The Constitution is Toilet Paper! We Are No Longer A Nation of Laws! So What Are We Waiting For?

Haven’t we already been fired upon? Ruby Ridge, Waco, January 6th? The list can go on and on but I don’t want to fill up this article with every injustice our Government has committed against us. Have they not already broken their contract with us? The Constitution is toilet paper. We are no longer a nation of laws.

So what are we waiting for?

The comment section has been interesting as of late. I’ve been contributing here at NCRenegade now for almost four years. To this day it still surprises me which articles get the most traffic and the most spirited comments. For example, this post, now keep in mind just because I post a video doesn’t necessarily mean I agree with the content. But this video had some legitimate points. The way some people took it, again surprised me. I have fought the good fight. I have been in the belly of the beast. So giving up on the political solution was easy to come by for me. To see people excited that Trump is leading Desantis in polls and are planning on voting “more harder” is disappointing beyond belief. Instead of “Republicans” repenting of their Trump idolatry, it looks like the Evangelicals are choosing to double down and roll the dice with the “father” of the “vaccine”. Trump is our Stay Puff Marshmallow Man of Divine Judgment! I think the deep state will easily finger Trump, pin the vax deaths on him and throw him to the wolves.

I have gotten to where I quickly determine whether or not to have conversations with people pertaining to the “vaccine”. If you’re jabbed I don’t even waste my time. I used to try, but their pride will not allow them to admit they have made a mistake. I wonder how these “vaccinated” people feel that took the jab to save their jobs now that Brandon has withdrawn his mandates with Osha? How many people’s lives have been destroyed because of these unlawful mandates? I was watching the news this morning and they were touting the unemployment numbers. In NC our unemployment rate is down to 3.7%, yet everywhere I go I see help wanted signs. Employers can’t fill the jobs. So where have all the people gone? Have they died? Have they reverted back to the old days and decided one income is survivable? Or are they still living off unemployment? I don’t know but with a 3.7% unemployment rate I shouldn’t be seeing help wanted signs everywhere.

One commenter has put forth that 5 man teams in all counties could get a great deal done. I totally agree with that. Yet we wait. Why? What is holding us back? This current regime that has stolen our country from us has already labeled us domestic terrorist and they have been hunting people down since gaining control. You can’t vote away evil! You have to kill it! There is evil in every county in this country. Continuing to do nothing but prep is not going to win our freedom back. Just surviving is not going to provide freedom for our children and grandchildren. What good will all these preps be when the governments raiding parties show up and take everything you have. Oh they’ll have to kill me, but then what will that have accomplished? Somebody has to be first. Right now, none of us are willing to be first. That mirror is getting harder and harder to look in every day.

“Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” The evil is no  longer sufferable.

Most people are refusing to see with their own eyes what is happening in real time to us. We have a front row seat to the final stages of our once great nation. A huge part of our population has a total distrust in our nation’s institutions. There is only one way that we come back from this and it isn’t voting.

We can do this. We can win this. For it would be better to die in battle with honor, than to continue to wait for them to come kill us in our sleep. Once it begins, it will snowball. We are in the fight of our lives, except we haven’t joined the fight, yet! Let’s worry about what comes after, after. One thing at a time. First let’s win and rid the world of these evil bastards. Then we can rebuild as we’ve been preparing. You’ve prepped to survive. Now let’s prepare for battle!

Who’s first?


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I am in total agreement Wes, people it seems have become delusional on a grand scale. They have death warrants on every man, woman and child with their kill shot and still believe the illegitimate regimes narrative. The American man has been turned into a sissified imitation, our disobedience to God in allowing this evil to continue is why we suffer these horrors nothing else. What will it take to get people to stand up and fight, the type of violence I talk of is not against God’s laws it is just and called for.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The 2,3,4 man teams in every city would eliminate the userpers infiltration, and would allow a true show of force, not use of force at this time.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Also the use of small teams could eliminate any comms and could easily bring teams to communicate directly and if needed state wide and then nationwide.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Again old school still works best in this situation, there are no comms that cannot be captured especially with there AI technology, all cover is temporary and plans go awry. The American warrior cannot be defeated especially with God on our side.

