Simon Black: This is what armed revolution looks like

Ukraine Revolution

It’s almost exactly like that scene from V for Vendetta.

You know– the part in the end where swarms of people go up against the police with their sticks and Guy Fawkes masks…

That’s what’s happening in Ukraine right now. And with reason.

Societies, like individuals, have their own breaking points. Citizens can only tolerate so much abuse before enough of them take action. Sometimes that means meeting violence with violence.

I wonder where this line is in the West. Back in the Land of the Free, the government has taken every possible step it can to abuse citizens.

It has enriched banks at the people’s expense. It has robbed the masses of the purchasing power of their savings. It has destroyed liberties, indebted future generations, raised taxes, and regulated the most fundamental aspects of our lives.

All of this has been done shamelessly, unapologetically. For example, President Obama’s “solution” to the NSA spying debacle is to simply outsource the metadata storage to some unknown company.

Pathetically, this is what passes for liberty in the Land of the Free today.


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