The Offal Office: Global Headquarters for Plantations, Inc

by Bill Buppert

I’ve had to deprogram myself with thousands of hours of autodidactic inquiry to dispel and destroy the hundreds of myths drilled into my head during years of government schooling. This indoctrination has only one primary purpose: to destroy critical thinking facility and replace it with an imbecilic faith in the state to right every wrong and provide cradle to grave excuses for not being a self-led individual. Collectivism builds vast gulag-care systems that institutionalize sloth, group-think and a callous disregard for those who disagree with you.  From the sports-obsessed militarists to the nationalistic evangelical Israeli-firsters to the forever-lost collectivist true believers, American tax cattle love their bread and circuses. The American myth is based on a number of assumptions that beggar belief and challenge basic humanity. They clothe the barbarism in parchment idolatry and the lionizing of men, particularly the Presidents.

I have always thought the annual celebration of the best to worst presidents was foolish at best and academically challenged at worst. The court historians had a tendency to fellate the state and top-list the warmongers and those who expanded government and the list continued to diminish from there. From a libertarian perspective, most are monsters incarnate and from my abolitionist perspective, all are monsters but I had an enduring faith a few had good intentions among whom was Grover Cleveland who has been a favorite top drawer listing among the libertarian commentariat.


h/t Hans in the NC woods

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