T.L. Davis: Compliance is Treason

Compliance is Treason

Let me ask one simple question: What small scrap of freedom are you holding onto that is worth watching the complete destruction of America in silence? That is not a question for this audience, because they’re largely motivated and act in whatever way they can to secure freedom and they are vocal. It’s a rhetorical question to ruminate over when you see your fellow Americans waving the flag for all they’re worth on July 4th with a mask on their face.

It’s a question for those who go to work everyday, believing, still, in the righteousness of the United States Government after two full years of demonstrating Soviet/communist tactics, lies and distortions of people like Deborah Birx, who openly admitted in her book that she falsified Covid numbers and death rates to inspire compliance from the people. The very simple term for that is fraud. She says, in essence, “yes, I lied about the dangers of Covid, because I wanted people to do what I said.” And, this is not a one-off, this is the typical attitude of our government employees. Another example of the hubris involved here is the video of the ATF showing up at someone’s house to demand serial numbers of recently purchased weapons, without a warrant. Listen to the condescending, casual method of stripping someone of their rights, the nonchalant oppression and subtle threats, particularly, “so we don’t have to come back.” part. It’s the bluff and bluster of low-level government officials to command obedience and to the degree that there is compliance, that is treasonous.

When one looks at the January 6th political prisoners, the J6 Committee, the dictation of language directed squarely at conservatives, the prosecutions of people like Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, it becomes obvious that the true intent is to make patriotism illegal. The Liberal World Order is in charge and will dictate who can speak, what they can say and what penalties will be dealt out for disobedience. Agree with them and the world is one’s oyster; disagree and it’s a toilet.

Read The Whole Article Here….

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

“No sense in asking Tyrants for independence.”
Speak, Act and behave accordingly. i am as free as i have ever been. They will not steal my life nor my joy.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Freedom is in one’s mind. Liberty is a different matter. We have lost our Liberty. And without Liberty, our children are enslaved.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

we have the freedom and liberty to make our own choices. Just because we have Tribulation does not mean we or our children are enslaved.

2 years ago

You need to have a better understanding of the difference between Freedom and Liberty.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Perhaps you could explain.
Victimhood may well be in peoples minds also!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

They are not coming to your door and putting a gun to your head, so the urgency to act is quelled. They want to inject a kill shot into your body and suppress your immune system, so you die in a certain amount of time. The Republic has been burned to the ground, this vile regime is committed to our death, I will not submit or comply, I am committed to their death, every last one of them, TINVOWOOT.

2 years ago

Why is Birx coming out with this now? A change of heart? Is she being paid to take the fall and redirect the attention from others?

2 years ago
Reply to  David

For the same reason Biden told Ukraine to stop investigating Hunter’s crimes or they would lose $6 billion. Because they can. In Birx’s case, she wants to sell more books.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

That and I think she might be afraid of conservatives getting control of the house and senate.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

In addition, this will inflame the still fire breathing MAGA crowd. They’ll say, “see, I told you Donald wasn’t in on it. He just got surrounded by bad people!!!!!!” Brilliant strategy.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  David

Sociopaths are not satisfied with getting one over on you. They want you to know that they got one over on you. This increases the pain they desire to inflict. They want you to know that they are going to get away with it. Their attitude is, “don’t like it? Too bad!!!!”

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  David

Are you shi**ing me?

Not only do they project what they are going to do, which they did in spades, they spit in your face during and after the doing, which they did/are in spades.

You don’t have to be devil himself to know how all this works. It’s simple PsyOps 101.

2 years ago

Could examples be provided as to how has patriotism served this country in any recent history? It seems as though this is another false god, much like religion (outward appearances; saluting the flag, reciting the pledge of allegiance, the touting of voting, but without according spiritual power). Where were the the patriots when abortion was legalized, as people were taxed out of being able to afford basic necessities and expenses, while the working poor are an increasingly mainstay in society, as they work themselves into sickness that can result in death, when the schools, colleges, universities, workplaces, and churches starting teaching in effect, submission to authority is desirable to independent thinking, and a much an expected attitude to an extent, even before a diploma is granted. Are these issues not worthy of patriot engagement? This is one reason there is such a disconnect between many people who call themselves conservatives, and the rest of society. Much of what they talk about doesn’t even reach the lives of most people in any meaningful way.

2 years ago

I fear the American populace will only stand when marched to the firing line. Apathy seems to be the only emotion you get from the populace when discussing the Tyranny and Marxism surrounding us every day. The Grip of Communism gets tighter and tighter and not one riot, outburst or civil uprising. We need a 21st Century McCarthy!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

I doubt even then, they would probably be asking themselves why me.

