The Coverup Is Being Exposed

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One Pissed MArine
One Pissed MArine
7 months ago

Mike Adams conducted audio forensics and determined there were 3-shooters as well as distance which falls in line with the Water Tower:

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
7 months ago

Seems all federal agencies are rotten to the core and can’t be trusted, time to clean house come January 2025.

Roth Harbard
7 months ago

At least two shooters. A patsy. A cover-up in progress. Just like JFK, except that they weren’t calling for JFK’s death for years before they pulled the trigger. That one was a surprise and took decades to uncover. This one was no surprise and with internet and smart phones everything is obvious within a week or so.

7 months ago

There are allegations that photographer Doug Mills, who took the high speed pic of the first bullet, was tipped off about the assassination attempt, so he could be in position to catch the shot. I watched an interview of him, where he said he heard “pop, pop, and then pushed down on the camera’s button to quickly take the high speed famous pic. Not possible. The first bullet fired was the one that hit Trump’s ear. The bullet in the pic is of the first bullet fired. The one that hit Trump’s ear. So he couldn’t have heard “pop, pop” and started filming. He was actually filming ahead of time, in order to catch the pic of the bullet. Only reason for him to be taking pics would be that he was waiting for what he was told was about to happen. He wanted to get a pic of Trump’s head exploding.