The Americans Are Evil

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago

Not excusing any American actions, but it takes two to tango. The Ukrainians are allowing this to happen in their country. They could stop it but they do not. They allowed the Nazis to take control and continue on with the fight. Just like the Americans allow their government to do what they do. There is a simple solution to all of this.

paddy o'furniture
paddy o'furniture
1 year ago

OK, Thomas, what’s your angle? Sorry couldn’t resist. Yes the solution theoretically is simple, throw the bums out. Except… while we were living our lives, not paying as it turns out anywhere near enough attention to the big picture(s), corruption expanded outward, inward, every which way but loose, and here we are. We will win out, mankind that is, but it’s gonna be hell getting thru this. Hell.

1 year ago

You can be sure this gonzo guy is correct we as in our government in Washington and 50 % of its citizens are Evil . The most despicable that man has ever offered.
Ahem…. But Gonzo you forget where and whom it all comes from. It comes from your comrades’ to the east of us there is Russia the country you work for. Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Lenin…… They created Bolshevism and used it to Take Czarist Russia into centralized government resulting in the killing 60 million of its own Christin population. They used the same techniques The Hegelian dialectic to mesmerize the populace enslaving a once free media. Corrupting the academia and the market place as a result . Corrupted the judiciary through the same techniques they next used their power to overthrow the whole thing . So yes Gonzo you are correct we have become evil but YOU have been evil all along. Now we all have a monster to deal with to which we all may or may not survive.

Roth Harbard
1 year ago
Reply to  Bubba1

Just to be clear, Lira is Chilean, Marx and Engels, German, Lenin and Trotsky, Russian. Germans appear to be bi-polar, giving us both some of the best and some of the worst of humanity. The Russians didn’t create the Soviet system. That was largely accomplished by the Tribe, or at least most of the Bolsheviks were members of the Tribe. Just as all Americans are not to blame for the monster that rules us, neither were the Russian people to blame for the monster that ruled them.
As for Gonzalo, he appears to be one of the few voices that is actually speaking truth. He may be working for the Russians, but I accept that premise to the same degree I except that there was Russian collusion with Trump. Essentially … BS.

1 year ago

I appreciate what he says. Personally, I think people like to oversimplify things based on information they’ve received in their lives. It’s foolish to look at any “group” of people and think you know them, all you’re doing is making an assumption. And, that’s probably something you don’t like for people to do to you. The truth here is that Ukraine, one, really never bothered to complete the required process to become a sovereign. Ukraine was basically overrun with American Political criminals and their families. It’s been their cesspool and Ukraine constantly was trying to rid themselves of the people of Donbas and others that still saw themselves as Russian. They were beyond cruel and have been firing on those people since before Putin “invaded”. Now, if Putin put biological weapons facilities that were DNA specific to Americans just south of our border, I bet we would “invade” and that’s exactly what was happening. Putin didn’t start this war, NATO, Soros, Biden and I’m sure you could add Obama and Clinton are behind this war and it’s time for the America people to see that. I don’t think a single country we’ve brought “democracy” and “freedom” to is better off than before we got there. Most are now shit holes, face it. Until people face that, we can’t stop it. No one can name a single thing that Putin has done to deserve his reputation. He brought his country back from hell inflicted on them just like it’s happening right here. Same people behind it. Putin is fighting our enemy and people here need to face that. The globalists at the top are satanic and ruthless and they run whoever runs Biden. Your government has done nothing for you lately or ever in our lifetimes outside of Trump. Educate yourselves, pay attention and notice when you are not thinking but just in a loop that they taught you. All lies and uglier than is believable but all true. Lara Logan, one of the most honest investigative reporters mainstream just got banned from newsman for saying the truth. Look it up.

strider 777
1 year ago

I agree with every one of his points, except one. And that is when he makes the blanket statement that “the Americans are evil.” No, like most of the human race, the majority of average Americans are not thoroughly and unredeemably evil. But the majority of the treasonous liars, thieves and cutthroats presently in charge of our national government certainly are. In fact, I don’t even consider them human anymore. I believe they are literally possessed by demons. How else does one account for their insane and hellish domestic and foreign policies?

rm p
rm p
1 year ago

According to Dr. William Mount, the only country that has manufactured dirty bombs is the USA. He states that this country is responsible for 40 of them. Therefore…

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Lucifer and his ilk could care less what country you live or which tribe you hail from, he desires all of you (us) to fail!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

And speaking of evil, just something to consider.
Carbon 666 -- THE SECRET ~ Rex Reviews

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
1 year ago

The sheeples will be lining up to get that free Netflix and cheese simply by flashing their new “Mark” on the right hand . It is almost comical .

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  robehr orinsky

Almost comical. i know, if it were not so sad.
People are so head strong they refuse to take notice, refuse to pay attn.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
1 year ago

My spelling stinks too but it’s Graphene not graphine.
Revelation says the waters are the peoples. Are six pointed snowflakes controlled by Satan?
Just kidding.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
1 year ago

Satan’s spawn run the globalist new world order and America is a main headquarters of such. Thus, Gonzalo’s appropriate condemnation.
A deadly wound to the global beast system will create the desperation for universal worship of a false god. This is the antichrist (anti = instead of, or false, christ = the annointed one).
A stolen election pales compared to stolen salvation.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Americans are evil?
Are we more evil? Is Russia less evil? Do you understand?
evil is evil!

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
1 year ago

Man is evil, or do you deny the words of Christ?

strider 777
1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas Hanna

Yes, but thanks be to Christ, not irredeemably so. Not so for the demon possessed, however. They are not able pray to Him and ask for His forgiveness.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas Hanna

Thomas Hanna,
i believe we agree, not sure why you ask.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

There are probably more communists in D.C. than in Moscow these days. Having said that, if the guy can’t speak for 14 minutes without a cigarette, he shouldn’t do videos. It’s disrespectful to the viewers. At least he put on a clean sweatshirt this time. Go Russia! Kill the empire.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

WWIII on the horizon and you’re triggered by watching someone smoke a cigarette.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago
Reply to  FJQ

Standards. And I’m not triggered. Standards. Have any?

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Okay, Karen.

1 year ago

The American government and much of its churches (many within this hierarchy being their spiritual advisors) are satanic and work in concert to affect geopolitical hegemony. They are ultimately ensuring that other countries collectively will launch an assault in whatever forms that may take, in stopping the U.S. from having this leverage again; to be the determiners of heads of state, the territorial boundaries of countries, and how much money and other resources a nation’s people will have access to, and in what countries and borders will have nuclear weapons and the prepositioning thereof. It’s a speculative matter as to why the world has let America get away with this for so many decades.