The Future of This Site

For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance ...

I have been backing up this site on a regular basis since I have no doubt that the government will be shutting down multiple opposition sites at some point. While I do not know when, I do believe the window of opportunity to provide resistance information is closing.

So we have nothing to lose by becoming more proactive. Our readers only have to consider what the Lord would have them do with a firm reliance on His Divine Providence once all sources of information are completely replaced by propaganda. For what it is worth, I know that we are are war and am taking appropriate actions.

For today, I want you to consider whom you trust. Nothing is more important and qualifications for trust are easily made:

  1. Would you trust the individual with the security of your children’s lives?
  2. Does the man or women have good moral character?
  3. Do they do what say they will do? Or to be blunt, do they lie?
  4. Do they agitate people in the community to provoke a response?
  5. Do they take any medications for mental conditions?

A short list of qualifiers that can easily expanded but you will quickly see that few people have the character traits necessary to become a cohesive tactical unit.

I would rather have 4-6 people whom I trust than place my faith in a vote to continue participating in an evil government. If you have an issue with my use of “evil”, let me know what term you would use for a government which funded a biological weapon in Communist China to kill millions (and possibly billions) of people?

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

No problem with your using “evil” to describe our government.

I would add “godless” to describe it as in “evil and godless”.

Yes, there is some overlap in the import of these two words, but IMHO the term “godless” encompasses more of why the government acts the way it does.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

Glad to hear you are forward thinking and looking into the future where evil forces attempt to shut thing down. All should remember: Our nation was born in defiance, it is who we are. We will stand defiantly or die defiantly.
Which is more than I can say for those opposing evil forces, their stand varies with whichever way the wind blows, they have no direction other than control.
When the governed become ungovernable – Let Them Herd Cats…….

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

If you have a dozen in your outer circle and 3 in your inner circle. you are doing better than most.

3 years ago

So true Rabbi

3 years ago

I totally, 100% agree!

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago


3 years ago

I only wish i was closer by you all. I am trying some new churches out, in hopes to meet more like minded people, but i have a huge trust issue for obvious reasons these days. The ones i would trust my kids with are too old to truly stand with me.
It’s weird bc once you have kids and get married, most friend’s are barely spoken to anymore and have moved on with own lives. I also Hate using social media, so that puts a damper on reaching any people I’d like to get together with, or trust enough to speak openly.
Definitely feeling like a lone wolf here in FL, YET i know I’m far from alone..
The big guy is my only true leader as of now and i will let him guide me with my gut.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I do not know these people and or Pastor Joe Fox. But the link might be something to look into. If I had more time, I would look into it myself.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

THANKS Thomas!
Wow.. been wanting to do something like this myself. This is great.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I hope this works out well for you. If it does let me know.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Look out the churches are full of stooges.

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

“I only wish i was closer by you all. I am trying some new churches out, in hopes to meet more like minded people, but i have a huge trust issue for obvious reasons these days.”
Mr. FedUp, ask before joining. What is this congregation and church stance on social justice, abortion, homosexuality, CRT or any other issues. If they aren’t familiar with any of the terms, move on. If their beliefs don’t work for you, move on. This saves time and disappointment.
Once you find one, you may be eyed with suspicion as an infiltrator. Just a heads up. Don’t take it personally. We all must be cautious of them, too.
Sadly, denominations are being torn apart internally with conflict among their orthodox and the new age feel good crowd. Good luck, never give up.

J. Smith
J. Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

FL brother you dont have to attend look up hickery hammock in Milton, FL and live stream the service, 10 am central with brother Carl Gallups. goes out worldwide, great, true non false doctrine Christian teacher Ive found. Ill be somewhere in the crowd, armed as are 50% of the flock.
the post brings up some good points, ive been vetting people as well, its a process, with an intel background in HUMINT and SOF, its just not that easy, eventually you have to take risks. First, hold no assumptions, ive already had to write off family. To keep this short, look at patterns of behavior, not answers to questions, but always read body language and facial expressions and eyes, along with questions. Yeah, a small group is the best you can hope for, movie-like towns all getting aligned is horseshit.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Chuck Baldwin in Montana has a website. He is a true patriot. 99% of churches are compromised because of their 501c3 status. LBJ fought for that status during the Vietnam war. He wanted to be sure the churches were not preaching against the war.
I teach keys to biblical research via email. If I can be of any help,

Hammers Thor
3 years ago

No, evil works. Sometimes wish there was a word that could mean “worse than evil” as it would certainly apply.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

Here here. Good to hear!
Agree with your assessment -- the digital wall will come down. Soon I fear.
So whats best for comms when the internet is verboten? Not everyone has HAM, airdrop leaflets?

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Grab at least a Baofeng UV-5R. They are $26 on amazon.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

There are many possibilities, including HAM, especially for longer-range comms. The main drawback of HAM, or any radio, is the moment you key up to talk it is the equivalent of turning on a flashlight in a dark room… you have just announced your exact position (or at least the position of your antenna) and it only takes a few seconds for a good team to triangulate your location.
If the internet stays up, and we continue to have network capability, then having an .onion site that you host on your own computer is a possibility, especially if you take appropriate precautions (like hosting it through a VPN). Here’s part one of an article on exactly how to do that.
Old fashioned morse code with an LED light and binoculars is a possibility, especially if you can make it directional (a long wrapping-paper tube will suffice). We’ve even considered the idea of laser radio comms, which work quite well for line-of-sight with a cheap pointer laser and an inexpensive AM radio circuit.
Motorola makes frequency-hopping radios like the DTR 700 (about $250) that are virtually impossible to intercept, and are good for range up to a mile, although you are still announcing your position, although not nearly as brightly.
And of course smoke signals.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Here’s an old article on making a laser radio communicator:

3 years ago

Earth worshipping drunken muppets in dc, they do not fear the Creator, they fear everything else, zero wisdom, sadly these communists are spreading like cancer. God help us, get right with Jesus and make sure you tell those around you that you love them every day