State’s part chairman, Allen West, is latest Republican to come out in support of declaring Texas an independent nation
The Guardian, February 5, 2021
The Texas Republican party has endorsed legislation that would allow state residents to vote whether to secede from the United States.
In a talkshow interview, the party chair, Allen West, argued that: “Texans have a right to voice their opinions on [this] critical issue.
“I don’t understand why anyone would feel that they need to prevent people from having a voice in something that is part of the Texas constitution,” the former Florida congressman said of the Texas Referendum Independence Act. “You cannot prevent the people from having a voice.”
West is the latest Republican to come out in support of declaring Texas an independent nation. Last month, the state representative Kyle Biedermann confirmed that he will introduce the bill for a referendum as early as this week. (Click Here to Read about “Texit”)
“Texit,” named after the British referendum to leave the European Union, refers to the process of Texas exiting the United States to become an independent, self-governing nation.
The endorsement drew intense backlash from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. Many took aim directly at West as party chair, continuing a slew of criticism that has been levied at him since first he took on the role in July.
Texas was also one of the 22 or 23 states that was compromised by the Chinese. I will stay in Kansas, one of only 3 second amendment sanctuary states, and not one of the ccp compromised one’s.
I heard Kansas was sweet! My wife lived there at one point. Good to know that though Green Hornet. Thanks! I am in FL and look forward to the day of moving more inland myself… If Texas pulls this off, I PRAY TO GOD OTHER’S FOLLOW!! I will move in a flash! Its coming either way, hard way or easy way they have forced this situation now. Stupid greedy bastards!
We just relocated from NC to Missouri (Ozarks). I asked the sheriff’s office about concealed carry permit. Response? Why would you need that? People here are of a mind to be left alone. Most say that if BLM, ANTIFA, or the Feds mess with them, well, it won’t be pretty.
That’s my old “stomping grounds”! Good people down there and in NW Arkansas. They just want to be left alone. I pity (not really) any BLM or Antifa that think they stir up trouble in those areas.
Texas is working on legislation that will make it a 2nd amendment sanctuary state. A little late to the game considering how much we love our 2nd amendment down here, but I’m confident that it will pass.
Pissing in the wind. This is the main problem with the repubs who are supposed to constitute the opposition. They are all talk and no action. Meanwhile the Democrats are staffing the prosecutors offices and putting people in jail who disagree with them.
First, I should point out, that I was born in Texas and live in Texas. You are correct about the Republican bushwhackers, however, with that said, the oil industry is probably the largest employer in the state, so, China Joe’s attack on the oil industry is perceived by working people of Texas as a direct attack on Texas.
Everyone I know here is talking about secession and most people are in support it, primarily, because they do not support the federal government’s anti-Christian, anti-constitution, open border, and especially anti-second amendment direction.
I do not know it Texas will secede from the corrupt federal government, but, I would suggest that you not piss into the wind.
I hope that they do because there is an expression that goes something like one brave man standing has the effect of stiffening other men’s spines. If Texas goes or even starts to look like it might go, I believe other areas will follow suit.
The current American empire is not sustainable or stable.
You are correct. Moreover, asking the Texas government, that is part of the Washington DC Borg collective, to secede is a fool’s errand. Government will not vote government less power. In the back of the pols’ mind is: where does the right to secession stop? At the state level? Their conclusion: Assuredly not.
Questioning West is just Raaaayyyyciss!
“Secession” of any State Cannot Happen. All ‘states’ are sub-Corporations of the “UNITED STATES CORPORATION” and are also in part responsible for the (publicly) Unknown Trillion$ of $hekel$ in Debt to the (((banks))).
The Last Time a Nation of White Men tried this, the (((banksters))) set the Entire World to War against them.
And imagining that there are more than a Handful of Men in that State’s Legislature who are not also Compromised by kosher money or perversions is just more (Q)-tard Fantasizing.
IF a secession ever happens, it will be in the Context of such a Total, Disastrous Collapse of the feral ‘government’ that it will begin at the Town and County Level.
Gryphon, you’re mistaken. Take a look at Texas’ state constitution and the history of our entry into the union. One of the very first entries in the Texas state constitution is the provision that if we (state of Texas) believe that the the U.S. is not providing for our best interests, that we can bring forth legislation to secede from the union. And he I’m here to tell you, there are plenty of folks down here that have been talking about this since the fraudulent election happened. If any state can make this happen, it’s Texas. Molon Labe….
Alex -- Yes, that’s all “True” but we are dealing with Traitors who no longer (if ever) Obey the U.S. Constitution. The Texas Constitution means even Less to them.
I believe that My comment that the “Debt” would be the Main Reason the feral government would NEVER permit a Secession is quite Valid; and that (((they))) would use Foreign Troops, if necessary, to Enforce the ‘collection of the Debt’, i.e. Slavery of the People.
That Said, I do believe that Texas, for many reasons, not the least of which is their People, would come out better off in any of the scenarios of the upcoming (un)Civil War.