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Tag Archives: Fukushima
‘Floods may pose threat not only to radiation under Fukushima but also structures’
Fukushima’s legacy: Biological effects of Fukushima radiation on plants, insects, and animals
Following the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown, biological samples were obtained only after extensive delays, limiting the information that could be gained about the impacts of that historic disaster. Determined not to repeat the shortcomings of the Chernobyl studies, … Continue reading
Japan Begins Purposely Dumping 100s Of Tons Of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into The Pacific
by Michael Snyder How do you get rid of hundreds of tons of highly radioactive water? You dump it into the Pacific Ocean of course! In Japan, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. has made the “painful decision” to begin purposely … Continue reading
Nuclear Fuel Fragment from Fukushima Found In EUROPE
Fukushima did not just suffer meltdowns, or even melt-throughs … It suffered melt-OUTS … where the nuclear core of at least one reactor was spread all over Japan. In addition, the Environmental Research Department, SRI Center for Physical Sciences and Technology in … Continue reading
They’ve Found the Missing Fukushima Nuclear Cores
We reported in May 2011 that authorities knew – within days or weeks – that all 3 active Fukushima nuclear reactors had melted down, but covered up that fact for months. The next month, we reported that Fukushima’s reactors had actually suffered something … Continue reading
Tepco Says Fukushima Radiation ‘Significantly’ Undercounted
Tokyo Electric Power Co. is re-analyzing 164 water samples collected last year at the wrecked Fukushima atomic plant because previous readings “significantly undercounted” radiation levels. The utility known as Tepco said the levels were undercounted due to errors in its testing … Continue reading
Thousands Flock to Clean-Up Radioactive Beaches
California has mobilized hundreds of thousands of citizens to clean up debris along the beaches, including debris from the 2011 Japanese Tsunami. This catastrophic event resulted in radioactive debris being sent into the Pacific ocean from the severely damaged Fukushima Diiachi Nuclear … Continue reading
As Fukushima radiation makes landfall on California beaches, Natural News announces lab to test foods for radioactive cesium-137″
Radiation from Fukushima has reached the shores of California. This has been confirmed by county officials in Half Moon Bay, California, who conducted radiation tests and found a 500% increase in radiation on the beaches there. Alarm has been raised over the past few … Continue reading
FUKUSHIMA RADIATION ALERT: Iwaki City, Roughly 30 Miles South Of Damaged Reactors Measured 21,000 Nanosievert Per Hour At NETC Station
Independent monitoring in Iwaki City, Japan reported to the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC) logged a huge spike in radiation with a reading coming in at 21,000 nSv/hour, versus a baseline average reading of 226. According to the International Commission … Continue reading
On December 28, 2013, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) admitted steam was seen billowing out of reactor building #3, saying the steam appeared to be coming from what’s left of the fifth floor of the mostly-destroyed building. It is … Continue reading
Wave of Radiation from Fukushima Will Be 10 Times Bigger than All of the Radiation from Nuclear Tests Combined
There was no background radioactive cesium before above-ground nuclear testing and nuclear accidents started. Wikipedia provides some details on the distribution of cesium-137 due to human activities: Small amounts of caesium-134 and caesium-137 were released into the environment during nearly all nuclear weapon … Continue reading
According to an absolutely shocking study that has just been released, one area of the Pacific Ocean floor was 98 percent covered by decomposing sea creatures in July 2012. But in March 2012, only 1 percent of that same section of … Continue reading
TEPCO: Not all pumped-in water reached overheating Fukushima reactors
Fire engines were used in a desperate, and ultimately futile, attempt to pump water to cool overheating reactors during the early phase of the 2011 Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant disaster, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said. According to a … Continue reading
A private organization that monitors data from thousands of government and other network points for radiation across the United States issued email alerts today for two western U.S. cities, Reno, Nev., and St. George Utah. The alerts come from the the … Continue reading
Highest Radiation Level Ever, Lethal In 20 Minutes, Recorded Outside Fukushima Reactor
With all the excitement about Japan’s soaring stock market (if plunging wages), crashing non-digital currency (leading to soaring energy prices), recent passage of an arbitrary secrecy bill (“Designed by Kafka & Inspired By Hitler”), and ongoing territorial spat with China, … Continue reading