Taking The Guns? I Wish Them Luck

I don’t have a lot to say on the latest distraction from the communist who stole our Country from us.

I’m rooting for TPTB and their Gun Control Agenda. I hope they pass every stupid Gun Control Law they want. Ban whatever guns they like. By all means, let’s do this. Let’s get this party started.

There is nobody that is going to comply with any gun law they pass. This will be a sure way to get a Civil War. So by all means, pass any and all gun “laws” you like.

Many people have always said TPTB trying to take the guns would be the catalyst to set things off. We came close with forced vaccinations. Seems we’re back to the guns. I don’t think they’ll pass this opportunity up this time. They have power and are a little concerned they will be out of power come November. I don’t think a Red Wave is coming, but still, perhaps they’ll go ahead and try for their wet dream of taking the Guns.

I welcome it and I wish them luck.


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2 years ago

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

LOL…I never thought of you as a Pink person, David!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

I like many types of music except rap. I agree that it is time to get this party started.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Seems most the fighters will be older men and some women thrown in, fighting for their kids and g’kids futures. We need younger alpha men to take this country back. Way too may beta men around these days.

2 years ago
Reply to  laura ann

Too much estrogen in the water supplies in the big cities.

2 years ago
Reply to  djust

Too much soy in the diet also
Soy Boys

2 years ago
Reply to  Coy

Not just soy. Anything that ate soy like conventional chickens for example are loaded with estrogen.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
2 years ago
Reply to  laura ann

Yup kind of like the 1969 movie called “The Wild Bunch” where its called the “Lets Go “scene, where there going to get their friend back they knew they would not be coming back, but then again when your old your not afraid to die. you do become more bold !

jim Bow
2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

I LOVE pink, if you know what I mean !

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Tony Joe White -- Polk Salad Annie -- YouTube here is one for ya, bring on down south

2 years ago

Wes, like you I would like to see gun confiscation and while they are at it congress or the supreme court eliminate the bill of rights too, let’s get this show started!

2 years ago

I’m right there with you Wes I too hope they start this shit already

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Just as they did in England, Australia and every other country when they outlawed guns, go ahead with your agenda of outlawing guns. It is the simplest way to get this party started, shumbag withdrew his gun legislation for now because he did not have the support. The only reason the uniparty will not support it is because they want to keep their jobs. The scum in DC should go ahead with their gun confiscation, do it.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Now we’re talkin’. They want ’em so bad?……..Be my uninvited guest.

2 years ago

It’s been going on for decades, in NC.
Thank Senator Joe Biden.

Dunn Movin
Dunn Movin
2 years ago

THAT is exactly what the chinese are waiting for, then they will be here like stink on doo-doo killing EVERYTHING in sight!

2 years ago

I love this site! No BS! There is no political answer to this mess! I am tired of going to protests, trying to wake up people, etc.
It’s cool that people are more awake than before, but it is TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!
The left is hard core commies, the young adults are dumb as hell, too many conservatives watch Fox Fake News as their only form of news!

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

We need alpha men to fight, and women to help w/ logistics and supplies. Able bodied and not over 65. These older ones can stand up in their communities and keep law and order if needed.

2 years ago
Reply to  laura ann

Fight for what? The right to put in a new bunch of tyrants in a new government to start all over again?
You can win the “war” today by withdrawing your participation in the banker “society”. The less you rely on their system, the less power they have over you.
Government must not be rebooted and restored. It must be eliminated entirely because freedom and government can not exist at the same time.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  Scumoftheearth

Agree, but people are so tied to banking it seems like a trap now days. I read Lew Rockwell, lots of the writers on his website woluld agree w/ you too. Fighting back if gun confiscation happens or forced vaccines is a must.

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago
Reply to  laura ann

will do !! viet vet !!

