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These prissy little fairies cannot keep their mouths shut. That seems to be every O’Keefe video. What is he, the fag whisperer? Makes a strong case not to allow them in government on either side.
Big mike is waiting behind the curtain.
I’ve been saying this for years. Big Mike is next. The Kenyan gets his 4th? term and the sheople of society will eat it up, fe ale, black, trans, etc. It covers alot of the “woke” bases. Not that voting matters but this way the majority of people will smile when Big Mike is installed as next president.
Chelsea Clinton went with Kamala Harris for a white house meeting this morning, it’s possible Chelsea wants a chance at the title. I think it’s wonderful for two women to to hold both offices of president and vice. This way the democratic party can die off more quickly. Can you imagine two women holding all that power, it’s bad enough for to men and sometimes two men can’t get along.