There are a lot of people posting B.S. from “credible sources” about how Biden will be in power for 9 weeks, or how the military really is in DC to protect us, or (do I really have to make a 3 page line item list?) I’ll skip that.
I understand that in some cases people can’t come to grips with the fact that everything really is lost. So they post crap about “what is going to happen” and general blah said blah or my lawyer said blah or Sidney released blah or whatever blah blah blah – none of it has merit.
FACT: The communists seized the country. The coup is complete.
And it was well planned, where Obama rigged the military to make sure they went along with it.
It is OVER. Trump is not secretly being president behind the scenes, no one is waiting for anyone to prove how bad they are before they get arrested and the military is not running the country.
People need to come to grips with this, because hopeful stories are paralyzing them like a frogs under a bright light, preventing them from jumping to action.
Sitting still like it is business as usual right now is exactly what the communists want, while they pile more and more and MORE troops into DC to eliminate all danger for them while they shred the country.
That is what the military is there for – to support the coup.
At the bottom the coup has been enforced by kids that got brainwashed by communists primarily in school. Everyone just sat back and let the kids get their brains washed, and now we have the consequences. Communist soldiers that are America’s own kids, enforcing the death of the country. It really meant something. The schools really were important. And got ignored. No one believed this day would come.
To see where America is headed, just look at what the trolls are saying online: Ha ha, Musk can’t play his space games and he was trash anyway, – The MyPillow guy is a seditious former crack addict (after he released truly damning stuff that is anything but sedition) – and now even Time magazine is stating there was a coup, but “it is all for your own good”. Translation: We are shutting the country down, if you even mention what we did, you are a criminal, yes, we did do a coup and you will accept it.
Now the communists who stole the country are doing “good things” to help us like them. There will probably be a (few) bones thrown to appease the masses and “prove” those who did the coup are not all bad. But it will only be a game.
The bottom line is that Mars is canceled and though SpaceX is still flying, it is only to fill government contracts and it won’t be for long.
The bottom line is that the Georgia Guidestones are real.
h/t SteveQuayle
Elon Musk: pay-pal mafia , starlink, Dragon?
Peter Thiel, another connection, and interesting linked in guy to look into.
“Summoning the demon”
He simultaneously gives warning and proceeds forward (anyway?) Names have meanings.
There are no coincidences, strange times, strange world!
Elon Musk: Neuralink Could Start Implanting Chips In Human Brains ‘Later This Year’
Focus people
Focus may be the same as tunnel vision?
Should we not see the whole picture and adjust our focus, our view?
From the above article and so many like it- Those of doom and gloom and never ending despair.
“And no one is doing ANYTHING because “today was like yesterday and I still have time”.
Have you noticed, so many insulting jabs such as this?
Many of us are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing!
And the ones who poke like this, what is it that they are doing?
Mars is cancelled? Well tell me it is not so. What makes man so sure that we have been blessed by Yahuah and have been given access to the stars and universe.
“The bottom line is that the Georgia Guidestones are real.”
So we have mans stated plan, and we have Yahuahs plan and warnings.
Do you see the commonalities and the results of men playing and acting as gods ? Thinking and desiring that they too are Gods is what caused the original fall from heaven!
So Where to make a stand, who to kneel before?
I’ve read a lot of stuff written by people saying that ” we’ll be saved” and
I feel bad for them. Unable or just not wanting to face the truth that “we” are
the last line of defense. We’re it. I don’t want this anymore than anyone else does but I refuse to let my country just roll over and die. We are the line.
Wes, most of that article may very well be true. However, as soon as I clicked over to read the rest of it and saw who the author was; I clicked off. First, the Hal Turner Radio Show is as reliable as ‘Beforeitisnews’ news source. Steve Quayle, Dave Hodges, and Hal Turner, are end of the world news porn sites. (I actually do believe we are in the end of days). I was red-pilled about 13 years ago and have followed, and unfollowed, many many sources in that time. Those names I listed, and a few others unnamed, are poor choices for getting real news and information in alternative media. They have been wrong more times than I have fingers and toes. They are at best click-bait sites looking for ad revenue and at worst, paid controlled opposition.
Brewer excellent points. i do believe we can gain usable intel as long as we are using discernment along the way.
I Saw this article posted on JimStone.Is this morning at 6:30 cst. I think Hal Turner took it from there without citing him. Jim is mostly right on with his posts, though heavily censored. Hal does seem to post clock bait, in my opinion.
You are correct Timothy Tucker…this was on Hal did take it pretty much verbatim and gave zero reference; claiming it as his own. This is part and parcel with the guy unfortunately.
Yes, that was about my reaction too.
