The Madness Must Stop


I should not write when I am angry. I have cooled off for two hours but I still should not write when I am angry.

The following information from this article has a link from a Covid-19 study with the following table:


What do I see? 1223 fatalities from a study of 42,086 people. This gives a case fatality rate of 2.9% which is almost two times the mortality rate of Covid-19 in the United States.

I do not know why this study was skewed three fold to woman over men. I also would like more detailed information concerning the deaths broken out by age, pre-existing conditions and all treatments given to the individuals in this experimental sample.

But for now, let me ask a simple question: why would anyone take an untested medical treatment which has a higher death rate than the disease? Especially when the same government which financed this pandemic is the same one making the profits from the sale of this treatment?

David DeGerolamo

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gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

You were a gentleman and controlled your anger very well. I cannot answer your question as it is beyond me as to why it is still valid. By that I mean, I do not understand why anyone with a brain would need to think about this twice, much less destroy their lives over it. But, I know, there are people who cannot bear to be the odd man out or the person wearing the wrong attire or clapping in a deaf audience. It’s just that this is so much more serious than that. Would any sane person feel pressured to jump in front of a train because a wretched boss told them to, or else? It is beyond me that people value themselves and their loved ones so little that they are willing to line up for misery and death while actively turning away from God. Mucking the chicken house makes more sense.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago

David… your writing above is much more reserved than the anger that I’m feeling and am sure we are all experiencing. Sometimes even that which is painfully and unmistakably obvious cannot bee seen by those who should be smarter than that.
During a telehealth appointment, only a couple weeks ago, a close family member was berated… BERATED, by the doctor for not taking the vaccine. At the close of the conversation, the close family member very kindly said be safe Dr. ZZZ. She said, “Oh, I will be, I’m fully vaccinated. But YOU will not be.” At that point this family member tried to bring up all of the dangerous side effects that have been reported EVERYWHERE, when the doctor interrupted her and declared that the Pfizer and Moderna had NO side effects, and that this was just conspiracy. It was surreal. Just like everything everywhere around us.
A doctor. Someone, who before this, we have trusted. In fact, we are now aware that ALL of our doctors, with whom we had placed our trust, are no longer trustworthy. Even when confronted with the truth FROM THEIR OWN DOCUMENTS [Pfizer, Moderna], these doctors will continue to explain it away. Why? Because they are all getting paid by Pfizer and Moderna. Just like the MSM. “This program sponsored by Pfizer”.
And just like the politicians.
The only saving grace we have is that this information is getting out faster than the MSM can quell it, and actual judges are ruling on the unconstitutionality of mandates. So the globalists are starting to lose this battle. We all know what that means. Time to crash the economy.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

The modern symbol of medicine is the Rod of Asclepius. It is a serpent-entwined around a rod wielded by the Greek god Asclepius. Prior to that the symbol was a the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology and consequently by Hermes Trismegistus in Greco-Egyptian mythology. It is a short staff entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings. 
Why would you trust anyone including doctors that uses serpent(s) entwined around a rod or staff as their symbol? Hidden in plain sight is the symbol of the White Serpent / Snake Brotherhood.
The medical complex is completely compromised. They know longer follow the oath to do no harm to the patient. The majority of doctors have lost all credibility and respect. Before this madness is over the AMA and doctors will be perceived as shamans and witch doctors of ancient times and having the credibility of the average bought and paid for politician who bounces from one bribe to the next.
Covid is the new war on cancer. It will never end as there is way to much money being made by the medical / pharmaceutical complex which now controls the legacy / government media. They have mastered the marketing of fear to increase profits beyond imagination. Complying with China Joe the Oppressor’s mandates ensures the total loss of freedom, liberty, and private property. There can never be happiness by complying with the mandates.
Do not comply?
Who is John Galt?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Pharma definition poison.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

I agree with everything you said except the globalists aren’t losing anything. A large portion of people have already taken it and will continue taking it to their deaths. Even if they pull it now the herd will be culled by a large margin. They are working towards completing the goals set in the Georgia Guidestones.

I VERY MUCH agree with the upcoming economic crash and pushing us further into global slavery to a few “elite”.

Your children will be chipped like animals and treated as slaves.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

You are much more in control of your anger than most, I have made comments on this platform that were just not fit to print. Peoples emotions and anger running wild. Turbulent times I appreciate all your articles.

rabbi Andrew
3 years ago

once you know the reason you can deal better.