a follower
a follower
2 years ago

No time to read all of article at this time. But i will say when Glenn Beck interviewed Donald Trump and said He (Trump)was basically our best hope. i have been a little sick over this. i appreciate all Glenn has done but man how can you be so far off?
All these people that run back or stick with Trump i fear are delusional.
And i have another question surrounding something i suspect, because of Q etc. If Trump returns as the man of law and begins hanging people will many of you cheer and join in?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

I do not believe Trump is what he claims to be, he was the trojan horse that brought us to where we are now.

a follower
a follower
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Trump Calls Himself 45th and 47th President, Playing Into Potential for 2024 Campaign (
How big of a trojan horse could he be?
And the crowd will go wild for “The father of the vaccine!”

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

For the first time I agree with you.

a follower
a follower
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom i agree with some of your Trump theory.
i did not give you a negative on your reply. so you know.
On the link you gave: Investigate that site a little bit. Go to the main page. Sorcha faal ? Tell me what you think.
i am not a fan.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

No I have been looking at this site a long time also, theory’s are it is CIA run or communist run. But you can still get some truth to what is happening that is all.

Surf Nazare
Surf Nazare
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Not CIA TOM !!!!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Surf Nazare

No I don’t think so either, I said rumors surrounding the site have claimed this.

Surf Nazare
Surf Nazare
2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

I am a fan and you can get more unfiltered info then anywhere. They have info from Russians that no one else post. You get knowledge of what is going on way before news media releases and most wont give the info they have. Like on this Ukraine/Russia and EU—-all posturing. Where have you heard that the EU gets 2/3rds of crude imports from Russia or 41% of ng needs or 47% of coal needs. And then you hear the US is going to cut Russia off from SWIFT—-Russia is laughing their asses off. If Russia cuts them off then what—economies go bust—-Ukraine main source of income comes from Revenue in Russsian gas transit fees—-Now with knowledge like this you get a great picture of what is going on and who holds the cards. The CIA was responsible for the overthrow of the Ukraine--duly elected—govt in 2014—-This govt is so crooked—-o0h wait Biden is on the boards of the gas co. go figure—lol——Like they say, you are safer in Kiev then you are in LA—side note—they will tell you what is really going on in the m/e—Syria etc.—-Russia has been fighting the terrorist that the spooks set up like Isis—-another long detail—--So yes a great site as far as I am concerned—-takes some reading and study but like anything you get out of it what you put into it—if looking for Mickey/D’s info then too bad—--Ezekiel 36 etc. getting closer—-Syria falling and Turkey is falling apart—-Iran sending weapons and building systems in Lebanon and Gaza not to mention Syria—-Russians and Israel have been bombing the P out of them—when did you hear about that—-

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Surf Nazare

Sister Maria Theresa is the 73rd Sorcha Faal of the Sorcha Faal Order, Elected as Mother Superior 3 February 2007
Also the Masonic imagery etc.
All i need to know.

Surf Nazare
Surf Nazare
2 years ago

Masons—who or where did you get that info—-yes anything can be lodged against people like this. Can you trust info from outfits they have attacked. It is like politics—-all I know is info I have gleaned from them has been ahead of the curve and even news/info others wont put out there. No doubt govt. will try to use them but much of Russian info was shown on documents and anything you really want to know about what is going on in the US, just check with the Russians and or Israel. Good sites in Israel also. You may have heard of Steve Quayle—-go to his site if you haven’t already—--He is amazing—--they have tried to kill him !!!!
Remember they will try to keep you from getting info by lying or even stretching the truth about operations like them—-

2 years ago

Hey Wes, I’m fixing to attend an HR interview at work this morning where I may be terminated for my principals on the vaxx.


