The Lesson of the Romanovs

The only thing standing between them and you will be the alliances you forge among likeminded men and women. Know your tribe. Soon they will be critical to your survival.

This past weekend marked the 104th anniversary of the assassination of the Romanov family by Bolsheviks. Something that often gets ignored is not the execution of the Romanov family by vicious, blood thirsty Judeo-Bolshevik savages. Rather, the fact that they went on to mutilate their bodies in horrific fashion is often overlooked. Judeo-Bolsheviks hate White Christian people so much that they are willing to enact atrocities far worse than anything we are capable of even contemplating. In fact, much of the mythology related to the so-called Holocaust were lies concocted by the demented Judeo-Bolsheviks who entered into Eastern Europe. So twisted are their demonic brains that they contrived stories of human skin lamp shades, mechanical sex torture devices, and various sexually depraved lunacy upon the Germans after World War II. Indications of their Satanic sickness were evident in the treatment of the Orthodox Russian people during the Communist Revolution. The Romanovs were simply the highest profile targets of their evil.

If you do not think every AntiFa member, BLM activist, or other far left terrorist and their Judeo-Bolshevik overlords are not daydreaming about doing similar things to you, then you have your head in the sand. The Communists want you dead. They want to achieve it through either mass starvation (see The Netherlands), mass vaccination (see Canada), tacitly approved anti-White violence (see the United States), or mass demographic replacement (see all White countries). What are you doing to prepare for an inevitable revolution in your home country? One thing you cannot do is trust anyone working within the mechanisms of power.

The US Government is doing everything it can to assist Judeo-Bolsheviks in their goal of the complete annihilation of White Christian states around the world. Make no mistake, leftist agitators in the United States are directed by the Government against you. This is why they seek to disarm you. This is why they seek to erode your purchasing power. This is why they are working directly against you in every single decision they make. If they win, they will do everything to make your families look like the Romanovs and probably worse.

The only thing standing between them and you will be the alliances you forge among likeminded men and women. Know your tribe. Soon they will be critical to your survival.

I have to agree with PadraigMartin. It is just where the evidence leads. And so we should resolve to …

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

There is only one way to survive this, and that is to kill every last one of them, no mercy no quarter. This is not some movie script, this is real life, and happening right now.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

“To the republic, for which it stands”
Those words Used to mean something important here. Now it’s very clear why they took it out of public schools.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

There is no republic, and the constitution has been set aside, since they declared a health emergency.

2 years ago

We don’t have many warriors left here unfortunately…
We say things like “when they come to take my guns, its on” or “let them try to come vaccinate me and my purebloods, they will learn”.. How did we get here where we keep backing up into this corner until the point they have to just poison us knowingly hoping we fight them???
I’d love to meet some like minded people! Just to know other’s still have any balls to trust, bc if not…it’s already over

2 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

“How did we get here where we keep backing up into this corner until the point they have to just poison us knowingly hoping we fight them???”

Because you can’t actively (offensively) fight an enemy you don’t understand, or even know about. That the youth were uneducated in the schools and upon graduation, was merely an afterthought for millions of voters over decades, many of whom claim to be conservative, bible believing, and constitutionalists. Because they were dumbed down, there is no longer a safety net of people to pick up the intellectual slack; sharp minded individuals to take on the political status quos, the establishment, in other words, no natural born and cultivated anarchic agitators (in the classical sense) to take them on, however, superceding this is that abortion was allowed or tolerated, whether legal or not, which was the cue for the elites that they could, through agendas, and their control of the schools, media, influencing and shaping the minds where the parents weren’t, as divorce was and continues to be rife, could readily redirect the energies, focus, and mental conditioning of young persons, i.e., rote memorization, lack of outdoor activities, and in redefining what constitutes relationships, commitment and gender, in meeting and serving their ends. Likewise, the middle and upper middle classes were quite content when the lower economic class was all but ruined in terms of the ability to earn, access to affordable housing and medical care, and as applicable to education. There is really no need to be surprised that they’ve now come for the middle class as there was no challenge when an entire segment of the population was prevented from having upward mobility.

2 years ago

This is somewhat problematic, because if they hate Christians, then they would hate them whether they’re black, white, asian, hispanic, middle eastern, and so forth, and America is multinational in terms of ethnicities and religious beliefs and practices. Where there is likely a point of contention (speaking of tribes, or the lack thereof), is that many whites, for instance, know that it was indifference by their fellow whites as well to why they are in the predicaments they are in financially and socially (with a generational emphasis); i.e. chronic and lifelong poverty, and systemic lack among other things. In order to rally a tribe in many cases, with regard to the contexts for the groupings, a unifying of one’s own people groups would be necessary.

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

CW’s are messy affairs. But further endless discussions are not resolving the Gordian Knot. Our lives and liberty are being stolen by a “diverse” assortment of Rats.
democRats and rinoRats

2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

Elections in a sense are redundant and secondary (unless they help save lives, and raise the quality of living conditions). For instance, if it took this long (decades), and it taking the supreme court to decide that abortion is not a constitutional right, with a majority, but even if it was only a minority (as it’s a life issue and should not have been legalized; it’s common sense, Constitution or not) of people that didn’t want it, there’s really no point in having a government, unless it’s to oversee roads and highways built and other related things. If the bulk of the population is working and still unable to pay their bills, what need is there for the status quo government? People should not be voting or participating in politics if they can’t earn (the low-wage service economy was decided for us, as well as the manufacturing being sent offshore), and also working two and three jobs, and being unable to follow what’s going on politically, which is common, is another reason for the political structure should be called into question.