Hal Turner? Hal “paid fbi informant” Turner? Of all the sources to state the point therein (which are, frankly, overstated if anything), that kook seems like a dreadful choice. Same for Hodges, Quayle, and the like. They properly criticize a movement named for a certain letter of the alphabet and it’s debunked predictions despite peddling similar predictions (Hodges in particular did this).
Washington is just so much nonsense, the fact remains, you must take care of your self, just like always, since the beginning of time! If any disaster threatens your livelihood, fix it or move! Times are changing. Now is the time to get out of the city or suburb, in to the country and make sure you have water, start a large garden, put in some solar, have a wood stove for cooking or heat, get some animals and become self sufficient! I did it, you can too and I never regretid it. You can do nothing about national politics, you can ensure the continuance of your families welfare!
For goodness sakes don’t read this gloom and doom nonsense. Of course there are no “white hats” coming to save you. You ARE the White Hats. You and the Patriots you have been prepping and training with. Do we not know this? Haven’t folks like you and I been preparing ourselves and others for years?
My younger friends say “No black pills!” There will be trouble and chaos. You can thrive in the chaos and do what you need to do. The fog of war can be a great ally -- use it to your advantage. Chaos and disinfo are great tools. Will they be used against you or will you use them against your enemies? Think propaganda and subversion. There are many tools besides firearms -- but keep those handy.
Please study the Romanian Revolution of 1989. Many lessons to be learned. As the official .gov stories become even more ridiculous you will gain more friends. Gather intel starting yesterday. Or last year.
Best Regards,
Red in OleVirginny
Right now, I am in Texas visiting my daughter and son-in-law and I’m trying to talk to him to raise awareness about some of the things that are going on that he needs to be aware of. And he is aware of those things but he chooses not to think about them. He wants to live his life to the fullest because he has no control over what is happening in politics and so he is going to plays with his toys, spend hours watching fishing and motocross shows and hope for good weather to take out his fifth wheel. He has guns but they are just another one of his toys. I’m appalled because even though I am a Christian and am secure in that fact, I choose to proactively fight for freedom and not let the communist enemies within and without destroy our country. I choose to take aggressive action. I never dreamed that I would be a part of a militia but that time has come. We have reached the defining moment where our choice to be free or subservient lemmings is here. I choose to fight.
[…] (Via Wes Rhinier) […]
Let me ask you something? If my name was at the end of this article as the Author would you have cared where it came from? There is a lot of truth in this article and is the reason I shared it. Truth needs to be shared when the truth is written/spoke.
Is it ok to discriminate the Truth from the lies or sensationalism?
Should we not comment or talk amongst ourselves?
Turner and a lot of others in the “Doom Pron” crowd are, IMO, just more Deep State Shills like the (Q) Psyop. (((they))) Play ‘both Sides against the Middle’ with stuff like this, along with the (judeo-)christian “End Times” nuts.
All of this Propaganda is done to DIVERT YOUR ATTENTION to what is in Front of You, i.e. “No None is Coming to Save You” and what You need to be doing to be ready for (un)Civil War, of a Type and Scale never before seem on this Planet.
To better understand, and Fight, (((communism))) You need to seek out and Read books about the (((bolshevik))) Coup in Russia, and the same Events in the 20’s and 30’s in Germany, where the rise of the National Socialist Party was a Reaction to the Economic Crisis foisted on them by the (((moneychangers))).
Start your Understanding Here:
These same “communists” are running the Exact Same ‘play’ Here and Now in America. The ‘purge’ of Patriots (a.k.a White Men) from the Military is the VERY FIRST STEP in a bolshevik takeover of a Nation. Rounding Up of ‘political opponents’ is the Next.
(((they))) have already Announced these measures are being put into place.
Killing Communists is the Only Way Forward now.
Parantheses-posting like it’s 2015, oh how very stunning and brave, hats off to you.
“No one is coming to save you!”
This seems to be a reoccurring theme.
i am not and have not been ‘waiting’ for someone to come save me, i am not calling for a physical king.
“No one is coming to save you!”
i look at this as a good thing, i do not need to be saved, as i have been already saved, as Paul said, ” But i am Free born.”
We see what those who come to save are about, we see what those who have all the answers are about, perhaps it is time to look at the real war?
The Spiritual side of things?
“No one is coming to save you!”
“I understand that in some cases people can’t come to grips with the fact that everything really is lost.”
Is it? Is everything lost?
Or have you been listening to the machine?
Ezekiel 3:17-19
“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul.
Now is the time to stand up to evil. God never asks us to submit to evil. The consequences of not warning people are clearly spelled out.
“Now is the time to stand up to evil. God never asks us to submit to evil. The consequences of not warning people are clearly spelled out.”
At no point have i ever suggested otherwise. Your reply has nothing to do with what i said.
Where in the hell does “everything is lost come from? The whining the moaning the complaining?