I have ancestors who fought as Patriots in the Revolution and in Confederate service in the War of Northern Aggression. They were fighting to build a nation; to create and defend a Constitutional Republic. It became obvious to me some years ago that while they did their part, others have since allowed the ‘experiment’ to fail. Perhaps I should say ‘others’ infiltrated and re-directed the experiment.
We no longer live in a Constitutional Republic. We don’t even live in a real nation. A nation has a common culture, race and specific and defended borders. To any of you still thinking you can ‘restore’ the nation, I’d ask this simple question. What nation? Best to prepare for what comes next, which would include finding a part of the country where you will be in the significant majority as to race and culture. This so called United States of America is destined for the dust bin of history, but do not grieve for her. She needs to die. She is an unnatural abomination. We can do better.
Every enemy and ally will swoop in when we default. Nuclear arsenals will be fought over and secured. We, the People, will be blitzed, bombed, starved, crushed, and rounded up like cattle for the slaughter. 10 million foot soldier pawns, here at the behest of the current regime, will burn, plunder, and desecrate everything, like a swarm of voracious locusts.
As a now banned and exiled yt’er has said,” it’ll get worse, before it gets worse.”
Guess I’m a “black pill’er” but realistically I don’t see how else this all will play out. All the “democracy” we spread across the globe will return 10-fold upon us.
Depend on the Lord to either keep you where you at or move you to another safer location. he will let you know what you must do. Never rely on the media or any government bureaucrat to tell you where you must go. Completely ignore them and go about your duties. If and when it comes near you then you will do what you must to save the life of your family, yourself, friends, etc. For there is no greater love then for a man to give up his life in defense of his family, wife, brother, etc. for the greater good. this is what is right in Gods eyes, but most of all fear breeds terror so i have adopted what God instructed me to do according to his word, i don’t fear any of these hoodlum clowns, and I have rebuked a few in my day for their filthy vile satanic ways.
Well stated. Faith in God.
I recall the Japanese reminding their superiors, “There is a gun behind every blade of grass”. This is still true and may ring loudly in 2024
Just a line from a movie.
It would be nice if true, sadly too many Americans have been brainwashed into giving up their 2nd A rights.
Absolutely, and this holds true to this day so long as men will be men and have no fear of federal and some State law enforcement agencies. these Marxist agencies have all become corrupted that it defies imagination and rational sane thinking. These agencies will be at the end of their rope very soon along there hit teams they send out from the DOJ and FBI to lock up innocent Americans.
If only Bold Words could make it so.
Words not Deeds ,eh?
Let’s reverse those Words please.
Jesus said to arm up, in Luke 22:36, check it out and follow what our Lord Jesus said, it is dangerous times now !
Some of us have our citizenship in heaven, where dual citizenship is not allowed. Hard times are here, because the Lord in His mercy is putting a stop to all our filth. Trust Him to get you and yours to the other side, our kingdom is not of this world. And that is a happy thought.
Saw this on Telegram this morning. While certainly not true of all Christians, for the majority of those I know, it is.
Christians do nothing waiting in a submissive state for the Jewish king to come and save them meanwhile the creators of the Bible (Jews) are taking total control of the world.
The Bible tells Christians that being rich is bad and that they should give all their wealth and remain poor and follow the Jewish king meanwhile the creators of the Bible (the Jews) are owning all the wealth of the world and are super rich and powerful.
If this is not the perfect psyop cult religion to take the goyim out of competition, I don’t know what else is.
Lori, you may be correct about your citizenship being in heaven, but you’re here … now. Does your fixation on heaven reduce your will to make things better here … now? I’ll bet your church has an American flag next to the alter and is a 501c3 organization. It’s a state church, not a heavenly one.
Your fixation on your belief that Jesus will make everything fine in the end may be correct, but that does not absolve us of responsibility for the present. Life may be a test. If it is … we’re failing.
I agree.
Your right on Lori G, The Bible already said how it would be at the end of this age of Grace, and our Lord Jesus is coming back very soon, sooner then most think 🙂
The empire we live in today is very different from the one I observed while growing up 40-50 years ago. The amount of govt. intervention in our lives, requiring permission to do this and that, and the amount of “tax” that is demanded against property you don’t truly own is staggering. We’re now spied on and policed relentlessly. No, I will not grieve for the death of this failed empire. I do, however, hope that it is able to peacefully restructure into more stable entities like the Soviet Union and not come apart like Yugoslavia.
As numerous points of interest have arisen
in the course of this essay, I close with a brief summary, to refresh the reader’s mind.
(a) We do not learn from history because our studies are brief and prejudiced.
(b) In a surprising manner, 250 years emerges as the average length of national greatness.
(c) This average has not varied for 3,000 years. Does it represent ten generations?
(d) The stages of the rise and fall of great nations seem to be:
The Age of Pioneers (outburst) The Age of Conquests
The Age of Commerce
The Age of Affluence
The Age of Intellect
The Age of Decadence.
(e) Decadence is marked by:
An influx of foreigners
The Welfare State
A weakening of religion.
(f) Decadence is due to:
Too long a period of wealth and power Selfishness
Love of money
The loss of a sense of duty.
(g) The life histories of great states are
amazingly similar, and are due to internal factors.
(h) Their falls are diverse, because they are largely the result of external causes.
(i) History should be taught as the history of the human race, though of course with emphasis on the history of the student’s own country.The Fate of Empires
Sir John Glubb
When the war comes (and it will) once the dust has settled, we will have to carve out a new state where our peoples will be.
One that we can flourish in unchallenged by opposing cultures and language.
One that our children are safe and can grow up to be their best.
One that our women are respected and can walk down the street without fear of being abducted and abused..
One that a man can keep the fruits of his labour so that he may provide for his family and community.
To some this may sound like a “pipe dream” but we can make it a reality as brothers and sisters together against the common enemy.