2 years ago

“How do you get people to come together?” Re: a question from Thomas Angle’s post in a recent thread related to this topic.

In the bible it says “and the poor shall always be with you”. That should perhaps be the frame of reference for people wanting to form bands and tribes. Look at how the Illuminati, the government, the Tavistock Institute, institutions, workplaces, and the media, military, technocracy, and others have capitalized on the poor. One of the decisive cultural failures (violence) foisted upon poor women in America, is that the men would even be allowed to treat them in a manner where they needed to have welfare assistance. The afore named groups usurped this cultural void and many others left by the churches, along with the middle and upper classes. Also the white ‘christian’ churches themselves were often a source of hatred and indifference towards those not in a particular economic bracket, unwed pregnant women, and due to the lack lack of true spirituality in many of these churches, young people in droves have turned to witchcraft, as a means to experience some form of a spiritual connection. They also have largely not contributed towards developing strong men, but men who are given a pat on the back by preachers when frivolously divorcing their wives, or seeking an abortion due to their irresponsibility and not wanting to pay to bring up the child, with the pastors themselves sometimes even suggesting it. Allowing abortion and all of these dejected and untrained individuals (with regards to life skill-sets, civic functioning, etc.) and then expecting people to rally, even with a looming invasion, as though they have some cohesive culture is unrealistic.

chop chop
chop chop
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

my daughter-in-law has turned my son and their boys to a jew. and she was not born jew. my son had me sell my house and move in with them ( bad mistake ) well i did and was there 5 months and they even took my money telling me that they was building a 2 car garage with a mother-in-law suite for me. but the garage was for my son. well long story short i got a visit from them telling me i had to move.. WOW i said ok were is my money she said its outside being built. lol and they only have 30.000 left, i said well i guess i well be here for a while and when you come up with the rest i will be gone. the next week they came to me again with a check for all my money and a eviction notess that i had 30 days to get out, lol it was not delivered by the police or notarized.. and i still have it lol just for the hell of it. i still love my son and grandsons but as for her and what she is doing to them and what she did to me she can go to hell

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

I am very interested in this argument bc there is A LOT to be said about which “Jews” are the “enemy”…I’ve tried to research this and it’s pretty disgusting what I’ve found. We were lied to a lot in school, that is for sure!!🤣
I don’t hate Jews either but when you look into who is running everything in the USA…its like 90+% of the “evil jews” I’d consider enemies at this point, from what I’ve learned.
Gen Patton do you not notice that same pattern leading baxk to the ones controlling the MSM, porn, Fed reserves etc..etc? This is a coincidence?

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Does the confederate flag only mean racist??

2 years ago

A completely unfounded attack based on no facts. I know Malachi for 13 years and was able to visit his church and congregation. The Ashkenazi are an evil that must be exposed.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

You are making straw man arguments. Your reference to the Confederate flag earlier told me all I need to know.

Pattin You Down
Pattin You Down
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yes indeed it does. You know this, evil one.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I suggest you search on my articles on slavery on this site. More unfounded attacks.
As for being afraid, the Bible makes it clear that this is a sin except for:
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Tragedy of the Commons

Whenever you see modern books written about the end of the imperial Russia, you’ll find most of them are written by Jews. The Jews know this is “dangerous” history they need to keep control of.
The Romanovs weren’t just shot and bayoneted, they were tortured --
raped, bleach poured down their throats, the sickly little boy forced to
stand day and nite, while the mother begged for a chair until the little
boy collapsed. Blood all over the walls and floor. These were not
human beings but monsters. No horror movie could depict the suffering.
Hard to find what torture was really dealt to the Romanovs but I found
it years ago. 60 to 135 million Christian Russians exterminated.
The uS government sent monies to the Bolsheviks from a secret
slush fund. Seems the once great United States is always on the
wrong side. We need a new Confederacy.

2 years ago

Where are Our Generals today? Jackson, Forrest, Cleburne, Gordon, Lee, anyone? NCO Vets? 20 Years of Foreign Wars and Deaths. Yet. When it comes to “The People” those wars were supposed to protect, there is a Dearth of Anyone.
We are the most heavily armed civilian population on planet Earth. We have numbers equaling the Chinese Communist Peoples Army. Not as organized but looking at the Ulvade Fubar, and the probable dissolution of some Feral Polezi and Troops……
What, When, & Where? and Whom?

2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly
2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

“Where are Our Generals today? Jackson, Forrest, Cleburne, Gordon, Lee, anyone? NCO Vets? 20 Years of Foreign Wars and Deaths. Yet. When it comes to “The People” those wars were supposed to protect, there is a Dearth of Anyone.”

This goes to why there is a distrust of whites by other white people, as it’s been a generational decline of not only whites, but those within their establishment purview. Meaning, as you pointed out, there are essentially no cultural positions, formally or otherwise (and the church doesn’t function in this capacity) for the purposes of ensuring domestic cohesion. There’s no point of continuing to give energy output when it’s benefiting primarily those that are accruing in many aspects (that are entrenching their positions) for instance, from the freemasonic-led churches the occult-owned and run corporations, and so forth. Maybe that’s white pride/black pride for them, for instance, but it sure doesn’t benefit the rest.

2 years ago

you are certainly NOT alone.

Tragedy of the Commons

THE General Patton’s family were all Confederates. General Patton
said to his grand daughter, “you are so unreconstructed.”