The Militia vs. The Government

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1 year ago

OMG my government doesn’t care about me!!
Seriously, lots of really good food for thought here; however for good or ill, revolutions are often successful and so are partisans fighting the invincible US government.
Don’t give up, prepare!

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Bear has stated the obvious. We must work to survive, not make war on the armed services. Sounds bad, but for a yahoo militia group to against a SF detachment, or regular army is pure drivel.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

And try not to soil yourself listening to the drivel.

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

Tell that to the Irish Republican Army or to the Vietcong.

1 year ago
Reply to  Snotty Boy

The Vietcong won by outlasting us and Chinese support for arms, equipment and other supplies.

20 years to outlast the French and American efforts.

The Irish Republican Army really just survived the British Military efforts. The Parliament decided that the Irish situation was not going to be resolved by military force. They ALLOWED the IRA to have their politicians in Parliament.

The Irish “Time of Troubles” was 30 years.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Maybe you should read a little bit more of Irish history, their times of trouble started in the 14th century, it was not just 30yrs.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

The IRA wasn’t around in the 14th century. So, your comment is lacking at best.

Your ability to read basic English as in the message you responded to is showing.

“Wars not make you great” Yoda.

1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

Cause that worked so well in Afganistan and Iraq

1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

“We must work to survive, not make war on the armed services. Sounds bad, but for a yahoo militia group to against a SF detachment, or regular army is pure drivel.”

To a degree that’s accurate, but why? It has do do with the ‘individual’ that was also referenced. Expecting bold, skilled, warrior-types without the input, atmosphere and environment to produce and facilitate those qualities such as inculcating basic life skills essentially renders this obsolete. How many young men and women (as well as older people) know how to properly cook for themselves? Could they stitch up a wound or have an inkling of insight into basic herbs as a healing remedy? For instance, many young persons go from poverty to poverty upon joining the military and again upon reentering civilian life. Their skills and training as well as experience tend to not be realized or put to any needful use (and generational effect) nationally. This is by design that all systems serve the elite. The people are largely not the beneficiaries of this. Is this really the quality and dynamic Americans want for their veterans? Ultimately, it’s becoming increasingly clear why there wasn’t supposed to be a standing army. All of those skills and trades get usurped by war industries for profit and political control (domestic and global hegemony).

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Soviet–Afghan War -- Wikipedia So let us just turn in our weapons now we cannot win? The 1776 revolution was just as sorry a bunch as we are now, farmers, tradesmen and merchants, with no hope of winning a war against the number one superpower of that time. Well that was then, they now have drones and superior air power right, you don’t know what all the military terms mean, yea surrender then and join the marxist march!

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, you need to read the history of the American Revolution a bit deeper.

Before the French started USING the Rebellion as a Proxy War against England (Like USA-Ukraine vs Russia) the rag tag brave militia of the rebellion was getting roughly handled every time it met up with British Regulars.

More than half the country was staying out of the discussion aside from selling supplies to those that had gold. As the Continental Congress didn’t have Gold, General Washingtons letters often said, “A wagonload of paper Continentals scarcely bout a wagon load of provisions”.

As the British had plenty of Gold, they had no problem buying food, locally made boots and such from the Colonials. The British you see were fighting from the far end of a very long logistical tail, as sailing ships were slow and often failed to meet expected schedules.

THATS Why at Vally Forge Gen Washington had to rally the ready to GO HOME Troops to a Christmas Attack on the German Mercenaries.

That desperate surprise attack yielded a badly needed victory, boots, food and supplies for Gen Washingtons army.

That SUCCESS was what brought the French into more direct involvement with General Lafeyette (Remember Lafeyette we are here?) French Naval Blockades to hinder British resupplies and arms and ammo, including cannons and trainers.

And then it was still a multi year struggle that left our country so broke that ALL the promises to repay the holders of paper colonials were broken.

Thus, that phrase, not worth a Colonial Dollar.

Well past the Revolution some banker sorts knowing they had “Friends in Congress” bought up the paper money on the cheap and redeemed them after Congress passed some laws for them.

Thus, the phrase “All Wars are Banker Wars”. Most of the population did poorly during the war. A few rich folks got richer. It’s reality.

