The Grasshoppers Are Swarming Mad That You Are Prepared For The Crash

by Brandon Smith

Most people are familiar with the tale of the Ant And The Grasshopper, an ancient fable about a grasshopper who spends the fruitful months of spring and summer in idle recreation, dancing and playing carelessly while the industrious ant works tirelessly to prepare for what he knows will be a harsh winter. In many versions the Grasshopper harasses the Ant, criticizing him for wasting so much time on work when he could be out enjoying himself in the sun.

Eventually, winter does arrive and it is as brutal as the Ant had predicted. Not surprisingly, the carefree Grasshopper finds himself cold and starving with no supplies, begging the Ant to share the bounty he had worked so hard to procure over the summer. The Ant refuses, telling the Grasshopper he can “dance the winter away, now….”

What many people do not know is that there is also a decidedly more socialist version of The Ant And The Grasshopper written by a French poet named Jean de La Fontaine in which the Ant is portrayed as the bad guy, and his industry as “mean spirited”. And here in this little fable we have represented one of the greatest conflicts of our modern era:

Should the people that refuse to work and prepare be bailed out and saved from their laziness and foolishness? Or should they be allowed to suffer for their mistakes? And if they are bailed out, should they be bailed out by the very people they used to mock for working so hard; the people they used to mock for seeing the danger ahead?

We have more than enough supplies until the lockdown is over in two weeks…”

This is a serious disconnect from reality. It shows that these people are hyperfocused on the virus alone, they actually believe the rumors that the virus will be gone as spring floats in and they are completely oblivious to the economic collapse that is happening while the pandemic is developing. They really do think this will all be over before their meager supply of goods from Costco runs out.

These are the people I feel bad for, because at least they were trying. These are not the grasshoppers, they have simply been misled.

Mark my words, give it a month or two and these people are going to start swarming in droves like locusts. They are vicious narcissists, their pride has been damaged and they are out to prove that even though preppers were right, we are still wrong because now we are going to be forced to feed the same grasshoppers that used to tell us our prepping was pointless. That will teach us!

Of course, I don’t think they comprehend the measure of response from the ants. Many of us plan to fight back, and frankly we do not care who our opponent is or how well equipped they are. If you come to pirate our livelihood and labor and claim it as your property, then we plan to take as many grasshoppers down as possible in the process.

My suggestion to the grasshoppers? Learn how to plant and farm quick, because you are not going to get anything from us for free, and trying will only start a war. Maybe, if you ask nicely, we’ll even teach you how to provide for yourselves.

Please Read the Whole Article Here…

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4 years ago

I say let them have the money and this one, last chance to prepare and, if they fail, so be it. Let them starve. We’ll deal with them, kindly, of course, when they try to break in…

4 years ago

We have been discussing this eventuality over the past week. I will never forget Dr. Redfield of the CDC testifying in Congress not to get masks and not to get extra food.