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
2 years ago
Reply to  laura ann

In the first Revolution the “Pastors” in the local churches were the one on Concord and Lexington to stand up against the English, Where are they now ? Where are the Christians, when Jesus said to arm up in Luke 22:36 ? That was not a suggestion it was an order ! Knowing times would be dangerous !

Duke T
Duke T
2 years ago

I know I’m ready and willing to kill anyone thinking they can decide whether I can defend my family.
To all these worthless vermin screaming “gun control” I hope their wives, sons and daughter are raped and killed in front of their eyes… oh wait they’ll either pull out their guns or call men with guns to come to their rescue!

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  Duke T

The sorry police in major cities did not protect businesses incl 5th ave shops in NYC, other places from being mobbed and robbed by BLM or antifa. Some of these police probably had friends or family running businesses too. Duh. Police stood down for an hour, during the school shooting doing nothing, parents screaming at them, another man shot the gunman. Lawsuits for negligence is in order for the parents who are grieving. School lacking security, lawsuit in order also.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
2 years ago
Reply to  laura ann

Exactly this is why you never give up you defensive weapons !

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
2 years ago
Reply to  Duke T

That IS exactly what happens after guns are taken away, Jesus said to resist evil DO IT ! many Jews re-grated not fighting when the Nazis came up to get them and they ended up in the death camps.

2 years ago

Plenty of FUDD’s in this country will comply, better to weed them out now..

2 years ago

Wes I too agree. Unfortunately I fear when they come to take the guns a great majority will just claim their guns were lost in a boating accident or will bury their guns. Shooting paper is easy, making a stand and shooting something that shoots back and moves is quite another story. At this point we have no choice but to fight but my experience very few will.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

I do not believe that just a few will resist, a majority of gun owners are silent because they know they do not have a voice that will be heard. I do not fear any man, we will see what is what when the shooting starts, there are a lot of vets that will not cower.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I would rather face a human that has the ability to kill me than a defenseless animal. And I have no reservations or remorse under those conditions.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

None EddieHnatko.

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

fact !!!!!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

Took 3 percent in the American revolution to get the job done. One tiger is worth a thousand PUSSY cats.. Carry on Sir.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

If food riots start and hungry people try to break in stores or property to loot, they will be shot. Communities need to org. and local sheriff needs to be involved.

2 years ago
Reply to  laura ann

I can’t argue with any of y’alls points. Just becoming discouraged with the people I once thought were strong. I’ll still stand till the end. Best of luck to all of you in the fight.

2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

Set punji sticks in flower beds under windows, so when the cretins sneak up on the house, they fall into the sticks. When the cretins start hearing screaming going on, they will leave the area.

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

It’s really NOT that hard and you get over it if your CAUSE is JUST!
My daughter would have stood her ground.
You are dismissed,
E-7 Ret.

#GardasilKilledJessica ~ 12/16/1993-12/24/2013

Jessica and her SKS at the range on Fathers day.jpg
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunny HiWay

Life could be a tragedy if we weren’t immortals, even so it is an emotional roller coaster at times. Always be Creating your Future, it never ends my friend.

2 years ago
Reply to  RShooter

Take a deep breath, slow your heart rate, slowly squeeze the trigger and hit the target at 300 yds--before they can see the white in your eyes.

2 years ago

They won’t do it. They will wait until the WHO treaty is a done deal and the WHO will ban all arms in the hands of the public and THEN they will try to enforce that! Should be very interesting times ahead. The Constitution is very clear -- Shall NOT be infringed!

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  KiddlesBoo

We must resist to the end, or else be like China slaves or other hell hole countries that are total police states, treating everyone like livestock incl drastic lockdowns and killing pets, taking kids or parents to quaranteen centers, etc.

Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  KiddlesBoo

No one gives a crap about the consteetooshun.

It’s not like anyone used muh 2nd to defend the rest of the consteetooshun.

