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Tag Archives: Romney
ABC: Voters would choose Romney over Obama if they could re-do 2012 election
If Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Would Ride The mainstream media is reporting that Romney would win the 2012 presidential election if it were held today. So if the people would have recognized that the pResident and the media were lying, … Continue reading
Posted in Domestic Enemies, Editorial, Elections
Tagged Obama, Romney
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Why Didn’t Romney Run This Ad?
From YouTube: It was the Benghazi attack ad the Republican National Committee created but never aired. ABC News has obtained an ad the RNC made last fall and approved to air in the final weeks of the presidential campaign. The … Continue reading
Who Can Wake Up America?
This year, I’m more interested in the president’s effects on the PEOPLE than on anything else. People react depending on how they feel about who is in office. I’m personally hoping for more action from the people, as I believe … Continue reading
Posted in Americas Remedy, Editorial, Elections, Voter issues
Tagged cons, Obama, pros, Romney, wake up america, which president
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Military Support or A Warning?
“We, the undersigned, proudly support Governor Mitt Romney as our nation’s next President and Commander-in-Chief.” Brigadier General Arthur Abercrombie, (USA-ret) Lieutenant General James Abrahmson, (USAF-ret) Major General Chris Adams, (USAF-ret) Rear Admiral William V. Alford, Jr., (USN-ret) Brigadier General John R. … Continue reading
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black
President Barack Obama told Rolling Stone that Mitt Romney is a “bullshitter.” Mike Allen reports: FIRST LOOK – Rolling Stone cover, “Obama and the Road Ahead: The Rolling Stone Interview,” by Douglas Brinkley: “We arrived at the Oval Office for … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Elections
Tagged Liar, Mike Allen, Obama, Rolling Stone, Romney
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Assassination Threats on Romney?
The rule of law in the United States has degraded into class warfare: 47% vs 53%. We may not want to acknowledge that the people living off some type of government assistance may place “entitlements” over Liberty, but that is … Continue reading
Posted in Civil Unrest, Editorial, Elections
Tagged assassination, Elections, NC Renegade, Romney
CNN’s Candy Crowley: Romney Was Actually Right On Libya
Posted in Editorial, Elections
Tagged Benghazi, Candy Crowley, CNN, Debate, Libya, NC Renegade, Obama, Romney
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Luntz Focus Group Of Mostly Former Obama Voters Switch To Romney
A Frank Luntz focus group made up mostly of former Obama voters say they now support Mitt Romney. More…
Saturday Night Live Debate Parody
Watch the full sketch below, via NBC:
About Time A Republican Stood Up!
From YouTube: Published on Sep 23, 2012 by mittromney The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward reported that during negotiations on the stimulus, President Obama called the leaders of the Democratic Party: Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid. As he spoke, Speaker Pelosi muted … Continue reading
Romney has said repeatedly he would “repeal Obamacare” if elected, but his replacement plan would include at least two of the Affordable Care Act’s more popular provisions. More…
Posted in Editorial, Health Care
Tagged Healthcare, Romney
In Defense of Liberty Extremism
Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada Liberty is far too important to be dumbed down, conceded, or sold for a marginal victory. The case for freedom is to be unapologetic because it embodies the great desire for justice above all else. … Continue reading
Behold the dead eyes of a lying psychopath
From Ann Barnhardt: Which brings us to the stealth antichrist who will be sitting at Dolan’s other hand, Mitt Romney. Oh, Ann! You’ve gone too far! How can you possibly call Mitt Romney an antichrist too? He’s a conservative! He’s … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Elections
Tagged Abortion, Boy Scouts, NC Renegade, Romney
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GRNC Alert 8-27-12: Has Robin Hayes Sold Out Conservatives?
Hayes Sellout ACT NOW! Vote is TOMORROW Please read the attached letter from a GOP delegate and take action. Robin Hayes is on board with this dangerous move and must be persuaded against this. These changes will greatly reduce your influence and … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial, Elections
Tagged Convention, GOP, GRNC, NC Renegade, Romney
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RNC Pulling Out All Stops To Keep Ron Paul’s Name
Let’s play a game by changing the names of the players in the upcoming election. The Democrat nominee will be Wimpy (I will gladly pay you $3 on Tuesday for a hamburger today but don’t tell Michelle). The presumed Republican … Continue reading
Posted in Editorial
Tagged Ben Swann, GOP, Maine delegates, NC Renegade, Reality Check, Romney, Ron Paul
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