Smith: Americans Have Reason Enough to Revolt ~ Time to Clean America’s House Again

“Freedom is a light for which many men have died in darkness” ~ author unknown, engraved on the side of the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Soldier

Our federal government and its institutions currently rest in the hands of anti-American communists and radicals, intent on destroying traditional America and transforming Her into something unrecognizable, foreign and vile, where U.S. citizens are no longer free to do anything other than obey. It’s a government that has been waging war against its citizens since day one, as it ruins America’s energy infrastructure and economy and destroys any semblance of border security, acting illegally every step of the way as if the Biden regime doesn’t have to abide by the will of the people.

But just where is the will of the American people? Why have they tolerated this miasmatic bullshit for so long, with so little outcry or outrage? They could take a lesson or two from the Irish it seems.

For all practical intents and purposes, the ruling class [Deep State] won the battle some few years ago, after 9/11 and then America’s massive economic collapse of 2008, when companies were deemed “too big to fail” and George Bush paved the way for Obama’s hard push left by saying that “we have to temporarily abandon free market principles to save the free market system”. And Obama never looked back as he expanded the National Security Agency’s power and set the stage for traitor Joe Biden’s weaponization of every federal agency against conservatives, Christians, MAGA folks or basically just anyone at all who opposes his anti-American, anti-God, anti-Liberty agenda.

No one in their right mind, or at least no freedom-loving American patriot, would ever abandon the principles of liberty and freedom in a delusional, misguided fit of misunderstanding to save liberty and freedom, for any other idiot out there. Only a moron or someone complicit in the plan to transform America into a total and complete authoritarian socialist state would ever do such a thing.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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tom finley
tom finley
9 months ago

And revolt we must and or die trying, no more mister nice guy, harden up and get ready to fight.

9 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

From our founding fathers:

9 months ago

But we must be reminded….sometimes Harshly and with Vulgarity to drive home the point. Whorelywood does get it right from time to time.

Stanley Goodspeed : I’ll do my best.
John Mason : Your “best”! Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

9 months ago

Reasons to revolt? Yes. What’s lacking is the balls.

9 months ago
Reply to  Dan

All it takes is 1-2% with testicular or ovarian fortitude to start! How BIG are your Testes and Ovaries?

Last edited 9 months ago by OPM
9 months ago

Good article. The author, however, is preaching to the choir. TPTB figured out a long time ago as long as the American Sheeple have their bread and circuses, they will not revolt. I watched the Seahawks-Forty-niners game on Thanksgiving Day. What a sick spectacle of waste. When adults care more about a bunch of tatted-up ‘roided-out millionaire mutants smashing into one another than what has really happened to their country, we are finished. H.L.Mencken nailed it: “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” Life is a vale of tears. Bleib ubrig.

kal kal
kal kal
9 months ago

Long read, but truthful. If we are to survive, it has reached the moment for us to employ that final box. We sit killing time, each moment the enemy become more solidly entrenched. Hollow words uttered by myself.