2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Wes, I was fired from the hospital I worked at as expected. They “suspected” my vaxx card was black market. All they had was circumstantial evidence from their audit. I knew going into to it the risk I was taking. I stand by my principles and have no regrets. I’ve never worked anywhere where politics were so in your face everyday, although I’ve heard education is worse. I’ll never work in the medical field again and have that held over me.

Thank you for your wishes.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

God bless you, will pray for your obedience to God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Don’t compromise Dana, put your trust in Jesus and do not bend.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Agreed, my trust is in Christ alone. No compromise.
I’ll die a pure blood.


Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Dana, if they tell you that you can’t work because you didn’t get the vax, then you tell them that no one can work there. Shut it down. Or lie down and take it. Their firing you is your call to duty.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

My past experience has always been, when one door gets closed on you, there are other doors that get opened. They are opened because you were previously buried behind a closed door and could not see. It may take awhile, but the doors will open. Trust in that. If you believe in God, trust in Him, he will put you where you need to be when you need to be there.
I’ve had more jobs than I can remember, and after 7 decades I still have not figured out what I want to do or be when I grow up (other than really old). Course the flip side is I still haven’t grown up either. When will that be you ask! Ehh, I’ll worry bout that later, I got time.

2 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

Enn Ess,
They fired me, I am free.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

God has something better in store for you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

stay strong!

2 years ago

They keep trying to deepen the division, well, that’s gonna be bad for them and not work out as planned. Bubbles pop, the bowed back breaks and people have their breaking point; whenever, wherever and whoever is the first, yes sir, it will spread mighty fast. When it starts, it will be vicious.

2 years ago

anyone here heard the story of Gordon Kahl ?

if not, you better get your google fu going

before Ruby Ridge.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  byforce

Byforce, best I can tell, his son Yory is still in prison. Gordon’s wife has passed away. I used to be in contact with them, years ago.

R. Shooter
2 years ago

When I was a Deputy there wasn’t a day go by when someone didn’t thank me for what I did, and say we are behind you. I’ve wondered how many times Derek Chauvin had the adoring “Back the blue” thank him for what he did. We saw the cowardly I’m behind you crowd all hide under the bed as he was railroaded and then sighed with relief when they were saved from the wrath of the street savages. I fear that most all the “Brave” Patriots would crawl under their bed and throw real patriots under the bus like they did with Chauvin. How many so called patriots (Sean Hannity) would be quick to blame us because this not who we are and sell us out as terrorists to save their cowardly asses. It’s one thing to shoot paper targets on a supervised range and another to go through that door when shots had been fired.
I wonder if there would have been protests if the Rittenhouse verdict had found him guilty?
Wes, I feel your frustration. When the bullets start flying both directions who will be standing with us and who will deny us? And after we are gone who will be left standing?
This needs to be done but so few of us.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  R. Shooter

I want to thank you for your service, they are still demonizing LEOS of which the majority are God fearing men and women dedicated to serving we the people. They lied about Mr. Chauvin, george floyd was using drugs and resisting arrest. He overdosed and died from those same drugs and was made out to be a hero. I will stand with you when duty calls so help me God.

