Sunday Exercise

There are some very important factors in play which are impacting our future very quickly. I will present two links for your review. The Revolver article is lengthy but I hope that people read both links. I want you to read the Gateway Pundit link first:

Then read the Revolver article:

FTX on Steroids: Is “Tether” the Biden World’s Crypto BCCI? – Revolver News

These articles are information. Take the information and turn it into intelligence. Consider the following points on how this will impact:

  1. The economy and stock market.
  2. All crypto currencies
  3. The conversion of the petrodollar to digital currency without having any faith or credit by other countries.
  4. The impact on the Deep State as this massive money laundering operation and its funding of voter fraud is released.
  5. The war in Ukraine.

This story will not go away or be buried. I want you to write a cogent analysis in the comments section based on your intelligence assessment. Intelligence drives the battlefield and this is an good exercise to start organizing what we need to be doing.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

I have said it before, but is worth repeating; none of this is possible without fiat funny money. The ability to create “money” out of thin air is the outstanding problem of our so called government. Honest money, gold and silver, would prevent most of the corruption we now see. Crypto’s merely carry this fraud to a higher level.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The tentacles of this fraud reach into every part of this criminal empire they call democracy. The fake propaganda press got their taste as well, we the people are already in a six-foot hole, waiting for them to shovel in the dirt on top of us. It is a worldwide scheme, just look at Brazil, the cia was their before and after elections. Can you name two or three governments that have resisted? They do not care if they have been exposed, the only thing that will stop them is us, and that involves VIOLENCE and a lot of it. Organize like your life depends on it, because it does.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Forgot to add, some of the top banks are running the digital dollar test, you will not be able to buy or sell, sound familiar.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

war on everything -- by el gato malo -- bad cattitude Here is a very good synopsis on the whole enchilada.

2 years ago

(IF) there were a legitimate crypto let’s say (bitcoin) it would need to be backed by a tangible commodity like gold for example. Otherwise it is less legit of a fiat than say the USD. Again as an example let’s say bitcoin is or was intended to be a legitimate digital alternative to USD. This digital vehicle would be a threat to the USD and the future global CBDC, unless bitcoin was a test balloon by TPTB all along. If it were intended to gain global confidence in a digital currency it just failed miserably while being used to collapse the the world reserve and other national currencies making it a tool to usher in an (global?) alternative or destroying such a possibility altogether.

Yes, my logic are contradictory.

At the very least this doesn’t bode well for future 401k’s, pensions or s.s.

The future will be in barter and tangible assets in your possession that you are able to protect. We all knew this day was coming, it’s just getting more real.


2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Tangible assets:
Personal relationship and faith in Christ.
Family and friends.
Fresh crops.
Stored food.
Trade skills.
Fluid problem solving abilities.

3rd world (Drug) Cartels will be experienced warlords.


tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Yes Dana, I think crypto was a test run for the digital wallet.

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 years ago

It seems simple to me. Put your crypto/paper/metals into tangible assets you own and hold in your hands. Be humble and ask God how you can help others if you have plenty. Find the right hill to die on. The failed state of America is not that hill. Your family/friends should be that hill. Serving God and His Son Jesus should most definitely be that hill.
What I gathered from the two articles is that satan uses many snares to entice and capture souls. The promises of power, wealth, and influence are fleeting ventures that take everything from you, leaving nothing but a dried up husk in return.
I’m so glad to be a poor Kansas man with almost nothing to my name but joy in my heart, and salvation of my soul.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

“Find the right hill to die on. The failed state of America is not that hill.”
If many agree then you are indeed correct in saying America is a failure.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

I want you to write a cogent analysis in the comments section based on your intelligence assessment.” Intelligence drives the battlefield and this is an good exercise to start organizing what we need to be doing.
The Pyramid is collapsing. Prepare for fall out.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I can’t give a cogent analysis or intelligence assessment as I am at a loss to even understand how these scams (or seeming scams) actually operate. I do not own any crypto. I do not understand how they work, what they’re based on, how they’re generated, etc.
Best I can do is say that if you DO understand how all this went down, you should be emulating it by creating your own fake crypto exchange in order to fund any “other” endeavors to the tune of $Billions.
Fighting takes money. Lots and lots of money. And if you don’t have real money, then fake money will have to do.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Kiss seems to be the best all round approach.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

A few years ago had the strong overwhelming understanding we (this nation) had moved well past the point of return.

