Standoff at Nevada Ranch Drags On

Government helicopters circle the Bundy ranch / Cliven and Carol Bundy

A Nevada state senator is worried about the possibility of violence as the standoff between rancher Cliven Bundy’s family and heavily armed federal agents continued.

As previously reported by the Washington Free Beacon, an estimated 200 armed officials have surrounded the Bundy ranch, providing security for contractors to remove 908 cows designated by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as “trespass cattle.”

Carol Bundy told the Free Beacon on Wednesday afternoon that there had been “no incidents, yet.”

Nevada state Sen. Peter Goicoechea (R.) expressed concern that the federal government was exacerbating the problem.



I wonder how this event will be recorded in history? Will this be the shot fired which ignites the revolution to restore Liberty? We can dance all we want about the terminology but the government in Washington, D.C. is not the government of the people or the Constitution. I do know one thing: when it starts, the government knows that they only have one chance to maintain tyranny.

David DeGerolamo

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10 years ago

In the near future: Endangered Species- the individual American Farmer.

10 years ago

Just read that the BLM stands to bring in millions from fracking in the area…won’t the nature Nazis be pissed!

10 years ago

Let’s just say, this is the largest gathering of Militia’s in US History!