C Sailor
C Sailor
2 years ago

Wes, I agree with what you are stating in your article above but have one question: WHAT is it that you suggest we do? Should we all lock and load and descend on DC and hang every last traitor (if they are even there)? I’m on board with everything but I’m failing to see how we remedy the situation.
1) We can get involved locally in our towns and city governments, but that is going to take years to improve the situation and we need radical change NOW!
2) As I stated above we can lock-and-load and descend upon DC or COG locations and battle it out with them until they bring the Reaper’s to blow us all to bits while they watch on their CCTV.
3) Any groups we form can have infiltrators that either steer us wrong or report our every move to TPTB and we suffer loss.
This is a communist takeover of the USA and it started decades ago to rot us within. Almost every politician, college professor, school board member, etc have been co-opted by commies. Our history isn’t taught in schools anymore. Our form of government isn’t taught in schools anymore. All schools care about is indoctrinating the young minds of our children. And unfortunately “We The People” have been deceived by riches of the this country and its hubris to no end. I myself acknowledge that I too am deceived and HATE every moment I live since being Red Pilled! I groan with each days news of our asleep countrymen not getting the fact that they are sheep being led to the slaughter. The Clot Shots being the most devilish, unholy, F’n action ever taken place upon a countries citizens. I pray for this country that God Almighty will stay his hand of judgement upon this country, but then consternation sets in as I see abortion, sex slavery, human slavery, porn and every other form of evil in this country takes place daily and I just want God to rip off the band-aid and get it over with. Judge us! But with that judgement comes the church being first and then the remaining country following.
So I ask what is the solution? What can the righteous do if the foundations of a country be destroyed? Our foundations are gone from my perspective. God Almighty may see it differently as he has an eternal perspective. But I’m just clay trying to figure out what my part is in all this mess that I need to be doing. I want to stop all of this evil, but I really don’t know where to start. I hear bravado from all the keyboard warriors but fail to see what action should be taken.
My hope is in Jesus Christ my Savior. And if I’m cannon fodder for the bettering of our country then so be it. But I don’t want to die on some distant hill that has no name and no-one has any idea why I died on it. It has to count for something. I’m not going to just throw it away on something foolish and stupid. It HAS to count! All of our lives HAVE to count to rid this country of the evil that has taken over. But what is that event/movement that makes it COUNT?!?

2 years ago
Reply to  C Sailor

The “Event” has to be the realization that You all have been misinformed, deliberatly and by plan,, for your entire life.
The “Movement that makes it COUNT” is simple,, not necessarily easy,, but simple,,. Reconstruct the Lawful American Government… You know the one Ben and Patrick and John and the other John and Thomas and 47 others, most of whom died for their convictions,, provide for us in 1776?
Contact your State Assembly, learn how to take back your authority,.. Learn who and what a “government of the people, by the people. and for the people” ,, IS and how it functions,,,
And take back your freedom,, Americans dont ASK the government for anything,, we TELL.
“United we stand, divided we fall”,has never been truer.
Learn what your power and authority is and how to properly use it. google the american states assembly and anna bon reitz.. Ps WE the people… are the reason YOU are not in a fema camp right now.. we know how to take back america without firing a shot,, .. which does not mean we are averse to that concept,, we keep out powder dry and will respond appropriatly.. Americans also have liftime open and conceald carry rights on the public record.. that means statutory cops agents agenceys, know and expect us to be carrying. That makes me feel real comfortable..

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred

All options have run out there is but one, they will not surrender what they have stolen, the vote will not restore our freedom either. We have to take our freedom and liberty, that is our only path.

2 years ago

Virginia’s Patrick Henry (1736-99) was chosen to be a delegate but refused to attend the convention because he didn’t want to give the central government more power, fearing it would endanger the rights of states and individuals. Yeah, I cut and paste…lol

All Done
All Done
2 years ago

This needs to go viral. I’m tired of the patriots seemingly falling pray to a psy-op that lulls them into waiting for a plan or others to finally come forth and free us from the tyranny. Socialism coddles the masses with just enough comfort to neuter them and make them weak and useless. Someone needs to go first. Then the waterfall will start.

2 years ago

I agree 100% on the county by county organization.However I have resigned myself to the fact that it won’t happen.Somebody said in an earlier thread that as long as the folks can drink beer watch football and cocoon at home thats what they’re going to do. Nuclear war,Riots,EMP,NATO troops arrive I know what to do. I’m not expecting any help when the SHTF.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  OldMarine

I am praying this can happen, the 2,3 or 4 man teams seems a small effort.

