The Purge

From American Mercenary:
As a thought experiment, ponder this question. “To create my ideal form of government, exactly who do I have to kill?”To the Founding Fathers, the answer was “enough British Soldiers to win our Independence.” To Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, it was “anyone who stands in my way.” To Abraham Lincoln it was “as many as it takes to preserve the Union.”

To many here in our own society who believe in a benevolent one world government run by the bestest wisest scientieist politicians ever it is “anyone who doesn’t buy our bullshit about global warming.” The calls for “re-education camps” and mass killings have already started, and if enough people tell the Big Lie long enough they’ll get the sheep to believe it. Four legs good, two legs better. We have always been at war with….

It is an interesting thing to ponder, the killing of other human beings purely for ideological reasons. The other side, the statists and anti-liberty thugs all have their excuses. Traitor to the Revolution, bourgeoisie, Christ Killing Jews, whatever the label there have been enough people who have bought into those labels to literally murder millions of people who spoke the same language as their executioners.

Our Founding Fathers shot and killed men who spoke their language, were born in the same area, and kept on killing them with the help of those who spoke a different language, all because of political ideology.

It was easier in WWI when the opponent spoke German, and easy again in WWII with the Germans and Japanese. During the Cold War it was simple to hate the Godless Communists. But the enemy of freedom speaks your language, looks like you, and may even share the same blood. People often forget that our “Revolutionary War” was nothing more than a Civil War that succeeded from our point of view.

So, who would you kill? Would your ideal government be worth it?

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12 years ago

George Washington knew that only men of God could engage in a Just War, and he was skeptical that the colonies could fight under such constraints -- but he prayed daily for divine providence, and called upon his troops to do the same.
This was the essential difference between our revolution and the revolution of the French Bastille. They desecrated the churches, and set up “temples to reason”, of which man was both the head and the focus. By removing God from His place, they debased themselves, and doomed the revolution to be a horror show and, ultimately, a failure.

Let us pray that on the appointed day, we can prosecute such a Just War, and not fall into the snare of evil desires…
