Today is the 30th anniversary of the Waco massacre. Like Ruby Ridge, the government attacked and killed innocent people including women and children. No one was held accountable at Waco and the ATF raised their flag after the compound was burned down.
So here we are 30 years later and the government has only gotten more out of control. And we still do nothing as an illegal pResident presides over the ashes of the Republic.
David DeGerolamo
h/t Billy Rally
I found a dramatization of the aftermath of WACO. Hollywood, or whoever chose to bypass the entire actuality of it and focus on the legal plight of the remaining members.
I remember the helicopter IR video that was finally released and included in a documentary. You could SEE the militarized ATF personnel throwing incendiary? or smoke grenades? into the building through the 2nd story windows. It was awful how deliberately they positioned their activity to force everyone into one location.
You might like Greg Reese’s latest. April 19-20 looms large for sacrifice:
The pieces of non human dog crap also used tanks with flame throwers on them to take down the walls and set the building on fire. When the gangsters were getting nowhere then the tanks were used under orders from s-bag Clinton’s, Janet Reno and Eric holder, the black Marxist racist pig.
While the ATF was involved and started the whole mess, it was the FBI who did the heavy lifting that day in 1993. The FBI has a history of burning to death those who displease it. It is fairly amazing the Weavers weren’t burned out. I suspect because they were at the end of a narrow road and were afraid of reenacting the British retreat to Boston from the North Bridge. Those Idaho hillbillies were a bit upset as it was. Burning those 3 little girls to death would have lit up more than a plywood shack.
It was so damn clear back in 93 what we were dealing with and We the people did NOTHING and 30 years later and our yellow tails are still doing NOTHING!!! WTF is wrong with us? When is enough going to be ENOUGH? EVER????
no one will do anything, because no one wants to go it alone, and coordinating a group leaves you and your group open infiltration by the traitors in the criminal services. Unfortunate.
While it’s true that no one wants to “go it alone”, and infiltration thwarts most early organizing: The truth is everyone gets what’s at stake, and we’re not getting in the box cars, because that’s *the* last moment when you can attempt to defend yourself, however futile.
No one wants to die in vain. But many of us understand that what’s happening will most *certainly* present us with our death ultimately, if it continues. There comes a point, perhaps the boxcars, perhaps a mob on your car, perhaps a stack on your door, perhaps a simple traffic stop…. There comes a point where it no longer matters that you *cannot* defend your life, as surrender will not save you.
Ultimately, our only moral imperitive is that our death must cost them more than it’s worth. Resistance is not futile, even when defending your life is.
“We” tried to do something. ATF, the feebs, and the Waco AUSA were all notified a week ahead of time that the affidavit was falsified. There was no such thing as an AK-47upper receiver. There was no such thing as an EZ-M16 kit. And there was not one spec of evidence that there was an underground meth lab, in a burried bus! The atf used that same BS CI in 1988 for an atf witch hunt on an elderly couple in Ocotillo Wells, Ca. Same exact weapons story. Same exact burried bus fake meth lab story. No burn out resulted, but also zero evidence of any crime found. Atf follows the fbi CS handling protocols. Zero accountability!
Delta Force was rumored to have stopped people (shooting them) from fleeing the fire from the rear of the compound. They claim they were just there to assist with surveillance equipment.
Today is also the anniversary of Paul Revere’s Ride, The Battle Of Lexington. April 19, 1775.
Cullen has testified that while on foreign operations as he was directing Delta Force Operations Delta Force agents repeatedly bragged to him about killing Branch Davidians. I,’m sure it is just a coincidence that Mr. Cullen has had to go into
The infrared video filmed by the SAS showed the Delta operators using a belt fed machine gun to kill people fleeing out the back door. That was verified by the inventor of the infrared technology. And yes, the SAS had an observer team on site that day.
I bought a copy with the machine gunner firing into the compound to kill anyone trying to escape.