2 years ago

This Crypto-Money thing, is quite honestly WAY, beyond my pay grade.
((I) just know,) it Stinks like a rotting corpse…to me anyway.
I know that smell well. On that account, I shant be fooled.
Corpse’s are petri dish‘s for Disease and more Death.

CANADA and the Truckers taught me something..
For Once…I learned quickly.
I see Brazil adopted the Practice of the illegitimate child tyrant of Castro and his slut mother. Canadian Tyrant trudeau.
I realize merca has frozen accts of it’s citizens, usually “crime” related and too the best of my knowledge never Enmasse (educate me folks if I am wrong or missing something)

“3rd world (Drug) Cartels will be experienced warlords.”

Not a slight at you Dana.
Just My Opinion, Respectfully posted.

3rd world (Drug) Cartels ARE experienced warlords.


I am taking Davids request seriously and will attempt it (for myself.)
I am not a Highly Educated man and would rather be Thought a Fool than to Confirm.
It’s not a ego thing, I just know (MY) limits Intellectually.
That said, if ya need something Destroyed…..I’m your guy😂.

I stop here, WRSA, American Partisian, BCE and a number of other places is to Learn alittle something and Break my “self validating” circular thinking.

I am surrounded by Sheep whom don’t want to be angry, so they Ostrich themselves and move on.
I get it. It’s a form of Self Protection…but fleeting, imo.
That honestly hurts more than what these SOB’s are doing.
I assume I am expressing incorrectly.

Well, enough wind from me.
Glass is raised to you and All.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Agreed, no offense taken. I meant they WILL be a much larger threat locally in the near future.


2 years ago

To be somewhat protected with metals before the dollar collapses and the corrupted feds try switching over to digital dollars which they will because they have no choice due to them bankrupting the entire system thru fraud, deceit and corruption, and even this will not help them one bit. you must have actual holdings in Silver and Gold to be safe. With Silver you need to reach between 1% -5% of actual silver holdings to be safe Worldwide, which translates to about 245- 270 ounces to reach those percentages which takes you into those range spreads of all the world’s population, but even if you are under this percentage, you will survive. Gold holdings you purchase what you can afford unless you are wealthy. They will try to force everyone into the beast system so they can steal your hard-earned money and track all of purchases. under there satanic system they will be able to cut your funds off if you don’t agree with them politically in their debased reprobated perverted system.

2 years ago
Reply to  Philip

I’m not a gold and silver person. Can’t eat it. How do you determine value for trade? What happens when you snip a piece off and weigh it? Spend your money on what you can hold to eat, barter or live on or in. Skill sets. Community. God and Christ. Be prepared to die. No one lives forever.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Have never understood the backed with gold thing. This gives whomever total control.
Backed by people seems more useful. Paper money we all agree to exchange for goods and services for. An agreed upon medium. They have showed us this works over the last few years, we just need to cut the banks out of the middle. Stop incurring debt and live within our means.
Would this not cut their control of the system out from under them? Perhaps stopping debt and buying things we do not NEED would also come to a stop.
To simple i suppose.

Tragedy of the Commons

This bunch of incompetents seemed to operate on the old slogan,
‘If it feels good, do it’ No responsibility, no maturity, narcissistic, drugs.
Tucker called it a ponzi scheme. There wasn’t even an accounting dept.
Just one big party behind the scenes posturing a fraud. And they all
fall down, I hope.

2 years ago

seems like no one is taking you up on your ‘assignment’
1. the economy & stock market -- see below, selling other assets to cover shortfalls
+ institutions losing their investments = stock prices dropping, layoffs, etc
(what does it mean for the Ontario Teachers Pension Fund, which lost $32BILLION?) = risk for pension fulfillments
ACTION: 2)get real assets while you still can 1) get out of debt if you can
2. all cryptos -- people losing their shirt via FTX will sell other assets to try to make up the shortfall, ie. all other cryptos they may hold
+ ‘faith in the system’ will be dropping & many will pull out while they can
+ newsitems: many BTC holders are moving their BTC off exchanges into their own storage; ETH is tanking because the post-bankruptcy burglar of FTX is trying to sell his loot
all this = cryptos in general going much farther down = more ‘wealth’ destruction
+ people are ‘starting’ to question Tether (connected to FTX too!), which is kind of the standard intermediary for most crypto transactions = if Tether collapses, the whole system goes down
ACTION: get out while you can
3. petrodollar to digital w/o international faith -- US will have CBDC’s, other countries will use their own exchange mechanisms = no more imports
ACTION: get stuff you need with FRN’s (Federal Reserve Notes = US$) while you still can
4. impact on Deep State -- who knows? more and more scandalous revelations will surface, but will any justice agencies follow through?
ACTION: don’t expect any justice from the corrupt system, do all the above-noted actions!
5. Ukraine -- apparently FTX/the Demonrats were laundering $ through Ukraine (surprise!) & with FTX out of commission (haha), less funding?
apparently the West are getting a little annoyed at Z’s constant LYING & constant WHINING for more $… maybe they DON’T really want full-blown war with Russia?
ACTION: don’t support Ukraine -- their rulers are just as corrupt as ours!
+ maybe have hope this will somehow wind down?

