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Citizen Corps Logo: Uniting Communities; Preparing the Nation.

FEMA Accepting Youth Preparedness Council Applications!

The application period for FEMA’s Youth Preparedness Council is now open!

FEMA is looking for youth leaders who are dedicated to public  service, who are making a difference in their communities, and who want to expand their impact as national advocates for youth disaster preparedness. Any individual between the ages of 12 and 17 who is engaged in individual and community preparedness, or who has experienced a disaster that has motivated him or her to make a positive difference in his or her community, may apply to serve on the Youth Preparedness Council.

Youth interested in applying to the Council must submit a completed application form and two (2) letters of recommendation. Specific information about completing and submitting the application and attachments can be found in the application instructions. All applications and supporting materials must be received no later than February 24, 2014, 11:59 p.m. EST in order to be eligible. New Youth Preparedness Council members will be announced in May 2014.


h/t Tom R

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