I remember one of the Davidian’s trying to get back into the compound
to his family. The filth renamed Government killed him and placed his
body on a fence and left it there for days. Who thinks of such except
a satanist. They are not what you think they are; i.e. defenders.
Lon Horiuchi -sniper and former United States Army officer who was involved in the 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff and 1993 Waco siege. In 1997, Horiuchi was charged with manslaughter …
Yes he was. And guess which deep state fixer represented him pro bono and got him acquitted. Bill Barr.
Trump announced his intent to nominate Barr to the position on December 7, 2018, and he was formally nominated on January 3, 2019.
How convenient:
Jack Harwell, Sheriff of McClennan County (Waco)died Thursday morning of a heart attack. He would have been a key witness in the wrongful death suit filed by the Branch Davidians,’
Harwell became a deputy in 1963. I’m certain there was nothing questionable about his death, brought on by nothing but time and poor health.
Moreover, Sheriff Harwell died March 16, 2000, at the age of 71.
They tried and missed with this one:
Another Key witness for the plaintiffs in the Branch Davidian wrongful death suit, Dr. Edward Allard nearly died last week when he suffered a serious stroke.
Courtesy of the Arkancide Queen and Billy Boy…
They Said they wanted to arrest Koresh. He went into town, alone, every week.
Watch the video. When you see three guys go up on a roof and two go in the window, the third guy pokes his arm in and fires a gun towards the two guys.
IIRC, Clinton lost two former security guys in waco. Rumor has it that they had hacked computers and had some embarrassing info on the government.
I’m betting that footage is no longer in that video.
The front doors of the Waco compound disappeared mysteriously, they would have shown who fired first. The cs gas used was highly flammable, the women and children found had gone into such convulsions from the gas that they broke their backs. They could have talked to David koresch as he regularly went to town on Fridays. They will have no problem doing the same thing to us.
Well said, friend.
All that Tom said is true. Please, see my post below and watch the documentary. Warning, it is rough viewing and not suitable for women and children.
I have read that three of the Clintons’ bodyguards died in the raid. Only four agents died in the raid, so as per usual criminal gov’t malfeasance is utilized by gov’t elites to cover up their criminality. The three former bodyguards were on the roof, breached a room through a window from the roof and then the agent that remained outside on the roof threw a grenade into the room and then fired his weapon repeatedly into the room. So, yeah, the usual. Additionally, Dave Hodges used to have a guest on a few years ago who purported to be a former CIA/DOD operative that claims he was first offered the OKC job and refused it, knowing that the guys that take those kind of jobs have a purty short shelf life. Then he became a pariah and had many attempts on his life. He claimed to have been at Waco, and said that helicopter gunships shot the crap out of the compound during the night, and the raid and the fire was basically to cover that up. Out.
Don’t forget to place the American flag on top of the compound, what
was left of it, to celebrate their slaughter.
Read where a deputy Sheriff who was vocally against what the gov
was doing was shot in the back by a sniper on the hill behind the
compound. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Oh yea, the man who was placed on the fence was still alive at the
time as people could hear him mumbling.
Waco: The Rules of Engagement documentary (1997).
The blood of these murdered people fall directly on the Clinton’s, janet Reno, Eric holder as well as Ann richards who was the Texas governor at the time . She played her part like a good Marxist soldier and abetted the Clinton’s with these heinous murderers. The fbi, atf as well as the cia all took there marching orders as well.
The truly sad thing is that both Waco & Ruby Ridge showed us in such a clear format how criminal & out of control this U.S. Gov’t really is and what did We the American people do -- what we do best, NOTHING!!! How many warnings and chances do we need to be given? Guys we are in EXTREME PERIL and yet we remain “seated” so to speak. If and that’s a huge if and when we decide to get up, I am afraid it will be way too little, too late and out fate will be sealed.
[…] The 1993 Waco Branch Davidian Tragedy Revisited: What Really Happened? Posted on April 19, 2023 by DRenegade So here we are 30 years later and the government has only gotten more out of control. And we still do nothing as an illegal President presides over the ashes of the Republic. […]