The Afghans didn’t WIN against the Soviets and USA. Even with US Support as a PROXY WAR (SEE a Pattern here?) against the USSR.

They OUTLASTED THEM. Stubborn people Afghans are indeed.

After what 20 years of fighting the Taliban we replaced them with the Taliban. THATS Reality.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

I have read a lot about the 1776 revolution, right now our military is nearly depleted of munitions, it will be a guerilla war not any sort of conventional war. The afghans did win, the Russians pulled out that is a win. When enough of these marxists here are shot dead what do you think will begin to happen? A determined few is what it will take, you will not convince me otherwise, fact is I do not need to read any more articles or books on the subject at hand.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

LOL, well what are you waiting for then? History means nothing, reality means nothing.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Keep on reading, maybe you can outsmart them, how do you know I am waiting, you assume a little too much, maybe I can assume you have already surrendered eh, keep on googling

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

No dear sir. I’m just pointing out that starting something you know so little about is a fool’s errand.

So, when are you going to put down your laptop and get busy? Times a wasting ya know.

OR you could set aside your ego and pride for a little prayer and deep thought. The Bible speaks of this:

Luke 14: 28 Which of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost to see if he has the resources to complete it? 29Otherwise, if he lays the foundation and is unable to finish the work, everyone who sees it will ridicule him,…

I could fill this whole page with scriptures about anger and pride, but I hope and pray you already know of them.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Talk about a fool’s errand, ego and pride? You sir are so puffed up with both, an oracle is that you?

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

No, I was being polite to you. You deserve far less respect.

I’ve been splattered by the blood of my fellow medic, shot while pulling a solder out of a burning Bradly. I’ve had to shoot someone at point bank range while defending a patient in Bosnia.

Clearly, you’re feeling your oats. That tells me you’ve never smelt the stink of someone burned by an IED.

War IS HELL and your foolishness is just the right thing to go for it.

Red in OleVirginny
Red in OleVirginny
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

“Gentlemen may cry Peace, Peace, but there is no peace…”
I’ve been splattered with blood a few times myself. Been there-done that. You are quite right about militia going against elite troops. No contest. But the insurgent doesn’t do that. He identifies, tracks and destroys the support groups for those units. Again and again. This would be a better description of the domestic fight possibly coming.
Targets -(academically speaking)Mostly the politicians who sent those troops -- and the pols supporters. Been there done that as well -- in a far away country some years back. Training courtesy of Uncle Sam. Some of us have passed on those skills.
Best Regards,
Red in OleVirginny

1 year ago

I hear you Red.

I read somewhere a saying, “If you’re not capable of great violence, you’re not peaceful, your harmless”.

You and I are not harmless. You sound a bit like someone I worked with at the JFK center.

Just not looking forward to seeing Bosnia in my own back yard.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Like I said boy, you assume too much, I joined the army in 1968 don’t talk to me about war stories. Most of the medics were conscientious objectors that couldn’t make it to Canada.

1 year ago

He has points. imo

1 year ago

Now since I’m the medical sort that did my duty in Bosnia during the ethnic cleansing, AKA Civil War, let’s talk turkey. I saw the infighting between (and INSIDE) families and what happened to the women, the elderly and children.

All below from google searches.

It is estimated that 83% of the U.S. population lives in urban areas, up from 64% in 1950.
Population today (not including illegals) 334.5 million.
Population 1950 150.6 million (And few illegals).
Population 1890 BEFORE Electricity was commonplace 62 million and most folks either worked on a farm or knew the farmer that fed them.
It WAS NOT from lack of sexual activity that the population in 1890 was so, it was the lack of enough FOOD to feed more people.
As cities and towns require sewage and water treatment or as the rule of 3’s show folks tend to die off after about 3-5 days without safe water.
Damage to those systems, Loss of safe trucking to provide them and BTW cities typical have about 30 days max of chemicals on hand. HAZMAT issues.
Those systems REQUIRE Electricity, or the Rule of Threes comes into play.
As the electrical grid is at best fragile massive death to over 50% of our population once things go kinetic.

But from listening to folks around here, who gives a shit for Blue Hives, eh? You should as 90% or more of all trucking traffic goes through those hives. And not all folks IN those cities and suburbs are enemies.

90% of trucking, where does YOUR FOOD come from buddy? I BET a lot farther than you can walk to get it. Let alone everything else we use daily.