2 years ago
Reply to  anon2

maybe not the last, huh?
Z seems determined to get NATO ‘in the game’ for real.
ACTION: get yer geiger counters while ya still can!

2 years ago
Reply to  anon2

correction: the Pension fund only invested $95million, I must’ve misread some report!
+ they say: “The financial loss from this investment will have limited impact on the Plan, given its size relative to our total net assets and our strong financial position.” 

Tragedy of the Commons

Seems the Democrats were in on this ponzi scheme via Ukraine.
Per CofCC: As the Biden Administration was sending tens-of-billions in aid to the Ukraine, the Ukraine was investing lots of it in Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX Corporation. In turn, Bankman-Fried became the second largest contributor to the “Democrat” Party — just behind fellow-Jew, George Soros — by contributing at least $10 Million to Joe Biden in 2020 and $40 Million to “Democrats” in 2022. Not coincidentally, between $1 Billion and $2 Billion of his customers’ funds have gone missing from FTX according to Reuters. On November 12th, Bankman-Fried resigned as CEO of FTX while it was in the process of filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. He and FTX are now under investigation by the federal Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for mishandling its investors´ funds. Immediately after Joe Biden pledged one billion dollars in aid to the Ukraine in late March of 2021, FTX immediately became a “partner” with the Ukraine to process private donations to its war effort, presumably using crypto-currencies. As U.S. taxpayer dollars were being transferred to the Ukraine, its leaders were returning lots of that money to “Democrats” through Bankman-Fried and FTX. Even Charles Ponzi would probably agree that the “Democrat” Party has somehow managed to dirty his name even worse than it was. Communist Sol Alinsky once advised American communists to bankrupt America by overwhelming its welfare system with recipients and thereby leaving the U.S. insolvent. It´s now obvious that merely investigating the corruption and treason of the “Democrat” Party may, in itself, be sufficient to overwhelm the resources of the federal government and bankrupt us once-and-for-all.
Where the Hell are Republicans. Right under their noses.

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

The unraveling has begun. The crypto massacre seems both a symptom and a cause of the coming collapse. My understanding of the crypto market and cryptocurrency is so scant that I cannot make a valuable contribution, even though I read this stunning article this morning and considered posting it, but I was worried that 1) it was too long and 2) I could not make a cogent commentary, about the article OR about crypto in general. I wonder if that is by design… have it be impossible to understand, but have people (scammers) explain it with fancy words like blockchain and public and private security keys in such a way that you simply accept it rather than sound stupid for not understanding it. At least that is the category I fit in.

What I can say is that we are seeing the same things in our office that we saw in 2008… odd calls from people who clearly are looking to scam either us or potential clients, rumblings about gov’t regulatory agencies scrambling to do audits and looking for money, and all the other obvious things like prices skyrocketing, etc.

My fear is that the money laundering via crypto, the war in Ukraine, and the collapse of our buying power is the tip of the iceberg that we can’t even imagine is there.

2 years ago

2 nice articles to read last night before turning in!

I read quite a few articles each and every day and I must say, the Revolver piece was mind blowing. I’m familiar with crypto at a basic level. Several years ago I decided I needed to learn more about this growing financial investment strategy. I opened an account at Coinbase and purchased $500 in Bitcoin. At that time, it had taken a slight hit but, was on its way up again. Within a few short months the investment grew to over $1,000. I used the surplus to make some purchases to see how it all worked. Using QR codes, my smartphone, and my PC, it was an interesting exercise.

