🇺🇸🇷🇺 Tucker Carlson praises Russia's 'cheap and fresh' groceries in Moscow. pic.twitter.com/J2o7zDh8Er
— BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) December 6, 2024
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Fastest missiles, real affordable food, balanced budgets, sure not 1992 !
Thx for the post Tucker….
Tuck simply HAS to know he’s only seeing what Putin and his henchmen want him to see.
Keep drinking the Kool-aid.
I think he’s gone waaaay past the Kool-Aid. He’s ventured into “Tang” country--the drink of Gemini astronauts.
Exactly ( see the Christmas tree in background?)
I did see the Christmas tree 🎄 .
Oh--that’s correct, huh? Putin authorized his ‘henchmen’ to go out and rig this department store at the last minute by stocking it to the brim, lowering all prices artificially and staging this for Tucker to tape.
And in reality Russian people are starving, shivering and huddling in their hovels freezing cold and starving for lack of food--in reality it’s as bad as North Korea, huh?!
Rolling my eyes like Don Rickles once again.
Question: are some people as dumb and gullible as Thexrayboy above?
Answer: YES
Ignorance often leads to intolerance. Thexrayboy seems to be suffering from the former and turning it into the latter.
Used to live there. It is not window dressing what Tucker presents, it’s a fact.
But I thought you know ” nothing, nothing!” 😉
Don’t be too quick to write off Tucker Carlson on what he is showing the American people. You see, I know a Russian woman who married an American Citizen, and she lives three houses down from me and we always speak to one another mostly on various topics and she is more American than some of the scum maggot anti American citizens here in our country and government. we discuss many issues one being how expensive our food and housing has become due to the democrats and rinos who have caused high inflation because of there out-of-control spending and theft of our tax dollars. She tells me the Russian people have all the food and conveniences we have here in the U.S., and with hardly any crime and theft. she speaks to her family in Moscow as well as other family members in different parts of Russia on a continued basis and none of her family members are struggling to feed their families. She tells me most Russians love Americans and want to get along with us. they pray a peace accord can be made between the two nations so the fighting and loss of life would cease. we must all be careful when we judge a situation that might not be as it seems especially thru the eyes of the communist Nazi lying legacy dinosaur media. at the end of this matter there are God elect even in Russia and around the entire globe. All gods people will come from every kindred, tongue, people on the planet.
Sundance, of The Conservative Treehouse, visited Russia last summer (in an unofficial capacity) and reported the same things you mentioned. We have been lied to!
You gotta watch this. Joe Pags exposes the legacy media’s wrap up smear against Pete Hegseth. He exposes their modis operendi, how they smear people without sources and shows you how to discern fake news when it’s done so you don’t get taken in by it. It’s the same BS that Tucker talks about. It’s all propaganda.
I’m with Phil1350 on this topic. I have been to Moscow for work, some years ago and it was part of my personal cultural enlightenment journey. Even back then the streets and neighborhoods were squeaky clean, the office furniture was indistinguishable from being inside a modern US city and the subways were awesome and clean, clean, clean. They were full of murals and statuary -- like walking through a museum. Travellers did not seem at all inclined to spray graffiti or mess stuff up. My boyfriend has a Russian American neighbor who tells the same story as Phil’s neighbor about Russian’s living the middle class lifestyle that a lot of Americans can only reminisce about. I’m using the comments on this page to physically take note of a few more names of folks who’s opinions should be discounted because of showing themselves to be blind haters that make assumptions and then run their mouths based on those assumptions. There are some pretty disgusting American politicians -- like Gavin Newsome with his homeless clear out before the Chinese official visit -- let’s not be like the Lefties and attribute to our enemies, what we ourselves act like.
Thank you. I am trying to weed out trolls and ignorance in the comments on this site. And egos.
I’ve noticed and I applaud you!
Bravo to you Mary and the Ignorance of many people lately are blissful with no understanding of the events that are unfolding. You are right we have no right to talk about another’s nations behaviors when we have the worse rotten ilk leadership just as bad and full of hateful vengeance against Christ’s People. There’s one thing I know for sure the Russians don’t murder their children when their women are giving birth and glorify it like these evil bastards do here in our nation. God will not be mocked, and this nations leadership and people are being judged, and the lost fools can’t see it.
We should start building the gallows, they all need to hang.
Right answer.
Did he honestly give us the whole picture? What do people make every week in american $$$???
Why is everyone on the bandwagon to Praise Russia?
Are you kidding? The Christmas tree seals the deal??? Wow, you can’t make this stuff up.
Follower, think a moment what the value of a 20-dollar bill is.
You cannot eat it; you cannot hide under it from the rain and so on.
Its VALUE is how many loaves or bread, eggs, gallons of gasoline and so on.
The PERCENTAGE of your daily wage it takes to feed you well, keep the lights on and pay for a home is the IMPORTANT thing.
Russians are doing far better than we are EVEN though they are NOT “EARNING” as much in Dollars.
THAT’s WHY so many folks retire to Mexico. Thier Social Security here is almost starvation and a daily choice between their medicine bill, their electric bill and paying taxes. In Mexico they are wealthy.
If they are not earning as much in dollars, it is relevant to the story. Do you see how simple that is?
People retire to mexico after they make their money HERE!
We need more fine americans such as this!!!!!!!!!!!
Commenter laments, “I’m using the comments on this page to physically take note of a few more names of folks who’s opinions should be discounted because of showing themselves to be blind haters that make assumptions and then run their mouths based on those assumptions.”
How easily we judge others based on comments on a gossip thread!
And yet we laugh at the Karens? You think things are not about to take a nasty turn?
Welcome to the surveillance state of 2024
we were warned.
We are admonished from many sides to do our own research and apply discernment. How to address ‘discernment’? I get information from many sources, including this site. I have systematically made my own list of people to disregard because they have shown themselves to be biased and who will speak when they have nothing really to contribute. Applying systematic analysis differentiates the gossip from thoughtful and knowledgeable opinion.
Rub kittys fur back words and you are a troll? This is the message i am picking up lately on Renegade. Could be everywhere i do not know.
Have a different opinion, a different view? Lets not explore, lets not expand, lets not discuss. we should lash out, label, dismiss and move on, alert authorities! Is this the message we received and shall proclaim?
What did you see in this thread that disturbed you so much? You specifically pointed to this thread.
Also i use discernment with each individual. Some we agree on certain things yet seem far apart on others. Some fight you no matter what you say or do even when you believe you should see eye to eye.
Sorry if i offended you but your statement causes me concern.
You should conduct yourself knowing that anytime you’re within 50 feet (probably more) of a smart phone, Alexis. Siri, your Newer Car and so on that you may be surveilled.
All men die, not all me truly live. Willian Wallace.
How about letting Mary and myself work through this? i did look back and commented on this one.
Well you are posting on a public forum.
I don’t see any “private conversation with Mary here “.
If you don’t want other folks posting on your comments then write that out.
But be prepared for laughter.
i was asking you for a courtesy.
Then post you want a private conversation on a public forum.
All men die, not all me truly live. Willian Wallace.
Excellent quote all though the movies left out some key information about this individual.
Exactly, because they live in constant fear. And we both know that we should not live this way.
Thomas Jefferson “Fear something, you give it power over you.
Which way has the world and satan been leading those oblivious to this fact?
TC, as usual, is providing a cross-section of a different country, a place where we cannot easily verify his findings, though I cannot recall a single instance wherein TC had misled anyone. He is a truth-teller and we are lucky to be able to benefit from his expertise.
Believing, even for a nanosecond, that Russian agents staged a multilevel “faux grocery/department store experience” for TC so as to mislead everyone is a bit of a stretch, no?
I hear that Costco has a sale on bulk tin foil today! Add a few more layers to your pate right now, if you believe that TC was taken in.
Chant, “Russia, Russia, Russia,” for the full effect.
“Believing, even for a nanosecond, that Russian agents staged a multilevel “faux grocery/department store experience” for TC so as to mislead everyone…”
People who think this way are living back in the 70’s and 80’s and cannot get their heads out of a cold-war, Soviet era mindset. In short, people like this are walking fossils.
Reading World History beginning from the end of WWII and throughout the Cold War--righ up to present day--I ask myself (for the thousandth time) why our nation is always diametrically opposed to Russia. We are such similar peoples, deriving from common ancestors (Visigoths, for the most part); am I naive to believe that we have been manipulated since--forever?
Post WWII America needed an enemy; what good are all those nukes, spy agencies and intel-gathering devices if not to eavesdrop on those evil “Goldfinger” boogymen?
“The Great Game” is the Frederick Forsyth/John Lecarre-type of “Spy vs. Spy” chess match between The West and Mother Russia.
Imagine the dollars & rubles saved were we to have worked with each other rather than believing all of the hype?
“Russia, Russia, Russia!”
Right now, some of you reading this post are wondering if I am working for the other side……..
“Right now, some of you reading this post are wondering if I am working for the other side…”
Not at all.
‘evil’ is the common problem on all fronts. People all around this world can get along if they choose to do so. Greed, Pride etc. seems to take over and run amuck.
Somehow evil seems to rise to the top and many of us have allowed it in, at first by small ways, thinking that the little things did not matter. Well the little things do matter. They add up. Before you know it a Beast has been created and rolls over the people and all that is truly good.