Situational Awareness

What if Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is correct? The Dutch virologist said at the outset of the Covid-19 episode in 2020 that vaccinating the world in the midst of an epidemic was insane because it would train the virus to evolve more dangerously while disabling human immune systems.

     Last week he issued a warning that the world was within weeks of just such a new and deadly immune escape variant outbreak that would bring on a shocking wave of sickness and death among people who received multiple Covid-19 vaccinations. This would happen on top of an already accelerating rise in latent vaccine adverse reactions manifesting as aggressive cancers, blood disorders, cardiac injury, neurological disease, and much, much more.

     To this point in the Covid-19 story, Western Civ in general, and the USA in particular, have descended into an epic group psychosis as a result of the managed mind-fuckery induced by their own governments in collusion with a pharmaceutical industry metastasizing on money the way an aggressive cancer feeds on sugar in a human body. Fearful citizens swallowed all manner of unreality foisted on them by means of propaganda and censorship.

     We still don’t know for sure how, who, and why, exactly, Covid-19 was set loose on the world, and the public health agencies don’t want you to know. Perhaps the worst and most baldly dishonest act was the official suppression of effective treatments with common, safe, anti-virals that could have saved millions of lives. And all just to preserve the vaccine companies’ liability shield from the Emergency Use Authorization. In fact, governments are still militating against the sale and use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which could be taken prophylactically in anticipation of a new outbreak.


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1 year ago

**There is no such thing as a virus. There ARE pathogens. The DoD DARPA and their Big Pharma partners is busy creating toxins and genetically engineering pathogens:
**Germ Theory is also now up for grabs since the truth about medical research for the last 125 years comes out:

Hammers Thor
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Nope. Just because there are some people, possibly even a handful of moderately believable people out there that say so, does not make it true. Actual scientists, not just the ones who are paid by big pharma and big government know for a fact that there are potentially millions of viruses out there, and that we have the knowledge and apparatus to modify and engineer these viruses. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or simply does not know (or is unwilling to believe) the facts.

Quite frankly I’m about as tired of the “no such thing as a virus” argument as I am of the flat earth argument. Both use the same techniques to peddle their frauds. The earth looks flat (except of course from a high-flying aircraft or spacecraft), therefore it must be flat. You can’t see a virus (without extremely high-power magnification) therefore viruses don’t exist. And yes, I’ve seen the video linked above. It’s disingenuous and proves nothing. REAL science has to be tested and tested and tested, and you have to have controls, and so forth, and MAYBE then you can come up with a THEORY. A handful of people “proving” that germs and viruses aren’t the cause of disease, weighed against the millions of tests, studies, and evidence is abjectly meaningless. It’s propaganda, and any thinking individual must not only question the information, they must question the motivation of someone who would put this together.

It’s far, far easier to fool someone than convince them that they were fooled. If you are not willing to question your own assumptions and knowledge, no matter the subject, you are doing yourself and those around you a tragic disservice. Actual science REQUIRES people to question everything they know about a subject. Anything else is just propaganda. Personally, the only knowledge I do NOT question is my trust in God’s word. Everything else is on the table. I would hope that more people would have the same dedication to actual knowledge.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

60 Gigahertz since you’re in a scientific explanation mode how about explaining THIS statement of yours:

 9 days ago
 Reply to 60GigaHertz
Why worry about mere debt 60 Gigahertz since you keep telling us they can simply KILL all of us with pulsed 60 Gigahertz energy from cell towers and even our Wi-Fi routers?

See TINVOOT article previously, if you want to see his own words about this.

Your logic here is odd at best. Do you REALLY Believe in your 5G killing cell towers stuff or not
If they are going to kill us all by remote control, throw a switch, WHO CARES about debt or even preparing from Civil War 2.0?

Or are you here to demoralize patriots?

Non existent viruses, worried about debts of our nation.

HOW about an explanation about your claim of 60 Gigahertz murder machine?

Not the first nor second time I’ve asked you about this and you FAIL to REPLY.

1 year ago

This fall is the big surprise. Exactly what I’ve been hearing.

1 year ago

We still don’t know for sure how, who, and why, exactly, Covid-19 was set loose on the world, and the public health agencies don’t want you to know.”
In a pig’s eye we don’t.

Tragedy of the Commons

They are even calling CA a virus. I took my mother, who had CA, to
Duke for a biopsy. The doctor called her condition a virus.

1 year ago

Large untold numbers of health practitioners across the board do believe this. The argument does have weight. It’s actually exciting. The first advance in Cancer care in a very long time.
Do you remember when people went to Mexico for Laetril? ( may be mispelled)

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
1 year ago

It’s too late. Those who, for whatever reason, agreed eagerly or reluctantly to accept “medicine” from the “experts” for a non-lethal health condition will again line up for the next shot(s). They refuse to hear anything that contradicts their delusion and in reality, THEY will be the statistics predicted for the next seasonal flu. Dr. Vanden Bossche is right. In my opinion the next cold and flu season will be no worse than in the past but those who have been injected with the bioweapon will succumb in large numbers and the mainstream media will point to those death rates as reason to get the latest vaxx. Obviously no one wants to realize they are lemmings.

1 year ago
Reply to  Diva of Dance

Yes, I agree. When Covid was initiated by the MSN the flu just conveniently disappeared. Poof! Vaccines are a big moneymaker. RFK Jr. certainly can provide solid info on the lack of placebo safety trials on all vaccines including Covid.

1 year ago
Reply to  Diva of Dance

One minute he says it all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Yes, it’s important to post this video. I saw it this morning. I am closely following dear RFK Jr. 👏🎬🙏