Anyway, to the present. Reading those article and especially the lengthy Revolver piece I did not know that there was a ‘Tether’ Crypto that is supposedly backed by USD at a supposed 1 x 1 ratio and that it has been around for 7 years now. It also appears that at its origins, fraud was at its inception as there was nothing more than some attestations to its legitimacy and the $1B in its coffers had to be infused with $370 million to pass the semi-audit. A so-called stablecoin to bring legitimacy to illegitimate money laundering and mega scams. Now, it appears it is approaching $100B. As the article states, it seems it is nothing more than a personal money printing machine where Tether can be used to buy Crypto’s (Bitcoin & others) and then converted to real USD at any time. “Money from nothing”.

Seeing all the players involved and where the monies have been going to (democrats, Ukraine, Myanmar, etc.) it is much, much bigger than the CIA bringing in drugs to fund it’s operations.

Mixed in with all of these shenanigan’s are pedo’s — AGAIN! Connections once again to Epstein and, probably the Clinton’s and all the other usual suspects.

All this to say, where does it go from here? Are there continued investigations that lead to more players revealed? Or, does it all go under the carpet and a few “Madoff’s” arrested and jailed like the freaks that were picked to be the CEO’s of Alameda and FTX?

I’m not sure how much control the deep state has on this. My guess is a lot. I think it all depends on how soon they want to pull the trigger on the great reset and moving to digital currency backed by the full faith of — Not America, but via the WEF, the UN, and the IMF.


[…] posted an exercise yesterday to gauge people’s ability to analyze information into intelligence. As I said in […]

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

Are you looking for the collapse of the dollar. They usher in some kind of worthless money that can control everything you do. If we do not create an alternative economy, we have little chance to surviving more than what supplies we have?

I am not sure why they have not done this already. I think they would not mind small isolated rebellions, they just do not want a full blown one.

The Bible is clear what is coming:
Revelation 13:16-17 -- 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

We brothers and sisters will be here until God takes us. He has not promised that we will be spared the Tribulation. So it is possible we will live through it and will have to deal with how we will get what we need to survive. Because if you take the Mark, you will spend eternity in Hell. There is no forgiveness for that.

Revelation 19:20 -- 20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Life is full of choices. God gives us outs for all sin. It is or job to choose to take them or not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

If you are “SAVED”
Romans 10: 9 NKJV
If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your
heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
You will NOT face God’s wrath in the Great Tribulation!
I Thessalonians 5: 9 NKJV
For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through
our Lord Jesus Christ,

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Gen.Patton

Show me where it says you will not go through any of the tribulation.

This says to me that there will be people saved in it

Revelation 7:14 -- And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Romans 10:14 -- 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

His seal of protection comes into play.
And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. Rev.9:4
Grateful every day for what He is revealing to us.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

But that would mean that there will be saved people in the tribulation.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Yes it does. Saved through tribulation. Some of us may physically die yet still be saved in the way that it counts.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

But if you are already taken up, the the locus and the scorpions could not hurt you because you would not be on the earth.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

i believe His seal will protect those that are physically here. if He is willing all things are possible.
Been looking around this morning. Found this video Trump released on Truth social, back in October i guess. Any thoughts? Did not see it here at Nc Renegade?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I thought the argument was that the saved people would not go through the tribulation.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

You and i see the same thing. Gen. patton never returned for discussion.
Anyway good to be on the same page in this respect.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Perhaps the locus and scorpions are metaphors for other men? Their words their poison, are clearly off base, out of context and not warranted? His presence , peace and protection is a shield of armour in these instances?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I think they are.

2 years ago

-FTX default contagen will impact banks and 401ks
FTX default will be used as a “reason” to implement “protections” in the economic system such as a “new selling point for CBDC”.
FTX default will cause forced selling in some stocks to cover the losses
The Petrodollar going digital is irrelevant since the BRICS is actively killing the global petrodollar as we speak. BRICS will prevail as long as the marxist biden administration is allowed to destroy the US.
There are two competing global forces now-The East (with the BRICS and commodity backed currencies and large quantities of GOLD) and the West-(with DEBT based FIAT paper, no verifiable GOLD reserves and self imposed restrictions on their own commodities).

2 years ago

Simply put: fiat currency and pyramid scheme crypto continue to make the elite rich while bankrupting common people.


[…] (or reread) this article. Then read this […]