2 years ago

Hi definition mk ultra devices are in almost every house in this nation the players in all tv fear campaigns are mk ultra Monarch or whatever the hell. We got some of the rottenest Nazis with paper clip. This programming of people is being refined under our noses thru our eyeballs to bring about this psychopathic control freaks wet dreams.

2 years ago

The Tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of Tyrants by the Guns of Patriots every now and again.

Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Jim

But only if they are usurping muh 2nd… right?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Jefferson said the blood of Patriots ahead of the blood of Tyrants in his quote for a reason. He was a Very Intelligent human being.

2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

To quote Patton some what… The object is to get the other SOB to die for his cause. Not you for his. But thumbs up for pointing out my poor attempt at semi plagiarism. I ain’t no Jefferson; however, hopefully I can do him proud when the time comes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jim

That’s all any of us can do. If we must die, and we all must, then let it be on our feet in a righteous defense and more importantly a Restoration of Liberty.

Daniel H Benson
Daniel H Benson
2 years ago

they won’t come to take your guns. If you don’t comply you will be canceled, job, bank accts, and utilities will just be shut down. You will become persona non grata

2 years ago

so true, but on your way down the street take out elect transformers. NOTHING works without elect.

2 years ago

Good one. You have flair for the tactical.

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
2 years ago

I already canceled myself during covid. Who is John Galt?

Sniper -
Sniper -
2 years ago

If the “The Pussies That Be” ever try this shit that is when I will get busy, if you get my meaning and all. Black Rifles Matter… and always will.

Sniper -
Sniper -
2 years ago

An armed conflict is what it is going to take, and this is what those goons in the District of Criminals want. With all this BS that’s going on, I hear a lot of folks say; “we will just vote them out of office” as in the past votes will never work because there is no difference in a Republicrat, or a Demoncrat as they are all like both wings on the same damn bird. Votes do not elect; they are selected and this is the reason I never registered to vote in the first place. Lock & Load, and get mentally and physically prepared for what is coming, we will see dead bodies in the streets eventually. I will never give in to any laws that this corrupt illegitimate government tries to force on us. I am not a bad-ass, and mot trying to be, but I will most definitely fight to my last damn round no matter what and I will take out (but not for lunch) as many of the jack-booted thugs as I possibly can. The reason I say that, is I am now 68 years old and I have had a good life, therefore I have made up my mind that I refuse to live as a slave. Not saying I want to die, no one does, but who the hell wants to live the rest of their life on your knees? As a closing statement, I hope everyone out there is prepared and ready, be strong, and do not give in to these useless bags of pus that wants to kill us. I am now through running my pie-hole. Everyone stay safe, and maintain your situational awareness at all times.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sniper -

Mr. Colt sure equalized things, besides 60’s are the new 50’s and 50’s are good years for fighting long distance..

Sniper -
Sniper -
2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

Yep, shoot & scoot…

John Doe
John Doe
2 years ago

Just plan on fighting UN troops. Obama signed that letter of intent with the Small Arms Treaty. Even still, GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Doe

Party will be open to all comers. No invitation needed. No RSVP. Just come prepared for a good time to be had by all. All party crashers welcome.

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago
Reply to  John Doe

un already has a base on the east coast !!!

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
2 years ago
Reply to  John Doe

UN troops are not exactly made up of forces any American should fear.

2 years ago

It may all coagulate: monkeypox, gun grabbing, Taiwan invasion by China, Russia firing off nukes at Europe and the USA, border invasions here. Chaos pervading. It’s all coming together due to the immorality of our once Christian Country.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

Literally a FUBAR for sure.

John Grissom
John Grissom
2 years ago

I stood my grounds, and we didn’t take the vaccine. But there are cowardly Americans and the government knows this and that’s why the government is doing what they are doing now because they know that these American cowards will not do anything. But me and this woman I stay with show them that we did not take the vaccine. And now they want to take away the guns. I say no to that. This satanic evil American government wants to take away all guns from the American people so that the government will have all weapons and than the government will have full control over the people and than they will do whatever to the people. Well this is not going to work I’ll tell you that right now. Every time there is a mass shooting you want to use that as a excuse to take away the guns that’s all it is, is a excuse that’s all. You might run over these other Americans but you not running over us like you did when you help cps to kidnapped our three kids and to this day we never got justice. We will never forget this. And you are not taking our guns away. That’s the buttom line.

