Something to Consider

Anyone who denies that there was fraud in the 2020 elections is lying. It is documented and by law, the Presidential election should have been vitiated. The government has threatened people who state this publicly and used this excuse to prosecute (at will) political prisoners trapped in the Fedsurrection.

Vivek Ramaswamy stated that the 2020 election was stolen during the 4th Republican debate. Since he stated it in a public forum with wide coverage, the government can not threaten, press charges or arrest anyone in the country without first arresting him.

David DeGerolamo

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Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
7 months ago

So-oooo, what are we the people going to do about it?? People continue to look the other way, people stop exercising the right to vote which gives the opposition legitimacy, people want someone else to stand tall and fix what they themselves don’t want to get involved in but profit from. It would seem al sharpton was correct, the ‘the chickens are coming home to roost’.
To all the patriots, Good luck and God bless and keep you. Some of the strong will survive!

7 months ago
Reply to  Optimus Prime

If in protest no one voted, it would certainly be interesting to see how that gets handled both by the candidates and the media.

Not voting en mass is a better showing. Do you wonder what their lying numbers would indicate?? I do.

7 months ago
Reply to  Optimus Prime

“people stop exercising the right to vote which gives the opposition legitimacy”. Im not the sharpest tool in the shed but if I truly believe the election process is corrupt and rigged why would I or should I waste my time voting? It’s illegitimate. That’s like going to the casino knowing the games are rigged but still playing. Why?
I’m not saying to just give up , I’m saying judt spend your time wisely. Do things that count.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
7 months ago

The nation has turned into a cemetery full of dead citizens. We are being occupied by illegal immigrants, and the care takers, the DC criminals, who harvest the pennies off of the eyes of the dead. A few of us are still alive and armed, ready for the leader who will redeem us from our faults.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
7 months ago

Remember Pearl Harbor!

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
7 months ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

Remember & understand, it is not the Japanese that are attacking our way of life in the present day.

7 months ago
Reply to  Optimus Prime

It’s the Same Types of people and organizations that had deciphered the Japanese naval and diplomatic codes/cables Prior to Dec 7.
(a limited view, I admit, but got to start somewhere. mop up the rinoRats next.)

General Buck Turgerson
General Buck Turgerson
7 months ago
Reply to  GenEarly

Pearl Harbor was the expected outcome to FDR’s interference in Japan’s import of oil and metals. FDR knew full well what the result of the embargoes would be--which would be the USA’s ticket into the European war. If you want an example of the ‘deep state’ in action--this is it in spades.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago

FDR was a communist/racist, and had it in for the Japanese, even Japanese American citizens. In a White House letter, he proposed putting the Japanese into “Concentration Camps”, this in 1936 far before the war and the Incident in China in 1937.

General Buck Turgerson
General Buck Turgerson
7 months ago
Reply to  Optimus Prime

Some people who live in the past don’t realize that the outcome at Pearl Harbor is about as relevant today as the outcome of the Battle of Tippecanoe. It’s history. In Japan you do not see a constant replay and rehash of old WWII documentaries as you see here in the state--they’ve forged ahead now without shame. And that’s why their cities resemble something out of a Star Trek movie--rather than our major cities which now resemble a dystopic sci-fi movie.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago

That is because the Japanese ignore that period of history. It is skipped over in their schools. When I go back yearly, my friends and contemporary family members are always wanting me to teach them about that period in history. Those that are aware, dismiss the subject, saying we don’t like to talk about it, or we don’t like that. They, not frequently, do show documentaries on the war, I’ve down three for the Tokyo Broadcasting System.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
7 months ago

Vivek Ramaswamy certainly “talks the talk” but will he “walk the walk” as the old saying goes?
Many claim to want to fight the deep state until they find out just how deep it truly is.

General Buck Turgerson
General Buck Turgerson
7 months ago

The only reason why Vivek is not polling higher than he is--is because he is not “Christian” --nor is he shamelessly catering and yammering to the Christian conservatives (as Bush II and others have). Vivek is a practicing Hindu who lights candles and incense to Vishnu and so forth. He is a breath of fresh air and speaks unashamedly to the truth, but he is not going anywhere near the White House soon.

7 months ago

If it was an Election instead of a SELECTION by the Deep State and power brokers MAYBE Vivek MIGHT get elected.

Probably in that case as Trumps VP. But lawfare is working overtime to keep Trump OFF THE BALLOTS so…

After all They SAID a Catholic Kennedy would never get elected.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago

I would add another feature, you decide.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago

many claim to want to fight deep state, yet they are it.

7 months ago

The Daytime or Nightime Soap Opera..
Enough Drama so ya tune in tomorrow, next week, next month…

me…I’m looking at the Obvious Low Income/Section 8/Most
likely… Illegal Invader Housing (this is a Very, white area. and WE ARE OVERDUE) they are nearing completion in my AO.

Time unfortunately… will tell if I am full of crap and covered in foil or correct.
And very very little info about it, other than the Extortion brought by the Town Politicians upon the Contractor, which he posted to Local Social Media.
And Damn his Greed for doing the work.

-How do I come to this conclusion-
The Location, the Lack of Parking and walking proximity to ALL Services.

7 months ago

The criminals running the government can do ANYTHING that want….with total impunity. Thy OWN every mechanism tasked with holding them accountable. The ONLY recourse we have left are extrajudicial and of the vigilante type.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago
Reply to  Dan

Here, here!

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
7 months ago

It’s all rather entertaining, but if voting really mattered, they wouldn’t let you do it

7 months ago

“Conservative” east Idaho “law enforcement” does NOTHING regarding illegal alliens. In fact, they shield them. The rich get richer.
illegal allien does a drive by almost killing several young girls. Luckily the powers that be in eastern Idaho can argue if the perp can be tried as an adult. The illegal alien aspect never hits the press. F IFPD

7 months ago

I got to be thinking this shit show is coming to a boil and close to boiling over. We will ALL know when the time comes. Until then prep and train and in shape.

7 months ago

ALL pathetic ….. Including trump …… Participating in fraudulent elections is a criminal act with consequences ….. THINK before you participate …..

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
7 months ago

Voting is bullshit. The 2nd amendment is America’s unique advantage and last road to freedom. The question is, will we use it as our forefathers did? One thing is certain: they have to disarm us before they can totally destroy America. Best be ready patriots, the time to put our ammo where our mouths are is drawing close.