The Day The War Began – T.L. Davis

You don’t know it. If you were a farmer without a radio during Pearl Harbor, you would not have known that the world had just gone to war and it would not end without the deaths of millions and millions. If you don’t know that the American Civil War Deux just started, I pity you for you have no radio.

Diane Feinstein declares her intent to ban all weapons capable (a very big word in the bill) of holding a clip of more than 10 rounds of ammunition, it doesn’t matter how big your clip is. If the gun is capable of holding a larger clip, it is banned.

President Barack Obama has declared that “we must change.”

Governor Cuomo of New York suggests that the government is quite capable of confiscating weapons, or engaging in a mandatory buy-back program. What the heck is a “mandatory buy-back program?” It sounds like they will take your weapon and maybe give you a few bucks for your trouble of bringing them in yourself.


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