T.L. Davis: You’re It

The idea of Donald Trump as a cult figure is being used to defame and dismiss a patriot’s sense of duty to the republic. It’s just another communist plot to keep those patriots on the sidelines while they continue their all-out assault on the republic through corrupt government practices, including the election. The problem with patriots is their sense of fair play and duty. They are easily backed down from taking a stance by the propaganda machine branding them with one detestable attribute or another. In this case, they are described as members of the Trump cult. If there is a cult at all, it is the American cult, something the left can’t abide. 

The same thing happened to the Tea Party that started out as a multi-racial, multi-generational movement in the wake of the banking crisis of 2008, when individuals were bankrupted to save the banking system that had caused the crisis to begin with; the crisis that wiped out citizen’s savings and businesses. (sound familiar?) I’ve written about that instance many, many times and it surely is not as simple as it sounds, but that is the gist of it. The Tea Party was branded as aged, social security recipients disgruntled by “modern society” passing them by and in fear of other races making them irrelevant. In fact, it had many constitutional issues that drove it, including the introduction of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the nearly trillion dollar “stimulus bill” that would eventually be distributed out to Obama supporters in unions like SEIU, the Teamsters and others who supported his campaign and provided counter protestors against the Tea Party. 

Now, the Democrats have more aggressive tools at their disposal like BLM and Antifa and they have used them. They have engaged in anti-white propaganda and racism in order to brand any patriot as a racist or fascist. One can always count on the communists to accuse one of what they are themselves. None of this is new. It’s the communist playbook by the numbers and they operate by it with no sense of self-awareness or blushing awkwardness. Communists hammer the opposition and count on sympathizers in the press to carry their message, when that isn’t enough, they send their brownshirts (Antifa) in to break some legs and set fires. Members of their militant wing are never arrested, or, if so, quickly released. I wonder how many Antifa and BLM were counting votes for the Democrats. 

So, why is this any different from the Tea Party? Why would the communists ever think that they could not do with today’s patriot what they did to them? The communists know they will get support from MSM and the weaklings in the Republican Party, because their success with the Tea Party has enabled all other excesses of government. The Tea Party went so far as to rise up and challenge the entirety of government representatives. They elected a whole new set of congressmen and senators, purged the softer elements out of the GOP, for a time, and nothing changed. NOTHING. Except, that it got worse. 

The difference to me, and I hope many others, is that we undoubtedly face full-throated communism this time around. We have been given the gift of seeing how ruthless and vitriolic our governors and mayors can be once they have tasted the forbidden fruit of tyranny in their own mouths. They now recognize the value of by-passing their legislatures and issuing commands to the people. What a great thing it is for them to be dictators! They have seen that the police will side with them against the people, even when those cops and their “brothers and sisters” are beaten and killed by BLM and Antifa gangs. The police will stand down or worse, protect the brownshirts sent out to destroy property and capture whole blocks of territory, terrifying the residents in those confines. It’s amazing what we have seen in 2020. And yet, we remain stoic and peaceful bystanders to the whole degrading display. This includes police and military. At some point being a free American has to mean more than a job, especially when that job becomes the harassment and brutalization of other freedom-seeking Americans. At the very minimum one might get out of the way.  

We ask ourselves, as Americans, how the Jews could have rolled over for Hitler. We ask how the powerful people of the Soviet Union could let Stalin kill them by the millions without rebellion and we have all concluded that it was the lack of firearms. But, was it? The dangerous part of a firearm is not muzzle velocity, but the will to use it. Or was it that communists know how to impose communism using brutality much better than we know how to resist it? Is it the sense that we would have to attack our neighbors in order to put up a stiff enough resistance to it all? So many fall in line, so few will toe the mark. 

I have a sinking, terrible feeling that the inauguration of Joe Biden will go off uncontested and Americans will have swallowed another helping of humiliation for the sake of peace, in order not to be labeled a cultist for Donald Trump, white supremacists or right-wing extremist. It’s a sobering moment in American history. If there were but one general willing to stand up and guide the army of the people, I think it would be different, but who is that general? The soldiers are ready; time is growing short. 

Read the Whole Article Here…

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John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

You can call me whatever, I love America and the Republic in which it stands.

4 years ago

The author makes an excellent point and one I continue to pound on; total non compliance. The anti-draft movement brought the entire Selective Service system to a shuddering halt. We can do the same thing again on a much broader scale because there are a lot more of us. Use every opportunity that comes your way to monkey wrench every government entity from the local Department of Agriculture office right up the line. We are an amazing and innovative people…

R. Shooter
4 years ago

I have sat on my ass long enough! I don’t know what action to take, but I have to start some where. I will start at my church and let God lead me from there. I will be giving up my job (LEO) because even though my agency is favorable this movement and will not enforce this these comunist laws (for now) I will be viewed as a representative of them. It’s not much I admit but it’s a step. I pray for my Patriot brothers and sisters. We may never meet in this life but by Gods loving grace I will meet you in the next. God bless you all.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
4 years ago

Taxes, its all about taxes. Patriots, are you planning to finance the overthrow of this country? Pay your taxes to those that have shut down our businesses, force us to wear face muzzles? They force us to abandon our elderly -- to die of loneliness and fear. You can not complain or jump up and down yelling and chest thumping While Fully funding an illegitimate gov with weak kneed tax paying acquiescence. Gov have not missed a pay check, best medical insurance, best retirement, expense account, -- My business is on the razors edge, how bout you? They force you to deprive your children of oxygen (physically damage), socially isolate them? (mentally damage). They telling you that you need to do this from now forward? But wait there’s More!! Experimental DNa altering jabs, quantum dot gel, tracer apps and You get to pay for it all! Tax season approaches -- Fund your bondage..

4 years ago

Hey… Biden…fuck you…come get em… end…

Mike O’Steen
Mike O’Steen
4 years ago

For a tax revolt to be successful, millions must participate.
Many millions. And I believe the fact that so many would defy big bro. in this way, would have a greater effect than the actual withholding of the funds.

4 years ago

President Trump should invoke the Insurrection Act, and issue a Voluntary Recall to Active Duty. I would answer, along with countless other Patriots. If we act under Verbal orders of our Commander in Chief we are 100% legal, and can Arrest the Traitors to our Republic. Without orders I’m not leaving my job, for a Political Rally that will accomplish nothing. It’s time to Act or suffer the consequences.

4 years ago

The left is OPENLY waging war on us, on America and on freedom. The vast majority of their intended victims refuse to acknowledge that reality. Unless that changes and soon they are going to win the war, destroy our freedom and do it all without firing a shot.