an hours drive from any big city. Less population. Less potential trouble. Also, read Joel Skousen’s book, Strategic Relocation. Skousen does a good job in giving the best areas in each state, even those on the East and West coasts for those who simply cannot leave those areas.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Good advise!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

We got Joel’s book in 2011. We bought a home in Cumberland County, Fairfield Glade, TN in 2013. We retired and moved there in 2015. There are many variables, age, work needs, family needs etc.

2 years ago

I am assuming you consider the possibility of war or the break down of society, making life difficult or even impossible. Given the state of the world and the direction it is going, is your area sustainable without the grid, or modern commerce? Additionally, is the culture one you want to stay in?

Living in Chicago during the Cubin missile crisis, I thought it prudent to relocate, I didn’t want to continue under the nuclear threat. Having spent time in NW Arkansas, I enjoyed the culture, weather, and the safety of the area, I never regretted it. These days, I won’t even travel out side of the state!

If your area is unsafe or unsustainable, or not culturally compatable, move now! It takes time to establish your self in a new community, more importantly it takes time to develop a sustainable homestead!

Fifty years after relocating, I am still working on sustainability and comfort, Just as important, I love the rural culture, courious enough, I found less racism here in Arkansas than Chicago. These days in Chicago, under the enlightened helm of Lizard Lightfoot, I am sure racisim and crime are all but irradicated!

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

NW Arkansas? Dang, you’re my neighbor! I’m in SW Missouri. Ain’t the Ozarks grand? I love being a hillbilly!

2 years ago

Some counties lack a certain demographic.
