Sickening and Disgusting

Will this get me reported to Kamala?

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I just posted 1 Corinthians 6:9 on twitter, maybe they will come to my door.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

good post.
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

2 years ago

Savage identified this years ago…Liberalism is a Mental Disease!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

How far we have fallen is the only thought that comes to me.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I meet with and talk to people all over the world…this “freak show” is how they perceive America. They ask: Is everyone in America now this way? Are these Trans and Gays now the majority of America? Every foreigner I meet asks the same question regardless of nationality: America was the last hope for freedom and we relied on you and now we see you can no longer protect us from the evil that was kept in checque all these years because you and your country are Now the Evil we so feared…how could you let this happen?

Last edited 2 years ago by OPM
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

Thanks OPM I have talked to a lot of people that have fled their country, just like what is happening now.

2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

I’m hearing the same lament, the shining torch is burning rather dimly, flickering in the winds.

2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

Wow! That’s deep and i couldn’t agree more.
Where was that “line” we were standing?? What a joke

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

How, apathy, fear and the plain disrespect for God.

2 years ago

Anathema sit,

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

You said, “Sickening and Disgusting.” I could not agree more. If morally degenerate, depraved and totally godless people are now typical of the majority of our leaders in our national government, then America is doomed. Indeed, If morally degenerate, depraved and totally godless people are now typical of the majority of our leaders throughout the West, then the entirety of Western civilization is doomed. Can there be a political solution for the problem of the enormous sin and godlessness that is now destroying America? I don’t think so. Only the greatest spiritual revival and turning back to God ever witnessed in the entire history of Christianity can save us now.

2 years ago


Thats a Sight to behold !

America is 1930’s Carnival Freak Show.
The bearded “broad” and the 4 headed goat girl.

Step right up here ladies and gentleman see the freaks !
You’ve never seen freaks lime these.
America’s Finest Freaks on Display

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Indeed …

2 years ago

utterly disgusting, is there no saving the Republic from depravity.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

The issue is that these same people are teaching our little children that this behavior is good and praiseworthy. It isn’t enough for the LBGQT community to be able to kiss or hold hands in public; or even go down to the courthouse and get married; they want a member of your family to be like them. They want to outrage “breeders” of any “religion”. There are politicians that I can no longer stand to look at because they make me physically sick. I can no longer look at these lost souls and not turn away. It is too much to ask that we should relinquish everything to lucifer.

2 years ago

Summary of the above in one word: ABOMINATION.

2 years ago

If you watch any movies and tv, this is how you would also think.
Its hard to even enjoy a show anymore. I hope Hollywood burns down daily

2 years ago

Not my country anymore. I don’t share it’s values

2 years ago

I think a compelling argument can be mounted to identify a feminist-homosexualist dialectic as fundamental doctrine to the assault foisted on us from the sinister (the left) (pun noted).
That philosophical ideology precipitates from Critical theory, following critical theology (theology so called). And further, the post WWII Frankfurt School[s] were informed [not only from false Christian doctrine, eg, Marxist Lutheran Brownshirts and their Roman counterparts, catholic Worker Priests*] but from green socialists, playwrights like George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950).
Shaw, for one example is infamous for the original “You’ll own nothing and be happy“, as echoed from WEP and the great reset globalists.
Marx and Freud largely informed the development of our current agony in their full throated assault on Hebrew and Christian theology.
*that false Christian movement of WWII religious theater migrated to South America and then North in the late 50s early ’60s in the form of [Marxist] Liberation Theology in the US.
Its racist iteration was expressed in Black Liberation Theology [Uncle Jeremiah Wright] and accompanied by the genesis of racist Islam in the US: Black Muslim [Eldrige Cleaver and Farrakhan] in the ’50s -60s US.
the praxis [eg, the Great Reset] is operationalized in today’s world from its anti-God ideology (philosophy), as very briefly described above.
The actual genesis of the thing finds itself in the Fall in the Garden..
[Alinsky: “Lucifer..”]

2 years ago
Reply to  nom

George Bernard Shaw

GB Shaw.png
Ed and Carolyn
Ed and Carolyn
2 years ago

Saw some of those “folks” yesterday. SCRIPTURE came to mind, “From these, turn away” and also the SCRIPTURE which admonishes us NOT TO PRAY for “this people for I will NOT hear you.” Jeremiah7:16 Actually, the whole book of Jeremiah helps clarify the evil currently running the world.

2 years ago

Welcome to The America of Perversion, no longer home of the free and the brave. We have lost our way a long time ago, starting with taking prayer out of school in the 60’s. From there the slide began, all by design. Freedom as with our founders, began with love of God and country. Where is that today?? We will pay the untimate price for allowing this perversion .

2 years ago

Why did you crop the photo? The photo can be found elsewhere that shows the legs of both them. I must say, that “Admiral” has a fetchin set of gams. Not.
The press secretary, an Affirmative Action replacement for Jen Psaki, and the transexual “Admiral” are simply having mental problems. The Admiral is pretending that he is a woman, and we are expected to pretend along with him. Yet, “the Emperor has no clothes.”

2 years ago

Welcome to the degenerate world of Biden, Obama, The Clintons, The Bushes, and the entire Demonrat party along with every one of there representatives, these two are sick minded perverted reprobates that disgust me along with that pedophile dirty flag they are touting. Lighting should strike the building and set it on fire so it can be cleansed from the filth and debauchery taken place there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago

Pride month is Romans 1:32 being lived out. Celebration of the Abomination! Pride: the sin that cast Lucifer out of heaven. see Leviticus 18:22. Remember the terrible fate of Sodom and Gomorrah! Looks like the USA and even the globe will incur God’s wrath as well, sooner rather than later. (I feel like it’s started already.)
REPENT & Be Saved!