Now to the health issues. Some 9% of American are diabetic. So, look around your rural friends. About 10% of them (even higher if they are over 65) will be dead within a month or so from medical issues. Lack of meds, heart issues and so on.

About 10% of American are on mood disorder meds for dealing with stress in NORMAL TIMES. That INCLUDES some of your gun toting neighbors.

In about 60 days they are off their meds. FUN TIMES, eh?

PLAN for all of this Trouble. Hell is coming.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

All accurate, a storm is coming, tempus fugit, get ready!

While food is processed in the cities and travels through, it is grown in rural areas, we will figure it out!

To be honest, I really don’t care about the urban areas, they are voting our freedom away, involving us in foreign wars, and unfairly impoverish the farmers. Future CONUS conflicts are likely to between rural and urban areas, not north and south, it is also likely those divisions will be in the military as well. You are quite right about fun times!

1 year ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Friend, I know from reading your comments you’re a levelheaded soul.

Like you I’m a bit of a Gentleman Farmer. As proud that over half of my food I ate today came directly from my own efforts I know just how easy that can be reduced to ruin.

Anything from my breaking my leg and thus less able to work the farm, a plague of locusts bug or human and so on.

Most of the gun bunnies I’ve met have never pulled the trigger on a human, a far number never shot an animal (non hunters). Paper targets don’t shoot back.

Far too many gun bunnies have far more money in ammo and weapons than they have in food. Most of them are quite proud of the couple of cases of Mountain House and MREs they have.

Hungry “Patriots” with firepower are a threat to me and mine.

However, real trouble is coming. Holodomor level troubles.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

You are right again and survivalist with no food and lots of guns area threat to every one, as is FEMA. It is a problem that has me vexed as well. I am preparing as best as I can, but dealing with a small squad is likely well beyond my skills.

Speaking of breaking a leg, I tripped over my MF 65 last fall!
I had a large rug draped over it to dry, while carrying the rug, I forgot about the plow on the back of the MF, I ran in to it and hyper extended my knee falling and I am still limping some times.
Getting old is not for sissies, I will be 75 this year.

I am in NWA struggling to be self sufficient, I am behind you in food production, but I expanded the garden last year to about 4K sq ft. I am medical type also, but no military experience.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

I watched 10 minutes of the video. It confirmed my suspicions. Some guy with his hoody up is giving advice. There is no shortage of egotistical losers pretending to know anything about resistance. Oh, he’s got rifles on the wall. Well, he must be cool and know stuff. I don’t know where to start. Just one thing. Do not go head to head against regular military. If you’re relying on guys like that for instructions, don’t.

1 year ago

Militia vs Government? Wrong way to deal with the problem. In a way Pedo Joe is correct. You can’t fight a government with F15’s and bombs. It will always win a stand up peer to peer fight. You fight it Asymetrically. If someone in the Fed Gov is evil and abusive you don’t go after them…at least not directly. You find the things and people they value and go after those things and people. You DON’T FIGHT FAIRLY. You fight to win.

1 year ago

Reading these comments i must say that there is a huge amount of experience and knowledge among all of them. I would be proud to stand with any of them. These are good Americans.

1 year ago

This will all Be meaningless anyway when the entire grid system is taken down and they send us all back to 1776 ways of living ,and no one knows about that way of living say the Amish people, they will survive with no problems but the majority won’t and that includes the military and it’s operation readiness.There men will leave and return home to be with there own families just to survive. I retired many years ago from a very large electric utility and let me enlighten you folks , I knew it was shortly to be over in the late 1990’s ,but it still wasn’t the time they were going to pull the plug, but it’s almost here now. Yea the leaders along with our pervert generals will Head to there bunkers and watch tv and eat popcorn and corn cob each other because they are perverts, but they will never leave those bunkers Alive. You see God stated they will run and hide themselves in caves and dens of the earth, just like they are preparing for now and God makes the rocks fall on them and he destroys them all . I say prepare to meet your maker and read psalm 91 for comfort, though a thousand fall on your one side and ten thousandnn B on you other side , they lose and you are the victor. All there battalions and divisions won’t mean a hill of beans along with there jets, tanks, armored carriers or what ever other weapons of I war they have.