The Lines Are Being Drawn

No government has ever survived after reaching a debt to GDP ratio greater than 90%. The only exception to this rule is war. As we used to be taught in school “War Is Peace”. Most countries in the European Union are over 100% as is the United States and Japan.

Is war coming? Since Israel will not accept a nuclear Iran and Iran will not stop their nuclear program, the answer is obvious. At least this will probably be the main catalyst. The real reasons for war are always financial and/or religious.

Iran’s success at making 20% fissile uranium was the last part of the puzzle. The Obama administration’s complete failure in lining up allies for Iranian sanctions shows only weakness and now appeasement. On the other side, Iran is basking in their successful efforts to increase their allies and their position:

Iranian Checklist:

  1. Venezuela – check
  2. Nicaragua – check
  3. Cuba – check
  4. Russia – check
  5. China – check
  6. European Union cowering in fear of a recession caused by Iranian sanctions – check
  7. Joint military operation between United States and Israel cancelled – check
  8. North Korea – check

Iran’s inflation due to existing and possible sanctions are one trigger point. An internal overthrow of this religious state will not be allowed and will expedite their timetable. Or should I say Russia’s timetable. It all comes down to energy: oil and Russian natural gas pipelines to Europe. This is the only way to address the $1.5 quadrillion world debt about to collapse the global economy.

David DeGerolamo

Russia warns attack on Iran could unleash ‘chain reaction,’ criticizes further sanctions

MOSCOW – A military attack on Iran would trigger a “chain reaction” that destabilizes the world, while new sanctions against Tehran over its disputed nuclear program would “stifle” the Iranian economy and hurt its people, Russia’s foreign minister warned Wednesday.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia is “seriously worried” about the prospect of a military action against Iran and is doing all it can to prevent it.

“The consequences will be extremely grave,” he said. “It’s not going to be an easy walk. It will trigger a chain reaction and I don’t know where it will stop.”

The threat of more sanctions as well as the possibility of military action against Iran are linked to concerns about its uranium enrichment program. The U.S. and its Western allies suspect it is aimed at developing nuclear weapons. Iran insists its efforts are designed for civilian power generation and research.

Israel considers a nuclear-armed Iran a threat to its survival and has hinted it could take military action if sanctions fail to stop Iran’s nuclear bid. The U.S. considers a military strike on Iran’s known nuclear facilities undesirable because it could have unintended consequences and would likely only stall, not end, Tehran’s nuclear drive. Washington worries that Iran’s recent claim that it is expanding nuclear operations might prod Israel closer to a strike.


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13 years ago

Is there some resemblance of America to the Roman Empire?