The Purpose of Life – An Alternative Worldview

This video describes the worldview of those following The Old Ways. I’ve been struggling with whether to post this or not as I don’t want to stir up any animosity. It’s not my intent to draw anyone away from their own faith or worldview. It is not my intent to cause strife or disunity among those frequenting this platform. My intent is to allow the curious to reach a better understanding of what our pre-Christian ancestors believed and why that belief is popular with some today. I ask only that you trust my intensions on this. Look at this as an opportunity to walk in another man’s shoes for a bit, even if they don’t fit. You can take them off whenever you choose. If you have no interest, simply ignore the post.

I’m not picking a fight. I’m only attempting to get those who may be Christian, atheist, or agnostic to understand that while you may think those following The Old Ways are destined for Hell or oblivion, they are not evil, nor are they your enemy. They simply hold a different understanding. You may be surprised to find how much you hold in common with this ancient worldview.

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1 month ago

People choose to believe what they want to believe. Logic, facts and reason have little to do with it. It’s almost always based on emotions.

1 month ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

So you claim. And just what is your demonstrable evidence of this? Do you believe that TRUTH exists? That man can know it? You make this blanket statement as if it is true, yet you claim others decide truth based on emotion. Is that the basis of YOUR truth?!

Greg s
Greg s
1 month ago

Go David!

1 month ago
Reply to  Greg s

I did not post this article.

1 month ago

I base my faith on logic and facts. Fact: humans could not have evolved to the point of homo sapiens based on its estimated span of 4.5 billion years. It would be even less plausible to be done in 2.5 billion years of an oxygen atmosphere capable of supporting life. How do I know? Mathematics and statistical analysis of our genome and the time it takes for even one point mutation to become fixed in a population.
If evolution does not apply, then the other two logical options are that aliens seeded us or that God created us. That would still imply that aliens had to evolve or be made by God.
I prefer to believe in God and that requires faith. Anyone can have an opinion on religion or have no faith in any religion. That is up to the individual. I pray to the Lord for guidance and trust that He guides my path. What more can someone expect?

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I like your answer.

1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Neo-Darwinian evolution is a failed enterprise, the idea of information coming from randomness is silly. DNA is a complex digital code, and that does not even address epigenetic information that is not contained in DNA!
I also like to use the ‘so who made the aliens?’ question -- but honestly, that is the prevailing theory now for origin-of-life researchers. It is man’s hardness of heart that consistently makes him seek anything other than his Creator!

Tree Mike: eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn
Tree Mike: eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn
1 month ago

I’ve studied other religions, consider myself a Christian. There are universal Truths that are discernable to all that can see, find, discover, learn. Truth, like physics, isn’t dependant on being discovered, it just is, like God. No “religion” or people, have a monopoly on the truth. Like water, it’s where you find it. Obligatory disclaimer; YMMV.

1 month ago

I will leave this here, if any would like to read concernig “Christianity””:
The Way
All the followers of Jesus and what they were doing was not called Church nor was it originally called Christianity.[2]
What they were doing was called the way. “The Way” that they sought and followed was different than the way of the Pharisees and their Corban which made the word of God to none effect. One was a way of righteousness and the other was the way of error.[3]
And certainly different than the way of the world of Rome with its idolatry and covetous practices.[4]
The distinctive difference between the way of Jesus and the rest of the nations was love and virtue. His way did not depend on those Covetous Practices that Peter said would make you Merchandise[5] and would curse your children.[6]
It did depend on faithhope, and the charity of the people who sat down in free assemblies based upon the ancient pattern of tens, hundreds and thousands and practiced what James called pure Religion.
What did that look like?
Paul said this arrangement according to the perfect law of liberty with the mutual love and forgiveness of Christ provided a daily ministration of righteousness for all the believers.
And Jesus said we should seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and attend to the weightier matters.

“For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.” (Genesis 18:19)

In its entirety here:

Last edited 1 month ago by Paulo
Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
1 month ago

In our studies, we have noticed that there are many similarities between various faiths. Things that echo, or overlap, or repeat.
Almost like we are all singing from the same songbook, but with different lyrics.
It’s very curious, and it makes us chuckle a bit when someone insists that theirs is the only path (and here I am looking at you, Islam). It doesn’t seem that way, once you begin to look seriously.
How very odd, and yet lovely at the same time.

1 month ago
Reply to  Mike in Canada

Right… to the Muslim I would ask, “Isa Gabriel a liar?” To wit I would remind them that Muhammed would claim last prophet status via Gabriel’s proclamation. Then, 632 years prior,this same Angel told Mary she was with child, the Son if God. So, is An Angel of God a liar? Gabriel most assuredly is not. There in lay the Muslim Dilemma. Me thinks it wasn’t Gabriel, rather Satam or some dern string peyote.

