State Senator Accuses Republicans of Voter Fraud

Sen. Josh Stein accused Republican voters of casting fraudulent absentee ballots as shown in the video below. I encourage the people of North Carolina to call this senator at (919) 715-6400 to ask for a clarification of this statement.

Mr. Stein represents District 16 in Wake County and may be correct in the fact that we are not confronting another part of voter fraud: absentee ballots. Since our active military are fighting for our freedom in five different wars (not counting Pakistan), maybe our soldiers are casting Republican votes on their absentee ballots because they recognize the real threat to our freedom. While Mr. Stein thinks we are fighting “phantoms” with this legislation, I think we are fighting for the future of our state.


In a state where voter fraud is rampant, HB 351 is a necessary change in our voter requirements. I just wish this legislation had a different title than” Restore Confidence in Government”. The back room deals associated with this bill would make the Obama administration’s transparency policy proud.

David DeGerolamo

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Voter ID
Voter ID
13 years ago

I am required to show my ID for just about everything. Why should it not also be required that I prove who I am as well before I cast my vote. Sorry Senator Stein. I disagree, We NEED VOTER ID to reduce voter fraud!

13 years ago

Voter fraud is the reThug projection to distract focus on their antics in election fraud. Voter ID requirements prevent those who don’t drive, generally the elderly, poor people, and who for the most part vote Democratic, from casting their vote. When a person registers to vote, the election office issues a registry card or notification. That, or a piece of recently deliverable mail, should be the only thing necessary to present at the poll. My elderly mother never drove a day in her life and had no photo ID. She walked to the polling site to vote. Voting, she considered was her responsibility and a right as a citizen. We should be doing everything possible to encourage all of citizens to attend to their responsibility and right and a paper ballot system for accountability.