I’m no scientist and have no way to verify the following. It was posted on Telegram in The Nature Apothecary channel. Could be doom porn or could be legit, or somewhere in between. Take it for what it’s worth.
How do they extract all information from each person and all cells within each person? What do you need in order to accomplish this?
The breakdown of tools needed:
1) Each Person needs Quantum Dots
– MRNA Vaccine
• Nanotechnology (DARPA Hydrogel)
▪️Develops Quantum Dots
▪️Bonds You to AI
▪️Encapsulation Hydrogel Delivery
• Luciferase & Gene
▪️Replaces VMAT2 – God Gene
▪️Creates Bioluminescence
▪️NanoLuc: Brighter Luminescence
▪️LightSwitch Luciferase Assays
▪️Connects to Quantum Dots
▪️Tool Used When Replacing Genes
▪️2 Specific Trigger Methods
(John Hopkins)
◇ Remote Control Light Activation
◇ Vaccine Codependent Activation
– Barcoding & Live Cell Labeling
▪️Intracellular Labeling
▪️Cell Labeling & DNA Binding Dye
▪️Cell Barcoding
▪️Cell Nucleus Barcoding
▪️CellTag Indexing
▪️Single Molecule Tracking
▪️Single Molecule Labeling
▪️Labeling Strategies In Vivo
▪️Universal Cell Barcoding Platform
▪️Cell Identification Genomics
– Connects You to Quantum Networks
– Allows For Remote Control
▪️Neural Switches
▪️Cell Signaling Switches
▪️Quantum Dots & Cells
– Allows You to be Added to Blockchain
– Security to Protect Asset
2) Ability to Read the Information
– Method of Reading the Data
(CERN & Cambridge)
– Seemless Connection to each person
(Quantum Networks: Huawei, DARPA)
– Software Platform to View Information
– Devices to Read Information
– Quantum Data Processing (Cambridge)
– CERN & IBM Quantum Computing
3) Ability to Transfer Energy & Info
– Live Seemless Connection
(Quantum Networks: DARPA, Huawei)
– Sending the Info No Matter the Distance
– Types of Info that can be transferred
• Each Cells Location in Real Time
• Signaling Methods to Trigger
Programmed Responses
– Types of Energy Transfer Using Light
• (BRET) Bioluminescence Resonance
Energy Transfer (Luciferase)
• (FRET) Fluorescence Resonance
Energy Transfer
4) Storage of the Information
– Cloud Storage Systems
(Google, Rackspace, Huawei, Intel)
– Physical Storage (IBM)
– Virtual Machines (Intel)
– Digital ID – Ledger (Hyperledger)
5) Databases to Store the Info
– Large Databases (Rackspace, Oracle)
– Complex Algorithms – Queries (CERN)
– Security for Databases
6) Secure & Traceable Transactions
– Certificates (Digital Identifiers DID)
– Entanglement Based Cryptography
– Quantum Cryptography
– Quantum Cryptography & Quantum Dots
– Traceable Transactions Key Distributions
– Ultra high Distance Key Distributions
7) Software Needed
– Photonic Data Analytics (CERN, DARPA)
– Electronic-Photonic
Heterogeneous Integration (E-PHI) (PDF)
8) Hardware Needed
– Photonic Quantum Computers
– Photonic Chips
– In-Memory Computing (IBM)
– Photonic Memory Devices
– BioSenors & BioPhotonic Applications
– Biophotonic Sensors
9) Programs Involved
– DARPA Programs
▪️DARPA’s Microphysiological Systems (MPS)
▪️Electronic-Photonic Heterogeneous Integration (E-PHI)
▪️Quantum Sensors
– CERN Programs
10) General Information
– Biophotonics & Lab on a Chip
– Biophotonics
– Photonic Sensors
– Quantum Dots Spectrometer
– Photonic Quantum Information
From Kun. 🙌🏻🐸
Gee, would an emp on the world be the only thing to stop this? Don’t want to go back to horse and buggy and don’t want people to die from starvation, but this intrusion into our lives needs to stop.
It is the ONLY option; and the ability to carry it out is already in place. We have long passed the point of return and have no choice. The strongest among humanity will survive; as they always have throughout human history; as nature purges and resets the balance of things.
Fear porn
Agree,fear porn. Far cheaper to have most of us killed.
After all our Gov.com is paying for our replacements.
Celeste Solum Spoke on many of the items listed and how some of its real. She had to retire from Fema where she was a high ranking official in that rot gut Bureaucracy of which she written many procedures and rules on what was going to be done to the American people by these lunatics who are running our government and under the control of the WEF and U.N.; She has been harassed continually for exposing them and she had to relocate numerous times so there the agents would stop harassing her. You can read her reports and watch her videos on this precise subject. the short of this perversion is they want us all dead and cremated so they can set up their nirvana kingdom ruled by satan. These evil people have all become insane and raging with madness, and what do you normally do when a rabid dog attacks, YOU PUT IT DOWN.
My oh My, This world is learning more and more, except coming to the knowledge of the truth, In Christ Jesus
Christ is preeminent; we are made in God’s image; “in him all things hold together.”- Col.1:17 (research “laminin” molecule in cross shape) / Satan perverts all that God made & all that God loves. Satan is going so far as to actually change our molecular structure from within (mRNA). Remember, “we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers. authorities, and cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces in the heavenly places.” -- Eph. 6:12
Gen 5:3 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begat a son in his own likeness after his image; and called his name Seth :
And your solution, I suppose, is to let go and let God? Scripture contends we are not to resist the evil person, but turn the other cheek. I guess if one wished to follow such, they’d best hope there is a utopian afterlife, because this one will surely disappoint. At the risk of being somewhat sacrilegious, I suppose prayer is the answer? Just how does one go about fighting cosmic powers? Rulers and authorities I can fight, but cosmic powers? Satan isn’t changing our DNA. Men are. Flesh and blood men with addresses and vulnerabilities. I’m sorry, but in my opinion, too many Christians rely on waiting on a Savior and a heavenly afterlife rather than doing the heavy lifting required to make this present incarnation better. Not accusing you of this, Martha, only pointing out the obvious I’ve observed in so many others. As for me, when the time comes, I’d rather go down fighting than turn the other cheek. The authorities and rulers bleed just like we do.
Ah, another misuse of “turn the other cheek”. In Christ’s day, the most serious insult was an open-handed slap on the cheek. So what Christ was saying was that if someone insults you, so what? Let them insult you again.
However, if the open hand turns into a fist….
That is why Christ told his followers to sell their clothes and buy swords. If someone is out to do you grievous bodily harm Christ is/was perfectly okay with self-defense.
You are correct in that most Christians are praying for God to do something. He expects us to do the heavy lifting instead of sitting on our fourth point of contact waiting on a fictional evacuation (rapture). This is the over-riding reason that most “Christians” are worse that useless in the present fight.
Just sayin…
So very spot on
Modern Christians are overly tolerant.
But when they get past that it is Dresden.