A majority of House lawmakers vote for H.Res. 559, which states, “Declaring it is the policy of the United States that a nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran is not acceptable.”
The United States must have war and the justification for most wars are never verified prior to their start. Libya, Iraq and Ukraine are all examples of war for reasons other than what was the truth.
War is not peace except for the people and companies who profit on death and destruction. As war is about to be unleashed on our homeland by terrorists welcomed by the government, we who stand up to evil can take some small comfort from Thomas Paine:
David DeGerolamo
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i take my comfort in His, Word, His promises, His peace, men of good standing and morality, Honour before wickedness and evil.
While the world devolves into chaos:
I’m a follower of Ben’s work. Sometimes I watch just to remind myself that this will all be gone in a while and that the political/clownworld strife we face today will soon be gone. After we’ll have to face the same hardships our ancestors faced and on much more honest terms tha we do currently.
There is no left or right. Evil and greed rule both sides of every aisle.
Men determined to profit from problems created or exacerbated while abusing positions of power is a persistent threat to basic rules of civilization. It is the evil within Man and the source of that evil which can only be extinguished by our Lord’s imminent return.
Lord, come quickly.
They that hate God love death.
There is only one explanation for our troubles:
The Republic is dead and will not be resurrected. The world we knew growing up is gone. Most readers here have come to realize that and to prepare for the worst; food, shelter, water, defense, spiritual discernment, etc. My advice, for what it’s worth, is to stop focusing on doom porn and focus on the beauty around us, our friends, our family, our folk. Keep apprised of events, certainly, but don’t be dragged down into emotional despair. Our ancestors faced all manner of dangers, trials, and tribulations. They survived and thrived and because they did we are here. Let’s be worthy of them. Let’s become ancestors of whom our children and grandchildren will be proud.
Amen and amen. The Lord tells us “fear not, for I AM with you”. Yes, prepare for the times we know are ahead; but not at the expense of enjoying what we have now. When the time comes, let us give a good accounting of ourselves; remembering what it is we represent, and do so in such a way that our great grandchildren will tell brave stories and sing songs of us….
Good luck Dems and liberals. My Grandpa served in WW2, my Dad was drafted in 1959, my Fav uncle was a Marine in early sixties and I was a NG guy for 6 years. Me and mine are gonna let the LGBT + community have what’s coming. We gonna sit this one out.
What if this fellow from Denmark is correct? Taken from comments at https://sonar21.com/christian-zionist-pastor-john-hagee-armageddon-profiteer/ I’ve often wondered what happened to the ‘lost tribes’ and considered that they aren’t lost at all. This fellow seems to think they’re hidden in plain sight. Interesting concept, if true.
Here up north during the 15th century we found many discrepancies in the words of the Bible and the deeds and words of Christ. We soon realized that the ones who prosper most from the gospel are the ones who preach, and we became inherently suspicious to anybody who claims to be God´s middleman, and has to be paid for his services.
Today, it’s sad to see how Americans has fallen prey to falls prophets.
However, extremist Jews and Christians are united in their desire to promote Armageddon, because they swell in the horrors of the Old Testament (Genesis) instead of acting in accordance to the deeds and words of Christ.
Televangelists are among the worst to beg for the Rapture, so they (only 144.000) can be lifted up to heaven sitting at Gods left hand helping him to judge all souls.
In the meantime, those who are “True believers” will secure these Zealots a fine Mansion here on earth.
Zionism is the belief that Ashkenazi Jews have a historic claim to return to Mount Zion (Jerusalem) in Palestine; despite the Ashkenazi Jews have no relations to Jerusalem or Palestine, at all.
The Ashkenazi Jew lived in the Khazarian Kingdom (Southern Russia/ Eastern Ukraine) around Year 800. They converted to the Talmudic Jewish religion practiced in Babylon, not the Torah Jewish Religion that was practiced by the ancient Hebrews.
The Ashkenazi Jews of Khazaria fled into Western Europe and Poland when Genghis Khan roamed the steppes of Russia from the East toward Europe.
And those Ashkenazi Jews are the ones who were transferred to Palestine post WWII.
The Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of Ashkenaz:
Semites are the descendants of Shem, thus being the people of Elam (Iran) Ashur (Syria and Northern Iraq) Arphaxad (Southern Iraq) Lud (Anatolia /Turkey) Aram (Syria/Lebanon).
I’m of the tribe of Dan, (The Danes and the Irish of today) and even though the Tribe of Dan originated in Palestine, I like the descendants of Ashkenaz have absolutely no claim to Palestine after thousands of years outside Palestine.
Zionism is a scam perpetrated by the Rothschild Dynasty and the British Government against the Torah Jews, Christians and Muslims living in Palestine. The Rothschild dynasty is of Ashkenazim Jewish origin, and is the largest investor in the post WWII state of Israel. The Rothschild Dynasty is also and one of the largest investors in The US Federal Reserve, The Bank of England and the EU Central Bank.
BTW. Where is the Pope to call for peace in the Holy land, when you need him the most.
The Old Testament is informed by the New Testament. No bloodline has claim to God or is a chosen people. Faith in Christ alone is His chosen people whether Jew or Moslem or green yellow or white. Faith in Christ alone.
Completely incorrect. Jesus Himself told the jews that they were of their father the devil; you gonna contradict Him? The jews admit in their own writings that they are NOT Biblical Israelites/Hebrews -- its all a scam to perpetuate their parasitic existence upon White, Christian nations. Those nations are the True Israel of the Bible -- the Anglo Saxon, Celtic, Germanic , Scandinavian and kindred peoples of the Word. Its actually pretty obvious if you will read the Word and think, but for quicker outlines, check Christians for Truth, Blood and Faith, Scriptures for America, Christogenia etc etc.
The Truth shall set you free.
The Ashkenazi are the Synagogue of satan, only God almighty knows hour and time of Jesus Christs return and armageddon. The religous leaders of today are the modern day scribes and Pharisees preaching the doctrines of man. Mat 24:15 through 24:31
No they are just filler, breeding stock, johnny come lately jews (fall of Khazaria). The synagogue of satan that the Lord was speaking to in John’ gospel, chapter 8 were the decendants of Cain (not Adam’s son). The very logo on your laptop with the bitten apple, mocks Christian ignorance. Only the two (out of seven) churches, Smyrna and Philadelphia got it right.
Read the parable of the Tares, it is the only one that the Lord explained.
True Israel has lost it’s memory and modern Israel has no part in the covenant that God made with Abraham. Read it. It doesn’t fit, so either God’s a liar (don’t think so) or humanities understanding of who is who, is all wrong.
Be careful of who taught your teachers, or read it yourself.
And the puppets on Capitol Hill continue to do their handler’s bidding -- not what is best for the American people, but what is best for themselves and those that own them.
The current state of government the citizens of the United States slave under is NOT acceptable. Tell Congress. Citizen Resolutions,
and as the resolution states, we will do all within our power to stop this ……
Morons all! How about a house resolution for U.S. politicians to mind their own business? How about another for politicians to do what their constituents tell them to do. Politicians have no right to make any decision, for any reason, that is not sourced to their constituents, and -we the people! Politicians want to start a war? Loadem on a C-5, and shipped to the prospective war zone FIRST, when there are none left, then we the people can decide what we want to do?
agree, they want war that badly, they, along with their entire families can be the first on the frontlines, I’m bettin’ they would change their tune mighty quick like.
Almost every comment section turns into a bible school lesson/debate. They can’t even agree on the bible. Chew on this, folks, Pakistan is Muslim and they have nuclear weapons. Pakistan says that if Iran gets invaded, then Pakistan will give Iran some nukes.