Syrian and Iranian Actions After The Elections

I just finished writing about events after the election and saw this article:

London, Paris, Jerusalem line up for post-US vote action on Syria, Iran

First talks between Binyamin Netanyahu and President Francois Hollande

First talks between Binyamin Netanyahu and President Francois Hollande

The UK , France and Israel showed signs this week of lining up for military action with regard to Syria and Iran as soon as America’s presidential election was out of the way Tuesday, Nov. 6,DEBKAfile’s military sources report. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spent two days (Oct. 31-Nov. 1) talking to President Francois Holland. As the Defense Minister Ehud Barak landed in London the next day, Prime Minister David Cameron was reported on standby for the dispatch of RAF fighter-bombers to the Persian Gulf.

Barak flew to London after US Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had spent several days in Israel, no doubt tying up the last ends of US-Israeli cooperation for potential action.

Although America’s top military chief can’t tell who will be his next commander-in-chief – Barack Obama for another four years or the Republican Mitt Romney – he is duty-bound to have US forces in the Middle East ready for any contingency.


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