2 years ago
Reply to  OldMarine

Old Marine.. I am probably older.. 71 and a Viet vet. The Countys ARE organizing,, IN ALL 50 STATES.. All we need to take back America is “More Americans”. You all need to get up to speed., You need to realize a US citizen and a USA Citizen, and an American are two different Jurisdictions of law.. Americans are on the Land Law Jurisdiction. US and USA Citizens are in the Statutory Law Jurisdiction. Land law SUPERCEDES Statutory laws.. PERIOD When an Amerian Claims his proper Jurisciction,, that puts him OUT of statutory law and we get to TELL our governments service providing EMPLOYEES what to Do. America is currently under Martial Law (a form of statutory Admiralty law), and there will be confusion and pain in the continuance of this quiet war.. BUT.. As we reconstruct our Lawful government of by and for the people, as Americans learn how to do that, we ARE taking america back one county and state at a time ,… Learn how that is done and why its YOU that has to do it i.e. Self Govern,,. google the american states assembly and read the home page .. get a clue and your life back.

William Wallace
William Wallace
2 years ago

Who’s first?

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago

How ironic that “William Wallace” is a chickenshit.

2 years ago

I will stand with Wes now or alone when I recognize opportunity.


tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Maybe who knows, I have made my declaration clear they are my mortal enemy, any and I mean any attempt to arrest or detain me will be met with appropriate force period. I did not declare this they did, I am now a terrorist in the land where I was born.

William Wallace
William Wallace
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

this is my position: forebearance is not cowardice..
The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.
I have been down the dark road, do not wish to go there again, but do have my personal tripwires, and we ain’t there yet…ymmv..

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

It is coming I have no doubt.

james trammell
james trammell
2 years ago

you are correct, but the issue is bringing unity to the people. Only a few are willing to stand the rest will and lick the boots of their oppressors, but Im willing to stand my ground with every patriot out there, so let it begin

2 years ago

You see it everywhere, “Trump Will Save Us.” If we vote harder in 2024 Trump will be President again, all our ills will be cured.
Seems everyone is willing to overlook that Trump is the Father of Operation Warp Speed and the Not A Vaccine. They forget all his missteps, all his poor personnel decisions.
We cannot overlook Trump’s missteps or his cowardice when it came to firing FauChi. Yes, I said cowardice. Even Trump admitted he didn’t fire FauChi because of the shit storm that would have created. I say cowardice when he didn’t stand up the the Covid Commission headed by the Traitor Pence and Dear SIL Kushner to stop lockdowns, 15 days to flatten the curve and all the other BS we have been forced to bear and accept during the scamdemic.
Yes Trump did some good things and it would be great to build upon those good things. But as we have witnessed ourselves all the good things Trump accomplished were wiped out in short order by the FJB Administration and the traitors in CongrAss.
Do we truly believe voting is gonna solve the situation we now find ourselves in? Oh you’ll hear that voting is our only recourse. And when voting fails again what’s next, wait 4 more years to vote as things get even worse?

2 years ago

Somehow we must find a way to organize similar to how the French Resistance fought against the Nazi’s in WWII. Without a plan and some way to organize our resistance in the war against the Federal Leviathan we are toast.

2 or 3 man teams is a good start. We still need comms, codes and some type of organization that can lead the resistance.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

The five man team thing, i believe was introduced by someone else not tom. Do not remember and did not recognize.
it was on a thread with one or two comments, then tom opened up suddenly about the various militas etc…And this plan!. And i can not find this thread. Comments and threads are too fast to keep track of.
who was this other voice?
Hate me and lash out at me, This is Truth.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

honestly can not even believe some of the things you are now saying on line. And then you are shocked and surprised by a visit? Yet you want the alphabet gangs to visit the actual terrorist.
You see i do not believe we are the terrorist yet, but we are being used and played by them! This is where we need to STAND!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Honestly follower I do not care at this point if they come to my door, if they do then let it begin.

a follower
a follower
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The five man team thing, i believe was introduced by someone else not tom. Do not remember and did not recognize.
i believe we are being played right now with no one at our door. i do know who i was looking for (The initial five man team commentor) but i have decided to remain silent and watch.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I don’t think anybody hates you.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The original article 1/24 by Wes The time for warnings are over.

