I’m in utter disbelief. I just watched Republicans’ Senate lead completely PLUMMET. — We’re now LEADING in Pennsylvania — We’re now LEADING in New Hampshire — We’re now LEADING in Montana I need you to read this very closely, David: This election just turned into our once-in-a-lifetime chance to flip every last Republican seat, build the BIGGEST Democratic Majorities in history, and stop McConnell from EVER regaining power again — but ONLY if we can compete with Republicans’ massive piles of cash. I need 3,109 Democratic Memberships before midnight to close our budget gap, jump on this historic opportunity, and WIN. But I noticed you still haven’t renewed your Membership. I can’t tell you how much it would mean to me >> |
Received from the Vodka Skeleton begging for money.
David DeGerolamo
I doubt its Dementia. She must know the votes have already been counted since absolutely nothing has been done to correct the voting processes which they used to steal our country from us. They are in charge of counting the votes, she knows that there will be no Red Wave.
Picture from 40 years ago, at least.
It’s been well over a year since this political crime of the century happened. Looks like they got away with it, doesn’t it? This socialist Frankenstein they’ve created has ruined us financially, defiled us internationally and divided us irreparably. But now the consequences of their actions have come home to roost. They weren’t smart to anticipate their worst nightmare. The monster is now coming after them.
No country that has lost their freedom to a communist revolution or coup has ever regained their freedom peacefully, not one.
This is preparatory propaganda. The cheating plans are already in place and under way. This is to fool the gullible into thinking their “win” was legitimate.