2 years ago

Yea, just bring it!

Elder Son
2 years ago

Well, there’s going to be a lot of martyrs before the party starts.

Then maybe people will realize they really have nothing left to lose.

2 years ago

As Steve Quayle has said numerous times… they won’t come for your guns, but for you. A SWAT team knocking down your door with flash bangs at 3:00am will meet little resistance. As the NAZI said… “Zee goose… she is cooked”.

2 years ago

Military and glow-boys, you really need to think about which side you’re going to take once things start to go downhill. Either you support the Constitution or the communist agitators and lefty cabals attempting to destroy the sanctity of the Republic.

2 years ago
Reply to  IraqVet

“If ever the Time should come, when vain & aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin.” Samuel Adams

2 years ago

Concentrate more on Gorilla Tactics, less on Weapon Confiscation. Biden capitulating with surrender to China & Russia after a pre-emptive limited nuke strike has a higher probability in the next 90 days than a “knock-n-talk” from your local Sheriff or ATF. Dust off your Ghillies Ladies…Fun Time is Near!

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

yep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

Exactly, JoBama being the “Vichy French” from WWII.
Then when the Armistice(Surrender) is completed comes the Gun Confiscation using Foreign Supervision of Quisling State & Local Polezi.

2 years ago

I love this song…


2 years ago

This is TREASON if they take your guns away and you have every right to disarm THEM and pry their guns from their COLD dead hands.

Sniper -
Sniper -
2 years ago
Reply to  Leethal

Well said Leethal.

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago

ready to do my part !!

Howard West
2 years ago

The Obama types know they don’t have the numbers to control all the “Good Old Boys”. However, they have a “Plan” to import millions of recruits. In the form of refugees yes millions. Then give them the equipment to put down what they will call an inserction.

2 years ago

Yahoo “news” publishes a statement saying that guns are now the top killer of children in the USA. Total Bull Crap ! It is not the guns pulling their own trigger and killing children, it is sick human pieces of crap that are killing children. Once again, we see the agenda of news organizations that are owned by the billionaire globalist trash that owns the illegitimate and criminal Biden regime, Congress and Senate that are trying to destroy the Constitution.

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
2 years ago
Reply to  chas

The “vax” is the top killer of children.

2 years ago
Reply to  chas

Lol..false flag shootings

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
2 years ago

I learned who I can trust and depend upon during covid. There were some surprises -- for and against me.

2 years ago

False flag shootings are those that end up on the Jewish Monopoly mass media..if it’s a real shooting only your local news station will report it
Propaganda was legalized under this fraudulent corporation masquerading as a government since the act of 1871 was used to abolish your constitutional republic.americans are the the indoctrinated idiots on the planet bar none..most have no clue about anything.
Even the money or little money in there pocket they no nothing about.
It’s Jewish usery not the coinage act of 1792. But the federal reserve act of Satan worshipping Antichrist antigentile antichrist globalist organized crime syndicate money.the federal reserve is a privately owned foreign run organized crime syndicate it’s the reason you pay taxes to these banksters half a trillion dollars every year.you give isrealhell 10 million a day.dont these Jews no how to do anything but steal from you
Why do you complain when you don’t no anything
You don’t have a constitutional republic you don’t have real money you don’t have a ligitiment government
Nothing about this country is real. It’s an illusion for idiots.

2 years ago

Obama is the greatest gun salesman America has ever seen. But I’m wondering if his plan was to get everyone armed and then shut down the food supply under Biden so that a nation of people evil enough to elect Obama and Biden will then turn the guns on each other?