Spartacus Returns

On September 26, 2021, I posted the Spartacus letter in its entirety, because I thought it was too good to “disappear” in our daily news aggregator, Debt Rattle. This turned out to be a good decision, since the letter vanished from its original server soon afterward. But it was -and is- still here. Zero Hedge reposted my repost, and things went off from there, generating some 200,000 views here and 1.85 million at Zero Hedge. Plus who knows how many at other places.

The Spartacus collective -we now know they are indeed a group- returned a few days ago with an update letter, now on Substack. That is probably a safer place then their original Docdroid site, but I’ll repost this one as well. Nice to see they are aware of the Automatic Earth’s role in garnering attention for the first letter. My pleasure. You guys are very good.

Note: the original, COVID-19: A Web of Corruption, is here.


My name is Spartacus, and I ve had enough.

I am one of the authors of the Spartacus Letter, a document that took the world by storm in September of 2021.

To date, four versions of the letter have been published, and all four can be viewed here:

Spartacus Letter V1

Spartacus Letter V2

Spartacus Letter V3

Spartacus Letter V4

We shared this document with numerous news outlets and sent it directly to Dr. Robert Malone, who linked it on his Twitter account. From there, it was reposted on the Automatic Earth blog, and then, on ZeroHedge, where it garnered over a million hits.

It was quickly decried as misinformation both by freelance analysts on Twitter, and by fact-checkers:

Conspirador NorteOo @conspirator0

The “Spartacus” COVID disinfo document first appeared on docdroid(dot)com on Sept 24 2021. The first Twitter account to share it was a small Italian-language account, @number229401056. The second was @RWMaloneMD, whose tweet linking the letter was retweeted nearly 1000 times.

September 28th 202135 Retweets102 Likes

If you perform a Google search for the Spartacus Letter, Google s algorithm prioritizes one result above all others: a fact-check by Newswise debunking it, which, unsurprisingly, 77% of visitors to the page disagree with.

Is this the case? Could ICENI, with a fully-sourced document with over 600 citations that lays out an extensive argument regarding the nature and origins of COVID-19, have been intending to deliberately mislead the public, as our detractors state?

Perhaps we were not explicit enough.

SARS-CoV-2 is manmade. It was produced at the Wuhan Institute of Virology with US Government funding. It is the lynchpin of a plan by ruthless elites to take over the entire world. There is enough circumstantial evidence that, if taken together, implicates numerous government officials and scientists in this plot.

The people involved could be charged with crimes against humanity for their complicity in this, but if they were, it would bring the entire system crashing down around our ears simply due to the sheer number of the guilty and the loftiness of their offices.

There is no way to sugarcoat any of this. If people remain ignorant of the nature of COVID-19 and the events leading up to the present, then the petty tyrants stripping us of our civil liberties will win.

What follows will be something of a recapitulation of the Spartacus Letter, in great detail, with numerous hyperlinks and small blocks of quoted material and images within fair use limitations, for the sake of commentary and criticism of public figures.

What is COVID-19?

Read the Whole Article Here


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Studies confirm spike protein mRNA in COVID vaccines alters human DNA within hours after injection – The covid flue was used to get their kill shot approved, it was 99.97 percent survivable, the kill shot is not. To get the EO they had to stop use of Ivermectin and hydroxyleucine known cures. They are all guilty of mass genocide anyone who went along with this.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

We have to face the facts, their are no men left in America only girlie boys who cry at the drop of a hat, wanting to show how sensitive they are to any situation. The propaganda has been very effective, let us all look in the mirror, what do you see? We can’t do this we can’t do that, we just keep sucking on the big government tit.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

well tom, why are you on here and downing on others and not out there doing something. from what i see you are just as bad as the ones you are downing on. i am a 61 yr. old woman and i am more than ready to fight this so called government, but like you said yall men are nothing but a bunch of girls in mens bodys

2 years ago
Reply to  chop-chop

Frustration plays a large part of people reacting without thinking about the consequences. Operational security and critical thinking win wars.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  chop-chop

I am out doing something, age does not make a difference I am 71, their is no operational security that cannot be compromised, all cover is temporary. I did not say I was any better than anyone else, just keep prepping till the cows come if that makes you happy. By the way me and my wife were sitting on the front porch and a large military helo flew right over us, I also don’t think I am that important but I also don’t believe in accidents. we are ready and willing where I live, enough of the BS.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley