
Yesterday morning I was denied access to NCRenegade at 7:00 AM. I know the time because I just posted an article and went to respond to a comment when I was locked out of my Blue Ridge EMC fiber optic network. I disabled WIFI on my cell phone and was able to see the site. At least this narrowed down our options to pursue to get our system back up. is our hosting site and a technician there said that someone had blocked our IP on their servers. He removed the block and all was well. Good fodder for conspiracy theorists.

I was reviewing comments just now and came across one from Tom Finley stating that theory’s (sic) are that is a Communist site or some other pejorative term. I hit reply and the comment went to trash. I went to trash and hit restore and it was permanently deleted. I went to my email to retrieve the content from my notification and it too was gone.

It is possible that Tom deleted it just as I went to reply but that would not account for the email also being deleted. Good fodder for conspiracy theorists.

Two points:

  1. True Communism is a great system. The truth is that true Communism has never been implemented in any country. The second truth is that true Communism will never work as intended because of man’s nature. Here is a good example:

The concept of Public Virtue that was the key for founding our country has been eradicated. As Thomas Jefferson told us:

Thomas Jefferson's Metaphor About the Tree of Liberty ...

The reason for this refreshment of Liberty is due to man’s nature. If we do not refresh Liberty, we suffer the consequences of tyranny as we are now. Unfortunately, most people still think that they can vote more harder to regain Liberty. This is not based on logical, critical thinking but it is based on fear.

2. This site is not sponsored financially by anyone other than me. I sometimes think about asking for donations but the Lord has blessed me and this is one of many ways for me to pass it forward.

If anyone chooses to believe in such theories to denigrate this site, go ahead. It is probably as effective to regaining Liberty as writing comments degrading others.

It seems that this is a déjà vu moment for me but it feels strange. I do not know how much longer this site (or other patriot sites) will be available. This site gets cyber attacks every day and one day they may succeed. Temporarily.

Good luck to all of us as the dark times we knew would come are now here. As for me, I hope to be using our latest acquisition shortly:

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

David -- -- we, your site followers, appreciate ALL that you do to get the truth out and exhort the group into action.

Please know that you are respected and admired for your dedication to the welfare of ALL of us.

2 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Ditto! Your efforts are very well appreciated!

2 years ago

Hey David -- nice addition to your tool kit.

Will you be making custom “shoes” for the political class ?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David if you can look at my recent comment about what happened thank you.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David I want to thank you for all the personal expense and trouble you have and are going through, being attacked from all sides. NCRenegade is one of the few getting the truth out and towing the line.

2 years ago

gonna be tumbling some brass?

MsRhuby Star-Diamond
MsRhuby Star-Diamond
2 years ago

Maybe God is trying to tell us to call on Him…no maybe about it!

ron martin
ron martin
2 years ago

David, we share the same EMC. Used to know Nelson Daves who chaired Blue Ridge EMC before he passed. They are now run by big spenders (our money). I think we have a mutual friend, Alan Kaye who we’ve always known as Dalton long before he won Alone. Met him at my book signing in 2010. Hang in. We’re not alone.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I have never said this site was a communist site or anything like that. I guess I will be banned from this site if that is allowed to stand. I hope you can find that deleted comment because it was not me.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Thank you.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Whatever you decide David, I will comply with your decision, the damage has been to you as well as me God bless.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

David the comment you are talking about I think I have it was sent to me as comment approved. I was discussing another site someone asked me about, that site is I was saying people have thought it was CIA or communist run, nothing to do with NCRenegade.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I have worked in IT for 21 years (system admin and developing). Some of that time was at a telecom company. I will tell you nothing is safe on line. There is a backdoor into everything. If there isn’t they have been given unlimited access. All the smart devices have the ability to listen (phone, tablets, PC, fridge, etc…). All sites and services are compromised (do your gab, wired, zello or whatever and believe your safe). All internet is monitored and analyzed. This is done by private companies that sell the data to whoever will pay for it.

Think about this the next time you say things that might be construed as seditious. Also think about ways to communicate outside the boundaries you placed yourself because you use the internet (yes all phone calls travel over the internet, even you old rotary dial phone). Think FT8, JSCall, one time pad, etc…

As far as fake emails and postings. It is not all that hard if you have access to WordPress. That are all just database entries with an API to insert them there. I can see this happening.

As far as the blocked IP. Not that hard either if you have access.

Just something to think about. If they wanted someone out of the way, It would not be all that hard to browser the internet on sites that get you put in jail. Then come to your house with a warrant to search that device. They can unlock your iPhone whenever they want, do not think they cannot remote control it also (same goes for PCs and such). The time is pretty much here where the internet should be looked at as a tool the enemy has and is using.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Thanks for your info, I realize no comms are safe this is the world we live in. Before I retired out of my chosen field hvac/r everything had gone digital, we installed quite a few EMS systems, that is energy management systems in commercial and industrial facility’s. Quite an advancement from the old analog controls, I still prefer the old to the new.

Mark Harrison
Mark Harrison
2 years ago

I enjoy reading and watching the video’s posted here. I think for myself when I read or watch or listen to someone. The first and most important check for me anyway, is does it make any sense! The second is what is the character of the person/s talking. I pray that you continue this site. I forward many things from here because I seek TRUTH! Thank you again for going the distance and then some! A fellow AMERICAN!

Michael Hayes
Michael Hayes
2 years ago

You are a light in the darkness, read you all the time. We as Patriots must come together to fight this blite that is consuming our great land. May we be victorious in this fight for our sack and our children’s future.