Some Thoughts from Liberty’s Torch

Fran Porretto from Liberty’s Torch wrote a comment on my post:

Conditions for a “radical change” appear to be ripening, but in which direction remains unclear. The “ruling elite” was shocked into panic by the election of Donald Trump, and still further alarmed when he proved not to be the buffoon they expected. They mobilized their forces, called on all their allies, and succeeded in stealing a national election — and virtually the whole country knows it. But so far, that consciousness has failed to evoke the degree of righteous anger required for a pro-freedom rebellion, and the elite’s will to power remains firm. So the question remains what it has been up to now: What will it take?

Withholding your consent of the government may take many forms. I believe this government will lead us down the path of war in order to give them time to escape justice or completely subjugate the people.


Inflation Watch: The U.S. Has Spent $10 TRILLION in the Last 12 Months

“Their goal is to steal all of our wealth to gain complete control of our lives, our religious facilities and our children’s future.”

BLS Admits Huge Jump In Producer Prices In March

As regular people already know, the price of consumer goods, gas and food has skyrocketed.

Which coincides with:

Shortages Everywhere You Look

Even if you can afford to buy what you need, inventory is low and delivery times can be months.

Here is one example of an estimate to return to “normal”

According to the Wall Street Journal, it could take years until supply and demand are back in equilibrium:

The surplus of standing pine is such that growers, foresters and mill executives expect that even with mills sawing at capacity and new facilities coming online, it could be another decade, maybe two, before enough trees are felled to balance supply with demand.

So how can we fight back and withhold our consent?

Using or not using government services will not impact them. A good example is the USPS which is bankrupt, incompetent and basically worthless. It is a prime example of the government standard of not being held accountable for the quality of their “service”. The point is to direct our actions effectively.

I opened my business in 1986 and was contacted by the US Navy to do some work. The man who called was desperate as our type of service (AutoCAD drafting service bureaus) was very limited. He told me that if I was a minority owned business, the contract was mine. Being one quarter Spanish, I would qualify and receive a contract that would have eliminated the debt of opening a business and allow me to receive a steady paycheck. I declined: I wanted to get work based on merit and ability, not quotas made up by a government bureaucrat. I also committed that I would never do any federal work and I never have. A similar story happened which extended my commitment to never do any state government work.

Withholding work and products from the public sector is effective only if more businesses and people understand this simple concept. What will happen is that the government will spend more money and get less quality similar to the example of Francisco’s Mexican city project in Atlas Shrugged.

We also can expose the incompetence and waste by the government. This exposure has been ongoing for decades with little effect. The suppression of this information by the media and social media oligarchs is an effective barrier to getting out the truth. Even so, the impression of the competence of the government is low and going lower. Think about the armed camp that is our nation’s Capital.

There are examples of effective strategies outlined in Unintended Consequences and Molon Labe that the government fears. They are salivating for the White Supremacist event to crush the people who are against the coup and fraudulent pResident. Again think about Washington, D.C. Also think about the treatment of people who are sitting in jail for their participation in the “insurrection” who are really political prisoners.

I understand that the brotherhood of the thin blue line is a formidable barrier. I see signs of cracks in law enforcement’s perception of the federal government and its executive orders. We can “discuss” this with our family members and neighbors in this profession to have them consider their role in the destruction of the Republic. I personally would not waste any time discussing this with any member of a LE alphabet agency or the DOJ.

There are other methods to withhold consent that are more painful financially but the dollar is collapsing anyway. Taking your children out of public schools is one example. The schools funding will remain the same but teacher attrition will occur. How much is it worth for you not to have your children indoctrinated? Eliminating another generation of mind dumb robots will have an impact in the medium and long term.

I do not want to sugar coat the future: war is coming and the blood of patriots will water the tree of Liberty. How we act is how history will record our Sacred Honor.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Thank you, great read. I too am half spic, other than using it once to get out of bussing from my home school and friends i have never exploited that. Always just went gringo white on all data forms. Just didn’t feel right to get anything without merit.
In my area shortages on most everything. In my industry, 3 month delay on equipment orders.
I had dinner with some old friends last night. A counselor and a doctor. Counselor says she has never seen the amount of messed up kids bordering on suicide or self harm now that the lock downs have continued. Doctor, ER pediatrician, having a tough time finding work after a long physical rehab sabbatical (bad hip) He is being told that most places are letting docs go because no one is getting hurt because they don’t do anything, or no one is allowed due to lock downs, or people are scared to come in. Either way, doctors are having a hard time finding employment. I found that troubling.
I am in the camp of belief that this past year has been the effort to destroy us. Boil the frog.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Our time is running out, we are under communist control at this point. God help us to muster the courage to stand against the tyrants.

3 years ago

I am at a loss. It’s hard to believe that we as Americans are now really at war with out own gov. now the subject of a takeover. It’s terrifying. It’s us against the world it seems.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago

Excellent points, all of them. The political prisoners of the so-called “insurrection” at the capitol are exactly that, and they will be burned for their misbehavior, unless this point is made over and over. BLM and Antifa can burn down city blocks, barricade police in their stations and set them on fire, occupy state capitols, and nothing happens.
A few Patriots walk through our, OUR nation’s capitol, as the result of a riot perpetrated by Antifa, and they are locked in solitary, without bail, having the sh*t beaten out of them by DC jail guards. At least one man is now suffering recurrent seizures as a result. Not to mention the murder of Ashli Babbitt. This needs to be known everywhere, and these people need to be freed.

3 years ago

“…war is coming and the blood of patriots will water the tree of Liberty”. 
As will the blood of tyrants.