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- spaceman on Two Questions
- MrLiberty on The First of Hopefully Many
- Hammers Thor on The Urgent Call to “Return to Base” & The Chopper’s Strange Movements Make No Sense
- Thexrayboy on The Urgent Call to “Return to Base” & The Chopper’s Strange Movements Make No Sense
- Steady Steve on Two Questions
Rats are abandoning ship, the USSA Is Sinking. So many Americans, good people will be financially devastated. What can be said? Just like with the VaXXX or Moar War, the Normies just can’t conceive of an alternative Reality, Other than their bubble.
Sheesh it’s sad to see.
General Early is right…… He said today SHTF is directly ahead !!
Pull cash to pay 3 months bills out of bank ASAP. Get half of it in $10 & $20 bills
Open account in a Credit Union where your other funds will be safer.
Note: I did not say that the funds would be safe. Just safer.
My guess is that commercial real estate mortgage payments are hugely in default and that this default will trigger a banking collapse due to the untold Trillions iin Derivatives that will come due.
As a result of worldwide banking interplay, when one bank goes under it will pull others with it. And those banks will, in turn pull down other banks.
It is going to later be called THE BAD TIMES because it will be so very bad.
Blood is going to run in the streets.
Got yer preps ready ?? 90+ days food, access to water not from a city system, armaments and the precious metals they need to be effective when triggered, meds go 99+ days????
They won’t be called Bad Times just because the shelves will be empty !!
Won’t the unholy alliance of the banking industry & the FedGov simply invoke “The Great Taking” (Google same) and transfer all investor wealth, property, etc. to make the banks whole?
Getting ready to leave the country!
And/or he knows the shares are about to lose a lot of value. Goldman to zero? Say it ain’t so.
Of course, a cool half mil is chump change to one of “our” “representatives”. He could spend that on hookers and blow over a long weekend, I figure.
And go just where? Frankly I have a place to go outside of the country, to a place that is stable and free (as the wife is not a US citizen), not that we’re going to leave that is.. But for the rest of you? Just where? Dominican Republic? Yeah, right. Thailand? Uh-huh--if you like to swelter in the humid climate. Mexico? Maybe you can join up with a cartel. There really is no place to go anymore.
Cruz could go back to Canada; family is from there. Cruz was not even eligible to become U.S. president--not a natural-born citizen.
One would think that Cruz--purportedly a Constitutional Law expert--would know that.
Off. With. His head.
Depends -- it might be a routine periodic distribution and not insider trading.
What ever happened to research and analysis? Looks like plain jumping to a conclusion.
What conclusion is being jumped to?
I’ll concede that may be a possibility. But in this time and place with things such as they are, erring on the side of ascribing such transactions to more nefarious motives is only natural.
Am I too suspicious? Doubtful. Experience -- especially in the past 5 years -- has taught me that I’m probably not suspicious enough.
I would say that a part of me is almost surprised such transactions by the politically connected are even reported, since the self styled masters of the universe generally have no respect or use for the law, nor even the most shallow pretense of keeping it up any longer.
This is jaw dropping news! I am shocked!
Where did they get all the money to buy so much stock? Oh. He’s a politician.
Right now the DOW is down 672 points. Good start.
Proverbs 27:12.
banking collapse at the front door knocking. more than 300 banks in the US are close to insolvency. 2008 on super steroids. DJI down .98% second down day yesterday .11%.
The insouciant public is oblivious to their coming demise.