2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

The stratification within capitalism was designed to do that (divide and conquer). A family for instance, is not an island into themselves (at least in terms of the larger social functioning), but people that earned more than others, that afforded more financial and experiential independence (mobility) often just ‘wanted to be left alone’. This, in terms of practicality, is feasible only when a large percentage, perhaps majority of the rest of the population are not merely only making ends meet. The reason being, in part, is that if they are that busy and by extension, exhausted from all of their time in laborious efforts and still struggling with their bills and familial responsibilities, there is no time to apply oneself to political concerns or interests, largely. Therefore, more political power is usurped, viewed as consent (by not participating) by the powers that be, as more economic concessions are then slowly, or abruptly removed, depriving people of the ability to earn. It encroaches until there is a financial situation much like today. Mostly, in recent decades, no one got involved when it was the lower economic bracket that suffered diminishment on many levels, but now, those with more to lose materially, houses and such, it’s become a more prominent political outcry.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

The stratification you speak of is the snout of the federal leviathan, not the capitalist system it sounds like regurgitated marxism.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

This sounds like an excuse for self-proclaimed patriots not to get involved with economic injustices. If you call what exists today the capitalist system, again, with the overtaxation, and inability to pay bills when even working full-time, or two or three jobs (the working poor), then clearly, you don’t grasp that capitalism as practiced today in America, is in effect the communism that you say you abhor.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

They destroyed the capitalist system a long time ago, and turned it into a socialist democracy.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Whatever one refers to it as, what is important is that it remained unchallenged, as is the case with defunct education, the rise of the technocracy, dull religion, degraded food, ineffective medicine and doctors (what amounts to managed sick care, often without resolving the issue or getting a correct diagnosis); it’s everybody’s big business imposed on the rest -- an elaborate system, completely at odds with self-proclaimed or platform conservative and patriotic-speak, which is informative to a large segment of the population, that has lost interest in participating in any sort of body politic, seeing the futility and contradictory nature of a largely economic-imposed means of governance, in contrast to those who postulate freedoms associated with the Constitution, for instance, that have no real basis in day-to-day application, or in having been realized in recent decades.

“Today’s Death Economy…is characterized by businesses that destroy or absorb their competition and oppose free market policies. Not only does the state not own businesses; businesses and their billionaire shareholders control the state. It is a predatory aberrant that actually should not be considered capitalism.”

“The Death Economy is driven by the goal that was promoted by a group of economists in the 1970s and 1980s, including Nobel Prize winners Friedrich von Hayek (1974) and Milton Friedman (1976), and can be summarized as “the only responsibility of business is to maximize short-term owner profits, regardless of the social and environmental costs.”

“Out With Predatory Capitalism, In With a Life Economy”


2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Will you keep praising this ‘capitalist system’ when you can no longer afford food, gasoline, and rent, or other such housing costs or necessities?

“The bigwigs want us to keep equating capitalism with free enterprise.”

“The truth is that free enterprise is 180 degrees-opposite capitalism. Capitalism is a mentally deranged, dysfunctional economic system which can only survive by fleecing the people while moving all wealth to private bankers and their lackey corporations.”

“Patriots to this day are repeating and mis-reasoning from this error which is apparently promoted as ardently as the lie of worthless bank credit being real debt which must somehow be “repaid.”

“Capitalism wants “free markets” (not fair markets) for one purpose. To grab more and bigger shares of any business anywhere thanks to the criminally false financing of private bankers of issue, always the key to such rampaging greed.”

“There is only one kind of capitalism, the greed-driven kind. That is the only purpose of concentrating capital into the hands of these few, so they can use it as an economic weapon against all those less rapacious in their makeup.”

“Capitalism is NOT Free Enterprise”


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Roger Stone ? Do ya think may- be, perhaps, Roger Stone (A guy with many issues) may have an awful lot to answer for? Perhaps Yah has plans for each and every one of us?

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

What the heck is a “Yah”?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

i believe you know very well.
Yahuah, Yahweh,
Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, are these people saints? Donald Trump? Do you think Judgements from above only occur after we are dead in the ground?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

Jah or Yah (Hebrew: יָהּ‎, Yāh) is a short form of יהוה (YHWH), the four letters that form the tetragrammaton, the personal name of God: Yahweh, which the ancient Israelites used.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

No reply, to busy?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly

Donald Trump has hired a team of advisers to help him achieve presidential victory. His top adviser and campaign chairman is Paul Manafort. One of his other key advisers is longtime friend and associate Roger Stone. Trump has known these two for decades and has relied on their skills for many of his business and political deals.

chop chop
chop chop
2 years ago

i sat here and read all comments. to me all are doing what they are wanting fighting in words here, and in time with guns. yall know they are seeing and reading just like us.. iam hoping all on this site are for good, but we also know there are some just here to start shit like what i have read fighting in words.. we need to be better than this.. we need to be standing up and putting an end to what is going on. we all know the dems are destroying our country but all that is happening is fighting in words.. what is going to happen when they cut all comuacastion and we cant talk to each other and make plans to gather together and take care of things

2 years ago

My reading of his words may be shallow, but if he’s advocating for challenging things via lawsuits, which costs serious money, he’s arguing only for the moral war.