Surf Nazare
Surf Nazare
2 years ago

your following will be few/support I mean/ but most here seem to live in country or outskirts. Best teknik with minimal 3 man team is triangle. Especially if you know they are coming. With triangle you set up a kill zone so they can’t target one special location. Obviously equipment has meaning—yours and theirs. My guess is light stuff so works to your advantage——just a suggestion when it hits the fan. Nice if you have satellite phones and can move and relocate—--Hit a few and they will get demoralized unless hardened and battle experience—-trust me they aren’t as many as you might think and they have been trained to fight in numbers and teams—-hold your positions for short period and then move—-if you have hit some they will not be as anxious as they were !!!!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

We Have Done Everything We Could | NC Renegades Here is the article that started this conversation.

a follower
a follower
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

No this is not the thread. that started this. i will try to look more this evening.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Yes We have done everything we could is the article, 2nd line of defense talked about the 12 men per county and show of force.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom… right spirit,, wrong method,, wrong JURISDICTION,,. There is Statutory Jurisdiction,, “Them”, and “Land Jurisdiction”, which is the American people,,.. That would be Me and You.
There are 3 Jurisdiction of L A W. ,,.. L= Land Law…. A= Air Law= Eclesiastical law…. W= Water Law= Law of the Sea= Statutory Law….
Before you go the the guns.. Try getting OUT of statutory jurisdiction and into your natural Land Jurisdiction, where you can be safe and secure in your person and papers and competely dump 98% of statutory rules and regulations?
How about learning how to be an actual functioning “American” and re-learn how to actually RUN your government, instead of letting “It” run You..?
An American’s authority comes from Our ability to “Self Govern”.
Self Governance is the ability of the general American public, to CONTROLL,, the people we HIRED to provide certain services.. If YOU do not controll them they Will Controll You,,, as they are now.
America was DESIGNED to be a government Of the people, By the People, and For the people, and “we the people” have had that process “educated” out of us.
So take back your “Lawfull’ authorty and tell ALL your EMPLOYEE’s where to git off.. Spend a couple of days learning how ,,, or continue living the rest of your life as you have been,, Under THEIR Thumb,, or Boot, would be more discriptive.
Learn How.. google — the american states assembly or anna von reitz ..

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Fred what you propose is great, the difference is we are under the law they are not. They will use force, we are terrorists even discussing that option. What authoritarian regime ever relinquished what they had stolen? This is where we are at, only one way to get our freedom back and that is to take it.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
a follower
a follower
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

couple of us here on renegade who advise against the Anna von Reitz thing.
Questions will be answered if anyone feels the need.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  a follower

T.L. Davis: Inflection Point | NC Renegades Here is another article where this was discussed.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
2 years ago

Sorry but I keep asking “where are the men”? Recently, I see MORE people wearing the mask AGAIN!! This includes more men. Men in their cars….alone! Men at the supermarket. Men walking into restaurants. MEN IN MASKS!!!!!! It is like a Twilight Zone out there and it started up again after a short reprieve.

2 years ago

I greatly respect your dedication and passion, Wes, but I believe that only aggressive border invasions by foreign powers or actual Civil War will wake persons up in forceful numbers to try to curb the total takeover of our country. That may prove to be too late.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

Bubby.. Civil wars get people killed.. How about learning how to be an actual functioning “American” and re-learn how to actually RUN your government instead of letting “It” run You..?
An American’s authority comes from the ability to “Self Govern”.. That does not mean “how I run my household’.
Self Governance is the ability of the general American public, to CONTROLL,, the people we HIRED to provide certain services.. If YOU do not controll them they Will Controll You,,, as they are now.
America was DESIGNED to be a government Of the people, By the People, and For the people, and “we the people” have had that process “educated” out of us.
So take back your “Lawfull’ authorty and tell ALL your EMPLOYEE’s where to git off.. Spend a couple of days learning how ,,, or continue living the rest of your life as you have been,, Under THEIR Thumb,, or Boot, would be more discriptive.
Learn How.. google -- the american states assembly or anna von reitz ..