T.L. Davis: Solitary Journey

christian mercenary

Are you a Three-Percenter? Really? Are there conditions upon which you will act? Are there things you will not do? Are there methods or tactics you refuse to utilize in the fight for liberty? Yes, there are. Rationally, the good people of the patriot community are some of the best human beings I have ever met. They are upright, honest and decent people. They are earnest and dedicated and as such, they are not evil enough to succeed in the upcoming fight. They are not organized, they are not criminal, they are not psychopaths and as such they are not capable of the type of horror that is required to vanquish an evil and psychopathic foe.

This is not the Revolutionary War. We do not have monied interests on our side. The monied interests are the corporations that understand how to do business with the corrupt governments of the world. They would rather buy their waivers and concessions than fight for a liberty they do not even want. They want corruption. Corruption helps them to disadvantage their competitors and purchase advantages for themselves. In 1776, some of the monied interests understood that they could get a better deal with a new and naive United States than they could with the King of England. America was a distant continent with advantages as an independent nation and they took a gamble. They don’t have to gamble anymore, because the riches have alread been distributed. 


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