1 month ago
Reply to  SIUYA

Let’s see: Muhammed claimed to have had an encounter in a cave w/ Gabriel. He was thrown to the ground, convulse, and “grunted like a camel.” Hmmmm, sounds more like demon possession to me.
And his MULTIPLE wives, including his last whom he married at SIX YEARS OLD! Apparently he waited until she was NINE to consummate the marriage!
Demon-possessed pedophile from what I can see … perhaps I am mistaken 😉

1 month ago
Reply to  Mike in Canada

Seriously? Do you honestly believe that every system of belief is addressing man’s rebellion from God, his need for reconciliation & forgiveness? Actually all of the MANMADE religions are about “what can I do to fix my broken relationship with God” or “how do I BECOME God?” -- whereas Scripture is abundantly clear:
We are BROKEN! We have ALL sinned against God, earning His displeasure & ultimate judgment. But to show forth His Glory, the Father sent the Son who took on a complete human form, lived a sinless life, and died in the place of His people who believe in Him, accepting this gift of grace.
There is NO religion that is remotely like this, as man continues to say “hey, I can fix this, hold my beer!” But who is going to pay the price for your evil, for your rebellion against God? Someone WILL pay, you, or a Divinely Ordained Substitute.

Tim Smith
Tim Smith
1 month ago

Ancient European paganism was a sincere attempt to find God through the imagination. When the light of Christ, came change began and civilization arose. I chose to do the same smart thing my Celtic and Germanic ancestors did over a thousand years ago -- Like them, I embraced Christ the Son of God.

1 month ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

You have some rather odd understanding of the church fathers, beliefs, modes of worship, etc. The Reformation served to “peel back” over 1000 years of corruption of the faith of Christ’s followers. Fundamentally it comes back to one simple question:
How is a man to be made right with, or reconciled to God?
For the record, OT Israel was still to be saved by LOOKING FORWARD to the Messiah who would atone for their sins -- once and for all. The ceremonial law was only for a particular time & place. Hence the clear response to the Galatian Heresy, circumcision & dietary laws passed away. Acts & the Epistles are abundantly clear, trusting Christ was the one necessity -- as Ephesians 2-3 address the ‘mystery’ that God has also chosen non-Israelites, ‘gentiles’, that He has ONE PEOPLE. That is why the silly “rebuild the temple” stuff from Dispensationalists makes no sense. Apparently they simply have not understood what Paul is writing in his letter to the church at Ephesus.

1 month ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Uttering idle words from a reprobate mind

Clinging to strange promises, dying on the line

Never being able to separate the good from the bad

Ooh, I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it

It’s making me feel so bad.

Dead man, dead man

When will you arise ?

Cobwebs in your mind

Dust upon your eyes.

Satan got you by the heel, there’s bird’s nest in your hair

Do you have any faith at all ? Do you have any love to share ?

The way that you hold you head, cursing God with every move

Ooh, I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it

What are you trying to prove ?

Dead man, dead man

When will you arise ?

Cobwebs in your mind

Dust upon your eyes.

The glamour and the bright lights, and the politics of sin

The ghetto that you build for me is the one you’re living in

The race of the engine that overrules your heart

Ooh, I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it

Pretending that you’re so smart.

Dead man, dead man

When will you arise ?

Cobwebs in your mind

Dust upon your eyes.

What are you trying to overpower me with, the doctrine or the gun ?

My back is already to the wall, where can I run ?

The tuxedo that you’re wearing, the flower in your lapel

Ooh, I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it

You wanna take me down to hell.

Dead man, dead man

When will you arise ?

Cobwebs in your mind

Dust upon your eyes.

Bob Dylan

juan dela cruz
juan dela cruz
1 month ago

personally, I highly trust you sir. nd 2nd your intentions.
i hope the others here do so as well.

Those of us led by The Holy Spirit will respond accordingly. Those that are not, have their own choices.

now, to the subject and thanks for ALL you do sir. At, for, with the site


1 month ago
Reply to  juan dela cruz


1 month ago

Sorry, but Scripture is rather clear about an various flavors of man-made religion. There is ONLY one mediator between God & man, the Man Jesus Christ.
Charles Shultz (creator of Peanuts) was a Christian which many people noted when Linus was given to read the Biblical account of the birth of Christ. But Shultz’s true genius was demonstrated in “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” where Linus is now taking the role of a ‘new-age guru’ who seeks to draw Sally into his new religion. The beauty of this show is the mocking of the idea “it doesn’t matter WHAT you believe, but it’s about the SINCERITY of your faith!” Linus just knows he needs to have THE MOST SINCERE pumpkin patch!
No, it is not about the strength of “your faith” as Christ said that a tiny ‘mustard seed’ amount is sufficient, but it is about WHOM you put your faith into that matters! Pagan religions basically side-step the entire notion of mankind’s fall & rebellion from God. A “muscular Norse paganism” may appeal to a generation raised on “sissy-boy” thinking, but it does NOTHING to reconcile you to God!