The Cut-Out

by Sam Culper

Supanuch Hongsakrai, 28, was nabbed on Monday as she tried to check in a package at the bag-deposit counter. She claimed she had been hired by a man, identified only as Than, to pick up the package from a firm… check it in at the bag-deposit counter and hand the ticket over to another man. She was allegedly paid between [300-600 USD] each time.

She admitted to having done this three times before to earn money for her family, though she claimed that she did not know there were drugs inside the package because she had never looked. Police, charging the suspect for possessing narcotics with the intention to sell, will further interrogate her to try and nab her accomplices.

The cut-out.

As opposed to the dead drop, a system whereby two individuals transfer information or materiel without coming into contact, the cut-out is a go-between for the sender and receiver.  The cut-out essentially becomes the living dead drop, ensuring that the sender and receiver don’t come into contact.  The case officer/agent handler identifies and recruits the potential agent/courier through the steps of the Agent Recruiting Cycle.  The case officer provides directions; maybe the agent is a courier making dead drops, maybe the courier is the cut-out.  The cut-out simply accepts a package from an known (or unknown) entity, and then delivers it to another known (or unknown) entity.  This is how two individuals communicate ‘face-to-face-to-face‘ without coming into contact or even close proximity.

So let’s take this lady, for instance.


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