I would offer some views concerning the above video but what is the point? The people who now control this country’s government have turned the concept of making American great again into a war designed to destroy Americans. This will not end well.
David DeGerolamo
Ol’ Tucker has been on an absolute tear lately. Wonder how long it’ll be before the mob comes for him. Can’t believe the socialists have such a foothold in government and media.
I think this one will probably do it for him.
I could not watch the whole video because of all the BS accusations being made by the members of Congress and news media. Biden’s and the Democrat’s war is against white Americans, and if the patriotic whites don’t rise up in a revolution, and soon then they are the biggest bunch of panty waist losers and will deserve every bit of the horrors that WILL come down on them. I am totally surprised that Trump didn’t enact the Sedition Act when he had the chance, the right, the power, and the duty to do so. Now I feel betrayed by him.
We were singin’, bye-bye, Miss American Pie….
Nah, The Bonnie Blue Flag song is being lightly whistled from my lips.
Wish I could thumbs up your post!
This was the best scene of the movie.