
I am sorry but I will not be posting any personal opinions concerning the Trump indictments. The news cycle is saturated with talking heads expressing their views and theories on this issue.

I will continue to look at the issues and events that are being ignored by this misdirection:

  1. Banking sector warning: Barclays sees ‘second wave’ of deposit outflows coming. In other words, people are still taking money out of the banks and the bank runs will continue. This will expedite the government’s digital currency based on your ESG score.
  2. Nuclear weapons in Belarus. The probability of a nuclear war is increasing.
  3. North Korea tests new nuclear-capable underwater drone. A nuclear tsunami by this nation should be a high concern for everyone. One detonation would ignite a nuclear WWIII.
  4. Conflict in Syria Escalates Following Attack That Killed a U.S. Contractor. The United States is still fighting an illegal war in Syria.
  5. China And Brazil Strike Deal To Ditch The US Dollar. The end of the petrodollar will collapse our economy and wealth.

The above short list of what we should be focusing on does not include inflation, the corrupt government agencies, the new FBI headquarters, the statistics showing the vaccine deaths, disabilities and injuries, the Nord Stream coverup, the collapse of Ukraine or Joe Biden’s dementia.

Being quiet and watching allows us time to prepare for a bleak future. Putting my faith in the Lord is what I was directed to do. I believe the Lord will intervene against this evil and when He does, it will be a decisive strike. Will we wait? It gets harder every day to sit and be quiet.

David DeGerolamo

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

Things are happening quickly now. It’ll be tough keeping up with it all.

1 year ago

How much help did he give the J6 political prisoners?

1 year ago

Good decision.

1 year ago

Yep, I so agree with you Dave about the Trump indictment. It has nothing to do with me. Now, on the other hand, credit card interest rates are rising very quickly these days. That has a lot to do with me. And no one is talking about that one. It is highway robbery.

1 year ago

we are not commanded to act we are commanded to be ready to act

1 year ago

that “petro-dollar” is slowly sinking into the sunset, the hinge point was the Saudi’s. after straddling the fence, this move with China will likely convince other middle eastern countries to follow, if that occurs, then watch the cascade from there. we all better be putting back as much of everything as we can. This might be a tad bumpy.

Roth Harbard
1 year ago

With all due respect, Thomas Jefferson believed God to be a watchmaker. He created a watch/clock (a system/natural laws) and sat back to watch it run. My study and experience has led me to believe Jefferson was correct. If he was and I am, no one is coming to save us, and that includes God. It is up to us. I hope I’m wrong. I hope all your prayers are answered. I just don’t see it happening. Natural Law -- the strong will defeat the weak. Natural Law -- violence or the threat of violence solves everything.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Good to hear from you, Malachi.
i can not believe He just sat back and watched. Nor should we.
He already came to save us. He should be here within us.
Mashiak is the only way to overcome the natural state of man.
The Remnant will only remain because of ‘His’ intervention. This is the way i am led to see and believe.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

“violence or the threat of violence solves everything.”
When has it permanently solved anything?
Even the flood of Noah, how long did it take for man to go his own direction?